
Eternity's Dragon Emperor

Young Lin Chen, ensnared in treachery, the fantastic beast slaughtered, was cruelly disparaged by the woman he once rejected. At the unspeakable moment of shame, the seal within his body shattered, and the nine monstrous chaotic dragons emerged, terrifying the Gods and Buddhas of the heavens! Henceforth, before me, the Great Emperor, is but a grain of sand, I am the Dragon Emperor, invincible throughout the cosmos!

pakei66 · Eastern
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150 Chs

(Chapter 144)A Good Bird Chooses a Tree to Roost In

Meng Dongsheng is one of the most renowned talents in the Dongyuan Domain today. As a cultivator at the third level of the Heavenly Spirit Realm, his abilities are on par with some formidable elders.

Meng Dongsheng ambled into the hall, a faint smile on his face. Following him was a portly, aged man dressed in a luxurious robe, exuding an air of elegance.

The guests exchanged gasps as their eyes rested on the elderly man.

"Isn't that Master Zhang Lu, the fifth-level spiritual pattern master from Dongjian Pavilion?"

"He's...Zhang Lu!" exclaimed astonished guests.

Zhang Lu was renowned throughout the Dongyuan Domain as a true master. He held a prestigious position within Dongjian Pavilion and would rarely condescend to assist in trivial matters.

Meng Dongsheng's invitation to Zhang Lu suggested a serious intent to treat the hidden illness afflicting Lan Ao's only son.

Many remarked that Dongjian Pavilion had long desired to curry favor with Qixin City, but their overtures had been met with resistance. This time, they even dispatched Zhang Lu to treat Lan Ao's son.

If Zhang Lu's treatment proved successful, Lan Ao would be hard-pressed to reject their advances.

"Master Meng! Master Zhang Lu!"

Lan Ao's eyes gleamed with excitement upon seeing Zhang Lu. If Zhang Lu intervened, his son's chances of recovery would be significantly enhanced.

"I have heard that Young Master Lan has been grievously injured. Upon learning of this, my master specially invited Master Zhang Lu to attend to his illness," Meng Dongsheng announced, his demeanor impeccable.

"Please take a seat," Lan Ao urged, promptly arranging for the two esteemed guests to be seated.

His delight at Zhang Lu's arrival was evident.

Lin Chen, seated at a distance, narrowed his eyes. A fifth-level spiritual pattern master like Zhang Lu possessed the skill and experience to heal Lan Ao's son.

If Zhang Lu were to succeed before Lin Chen, it would weaken his bargaining power with Lan Ao. The situation would become increasingly unfavorable for him.

"The young master is currently resting. Please do not be alarmed," Lan Ao said with a smile. "Let us gather for a feast to acknowledge the tireless efforts of our distant guests."

The atmosphere grew increasingly jovial as guests raised their glasses and engaged in spirited conversation.

Lan Ao, who rarely indulged in alcohol, found himself enjoying a few drinks on this special occasion.

Meng Dongsheng smiled inwardly. Dongjian Pavilion's intention behind sending Zhang Lu was clear: to heal the young master of the Lan family by any means necessary, thereby winning Lan Ao's favor and establishing an alliance with Qixin City.

Qixin City occupied a strategic location as a crossroads for several important trade routes within the Dongyuan Domain. Additionally, its formidable military strength ranked it among the most prominent cities.

Its allegiance would be a significant boon for Dongjian Pavilion.

Lin Chen remained indifferent, his chopsticks untouched. His sister's precarious condition and the unresolved situation prevented him from fully enjoying the festivities.

As the atmosphere reached a fever pitch, Meng Dongsheng rose slowly to his feet. "Today is a momentous occasion," he said with a smile. "Allow me to serenade Lord Blue City with a song as a token of my felicitations."

"I have heard that Master Meng is an exceptional musician," remarked the guests.

"Indeed, his musical prowess rivals his martial arts abilities," another agreed.

"It is said that his melodies have guided several individuals to spiritual breakthroughs. Can this be true?"

"It is true. The sounds of his music amplify spiritual energy."

Meng Dongsheng approached a guqin, adjusted his robe, and sat gracefully.

His demeanor underwent a subtle transformation as he placed his hands on the strings and began to pluck them swiftly.

The cascading melodies filled the air with a vast and majestic force, invoking the image of an imposing mountain range. The peaks soared heavenward like coiled dragons, dwarfing all who stood beneath their shadow.

Abruptly, the music shifted in tone, becoming piercing and sharp. A radiant light enveloped Meng Dongsheng, transforming him into a radiant sun.

The blinding brilliance forced the guests to shield their eyes. Within the piercing melody, they could faintly discern the roars of tigers and dragons.

Some of the guests with weaker willpower succumbed to illusions, their minds filled with visions of shimmering swords and overwhelming killing intent.

Lin Chen listened intently, his brow furrowed. The music emanated a formidable spiritual will capable of influencing the minds of listeners.

Meng Dongsheng, a formidable beast master, possessed an equally formidable mind. It was evident that he had invested considerable effort in honing his musical skills.

After years of practice, he had developed the ability to channel his spiritual energy into his music.

As the performance concluded, Meng Dongsheng rose to his feet with a bow. "Thank you for listening to my humble composition," he said.

Warm applause erupted around the room. The music had been truly extraordinary, its power and majesty undeniable.

Lan Ao applauded enthusiastically. "I raise this toast to the recent events in the Dongyuan Territory," he announced. "Just two days ago, the Chu family hosted an invitational tournament. Many gifted individuals participated, but victory ultimately belonged to a genius from the Five Kingdoms who surpassed all others."

A subtle tension filled the air as he spoke. The victor of the tournament hailed from the Lihuo Sect, Meng Dongsheng's former affiliation.

Meng Dongsheng smiled nonchalantly. "I am aware of this matter. The Lihuo Sect disciple emerged victorious against numerous prodigies in Lingyu City. Furthermore, he even defeated Tianhua Sect's Hu Mu," he remarked, turning his gaze to Ning Hezhi.

Ning Hezhi's expression darkened. "Hu Mu underestimated his opponent..." he said reluctantly.

The guests gasped in astonishment. The Lihuo Sect disciple was formidable indeed, even besting Hu Mu in combat.

Meng Dongsheng continued, "I cannot help but admire that young man. He shares my Lihuo Sect heritage, yet he has chosen a misguided path. It is a tragedy."

His words hinted at no regret over his own betrayal, but rather a sense of pride.

In Meng Dongsheng's eyes, his actions were not treasonous.

A good bird chooses the best tree to nest in.

The same applied to himself.

Lin Chen, seated below the stage, felt a surge of anger at Meng Dongsheng's words. Having visited Duan Tianya, he despised Meng Dongsheng's arrogant demeanor.

Meng Dongsheng's every utterance dripped with superiority, as if mocking the seventy-two valiant warriors of Duan Tianya who had fought and died for the sect.

He had abandoned his comrades and now dared to speak ill of those who had sacrificed their lives for their beliefs.

Meng Dongsheng's shamelessness astounded him.

Yet, none in attendance dared to challenge him, instead nodding in agreement with his sentiments.