
Eternity's Dragon Emperor

Young Lin Chen, ensnared in treachery, the fantastic beast slaughtered, was cruelly disparaged by the woman he once rejected. At the unspeakable moment of shame, the seal within his body shattered, and the nine monstrous chaotic dragons emerged, terrifying the Gods and Buddhas of the heavens! Henceforth, before me, the Great Emperor, is but a grain of sand, I am the Dragon Emperor, invincible throughout the cosmos!

pakei66 · Eastern
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150 Chs

(Chapter 140)Cold Poison Outbreak!

Lin Chen's eyes flashed with cold indifference as he rapidly descended the mountain.

Despite his usual composure, he understood that he was currently no match for Meng Dongsheng.

Meng Dongsheng's strength had long surpassed the Heavenly Spirit Realm, reaching at least the second level by now. Additionally, Dongjiange disciples were undoubtedly lurking nearby. Engaging in a fight would prove extremely problematic.

Lin Chen rushed down the mountain with lightning speed, turning to face the sprawling vista with a piercing gaze. "I, Lin Chen, swear to avenge this heinous act today! One day, in the name of the Lihuo Sect, I will make Dongjiange pay for their crimes in blood!"

With that, he mounted his horse and prepared to return to the land of the Five Kingdoms.

However, an envelope within his spatial ring suddenly began to glow.

Startled, Lin Chen retrieved the envelope, recalling that it had been given to him by Su Yuwei. The envelope bore intricate spiritual patterns, which would activate and display a message in the event of an emergency.


As the light illuminated the envelope, lines of text emerged.

"Lin Chen, the cold poison within your sister's body has suddenly erupted. I cannot suppress it with my spiritual patterns. This is the doing of Dongjiange Pavilion! They have clearly detected the maturation of her sword bone and have activated the cold poison to render her comatose, facilitating their cultivation of the sword bone's power!"

The handwriting had become somewhat distorted, indicating Su Yuwei's urgent distress.


Lin Chen's mind exploded with rage, as if a volcano had erupted within him.

A bone-chilling murderous intent gradually ignited within his eyes. Damn them! Damn them to hell!

His face contorted in fury. Dongjiange, how cruel you are!

Lin Chen's eyes blazed red with anger. The rage within his heart could no longer be contained.


Just as he was about to lose control, Lin Chen gritted his teeth.

He forcibly calmed his emotions, relying on his indomitable will. 'If I rush to Dongjiange now, I will not only risk my own life but also fail to save my sister.'

Clenching his jaw, Lin Chen turned towards the Chu family. The Chu family was a renowned aristocratic family in the Eastern Abyss Territory and might possess a solution!

Faster! Faster!

Halfway through his journey, another line of words appeared.

"I have suppressed the cold poison outbreak with spiritual patterns, but... I can only sustain it for three days at most. If she receives no treatment within this timeframe, your sister will fall into a permanent coma, becoming a living dead with no hope of awakening. However, the sword bone will mature rapidly during this process, and they will arrive to retrieve it within a month at the latest!"

This message too conveyed an overwhelming sense of urgency.

"Three days?"

Lin Chen's heart sank slightly upon reading this. Fortunately, there was still a chance.

Although the time constraint was extremely tight, it was still sufficient if there was a way out.

The journey was relentless, without a moment of respite.

As Lin Chen reached the outskirts of Lingyu City, his exhausted horse collapsed to the ground.

Lin Chen paid it no heed, dismounting and sprinting towards the Chu family.


Two guards at the Chu family gate narrowed their eyes as they witnessed a figure rapidly approaching.


With a thunderous force, Lin Chen shattered the gate and stormed inside.

"Brother Chu!"

His voice echoed throughout the courtyard as he summoned Chu Hao.

Chu Hao rushed out in haste. Seeing Lin Chen's anxious demeanor, his expression changed. "What has happened?"

He knew that only an emergency could have prompted Lin Chen's uncharacteristic urgency.

Moreover, Lin Chen was typically composed, with few matters capable of causing such distress.

"Brother Chu, do you know any miraculous healers or advanced spiritual pattern masters?"

Lin Chen wasted no time in recounting his sister's plight to Chu Hao.

"The cold poison has suddenly erupted?"

Chu Hao was taken aback. "I am somewhat familiar with this cold poison method. I had assumed that Junior Sister would be able to suppress it with spiritual patterns, but I never expected... not even spiritual patterns could hold it back!"

"Is there any way out?"

Lin Chen's eyes burned with anxiety. "Within three days at most, my sister will fall into a permanent coma if a solution is not found!"

"Do not worry, let me consider."

Chu Hao pressed his hand to his forehead, his gaze darkening.

He searched his memory for any knowledge related to this cold poison.

Moments later, Chu Hao lifted his head and spoke in a low voice, "There is one method we can attempt!"

"Brother Chu, tell me quickly."

At that moment, Lin Chen clung to a glimmer of hope. He was prepared to try anything.

"With this token, you can seek the assistance of your second senior brother. His sect is a powerful one, teeming with capable individuals. However, the three-day deadline is too tight for this method to succeed. We must find an alternative solution... tracing the poison's origin and resolving it from the root."

Chu Hao elaborated, "Zhong Wen, the master of Dongjiang Pavilion, once studied poison under the City Lord of Seven Hearts City in his early years. This cold poison was likely taught to him by that City Lord. While it is impossible to confront Zhong Wen directly for an antidote, we can bypass him and approach the City Lord of Seven Hearts City. If we can convince him to assist us, there is a high likelihood that he will be able to remove the cold poison from your sister!"

"Seven Hearts City, City Lord?"

Lin Chen's eyes narrowed. He had just come from Seven Hearts City and did not anticipate having to return.

Nonetheless, if it meant finding a way to save his sister, he would do whatever it took.

"Do not leave in a hurry. I will provide you with some necessary information."

Chu Hao took a deep breath. "The City Lord of Seven Hearts City is named Lan Ao. His strength is estimated to be around the fifth level of the Heavenly Spirit Realm. He does not align himself with any particular faction, making him a target of many who seek to gain his favor. Persuading him to help you will not be easy, but we can attempt our luck."

"Come, follow me!"

With that, Chu Hao led Lin Chen to the Chu family treasury.

Moments later, he retrieved a pill from the treasury's depths.

The pill was encased within an intricate brocade box, exuding a delicate aura.

"Lan Ao's only son was severely injured in a recent battle, resulting in a decline in his cultivation realm. Lan Ao is desperate to find a cure for his son's condition. This is one of only five such pills in the possession of our Chu family. It is known as the Wind Spirit Consolidation Pill and has the ability to heal hidden injuries and stabilize cultivation realms."

Chu Hao's voice carried a sense of urgency. "Depart for Seven Hearts City immediately and seize this opportunity to enter the City Lord's Mansion."


Lin Chen composed himself and inquired.

"Today is Lan Ao's birthday," Chu Hao explained. "Numerous forces will be present to pay their respects. You can capitalize on this event to gain access to the City Lord's Mansion. As for whether he will extend his assistance... that remains uncertain!"

"Brother Chu, I cannot thank you enough."

Lin Chen accepted the pill, engraving the Chu family's kindness upon his heart.