
Eternity's Dragon Emperor

Young Lin Chen, ensnared in treachery, the fantastic beast slaughtered, was cruelly disparaged by the woman he once rejected. At the unspeakable moment of shame, the seal within his body shattered, and the nine monstrous chaotic dragons emerged, terrifying the Gods and Buddhas of the heavens! Henceforth, before me, the Great Emperor, is but a grain of sand, I am the Dragon Emperor, invincible throughout the cosmos!

pakei66 · Eastern
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150 Chs

(Chapter 138)Blood Sword Master!

Lin Chen was just joking.

Tuntun ate so much spirit jade last night, he's really too gluttonous.

Anyway, Chu Hao isn't an outsider, how could he stand on ceremony in front of his own people?

"Eat up, eat as much as you want, I'll tell the chef to make some more."

Chu Hao's gaze landed on Tuntun, his smile broadening as he spoke. "Lin Chen, what I inherited from my master are some profound methods for controlling spirit beasts. He instructed me on identifying, cultivating, and controlling spirit beasts, and every bit of this knowledge is priceless..."

After a pause, he continued, "I find your little sapling rather intriguing. Would you mind if I explore his aptitude?"

"Can you still appraise spirit beast aptitude?"

Upon hearing this, Lin Chen couldn't help but look surprised. "Isn't a spirit beast's aptitude already reflected in their level? As a Tier 6, it can be considered... not quite the best, but better than most."

"It's not just that."

Chu Hao said slowly, "Depending on the spirit beast's species, there are different classifications. Let me ask you, if you compare two Tier 6 spirit beasts, one with the bloodline of a true dragon and one that's an ordinary beast, which do you think would be stronger?"

"Naturally, the dragon."

Lin Chen nodded. Given the same level, a spirit beast's bloodline and natural talent would naturally account for a significant portion.

"That's where I come in."

Chu Hao smiled brightly. "Ever since watching you fight yesterday, I've realized this spirit beast is extraordinary."

"Brother Chu, please feel free!"

Lin Chen picked up Tuntun, who was still indulging in the feast, and passed him over to Chu Hao.

"Can you be gentler? I'm still eating..."

Tuntun always kept some snacks in his hand, unwilling to let go for a moment.

"Don't worry, it will be over soon."

Chu Hao instilled a bit of his consciousness into Tuntun's body.

A spirit beast's aptitude and strength are first and foremost reflected in the Dantian in their body.

The larger the Dantian, the more spiritual energy it can hold, indicating greater natural talent.

Of course, this is not the only determining factor, merely one of the criteria.

"Well, this Sweet Osmanthus Cake is delicious, I'll have another one later..."

"And this, what's this called?"

Lin Chen, also feeling a little hungry, began to sample various pastries.

It must be said that the Chu family's chefs were indeed highly skilled!

However, Lin Chen waited a long while, and still had not received a response from Chu Hao.

Unable to contain his curiosity, he looked up.

Chu Hao's pupils were violently constricted, and he was frozen in place, his hand still resting on Tuntun.

Strangely enough, he didn't even seem to blink.

"Alright, alright, this really is troublesome!"

Tuntun was growing a little impatient, and soon, he couldn't hold back any longer. One hand transformed into a vine, snatching a plate of snacks before his eyes, which he promptly stuffed into his mouth.

"This... this Dantian..."

Chu Hao muttered to himself. After instilling his consciousness into Tuntun, what he discovered far surpassed his imagination.

Why did this little sapling possess such a massive Dantian?

The Dantian within its body seemed like an endless, boundless Milky Way, so vast and expansive that its limits were nowhere to be seen.

How much spiritual energy could such an exaggerated Dantian accommodate?

Not only the Dantian, but even the meridians throughout its body were as wide as a dragon's!

Such a physique was unheard of and unseen, and Chu Hao was utterly stunned.

He rubbed his eyes and checked again.

That's right!

The Dantian was magnificent and broad, like the Milky Way hanging upside down in the sky!

'The Dantian and meridians are exaggerated enough, but what about other aspects?

Chu Hao swiftly employed the secret method passed down by Lin Tianming to continue exploring other aspects of Tuntun.


Wave after wave of shock coursed through his consciousness.

Chu Hao's entire body froze in place.

Too... too exaggerated!

"Brother Chu, how's your investigation?"

Lin Chen looked puzzled.


Chu Hao drew in a sharp breath, solemnly placing Tuntun back on the table as he spoke each word with emphasis. "This aptitude is the most exaggerated I've ever seen. All I can say, Lin Chen, he will become your greatest opportunity in life!"

Upon hearing this, Tuntun couldn't help but pause his snacking, casting a proud glance towards Lin Chen.

His expression seemed to say, 'Boy, how about that?

Lin Chen curled his lips secretly.

Your greatest opportunity in life?


There were still eight eggs in my spirit space!

Wouldn't any one of them surpass this glutton?

"Remember, never let others explore your spirit beast. In the future, he will definitely reach a stage beyond your wildest imagination! Once ordinary people explore his secrets, they will definitely become jealous!"

Chu Hao's expression was unusually serious, and his words carried great sincerity.

"Okay, Brother Chu, I understand."

Lin Chen nodded slightly.

After all, Chu Hao had good intentions.

"By the way, Brother Chu, I came over this time to bid you farewell as well."

A glint flashed across Lin Chen's eyes. "After coming to the Eastern Plains, I've realized that I'm still too weak. I have to work hard to improve my cultivation once I go back. By the time we next reunite, I will have possibly already reached the Spiritual Infant Realm!"

"Alright, you can always come to the Chu family to find me if you need help."

Chu Hao knew that Lin Chen was an independent individual and he naturally respected his decision.

"However, before leaving the Eastern Plains, you should go to Duan Tianya."

Chu Hao hesitated for a moment before continuing. "Only by witnessing that tragic scene firsthand will you be further motivated to fight!"

"That's exactly what I intended."

Before leaving, Lin Chen packed some snacks to enjoy on his journey.

"Take this token."

When saying farewell to Lin Chen, Chu Hao took out a blood-red token from his ring.


The moment the token was revealed, an extremely strong bloodlust erupted. The token was covered in formidable patterns that radiated a ferocious aura. Just a glance seemed to drag one into mountains of corpses and seas of blood, ensnared by countless resentful spirits.

Lin Chen was momentarily dazed.

His soul had nearly been sucked away by this token.

"This is..."

After regaining his composure, a flash of surprise flickered in Lin Chen's eyes. "Brother Chu, how did you come to possess a pendant with such a strong killing intent?"

Lin Chen had experienced many battles and was well acquainted with the atmosphere of a battlefield. He could recognize at a glance that this pendant was not ordinary.

The reason it exuded such a powerful killing intent was because it had been tainted with too much blood!

How many people had to be killed to stain a pendant like this?

"This is the pendant worn by your second senior brother. I followed your second senior brother for many years and it is... well, it has indeed accumulated quite a heavy sin of killing. But don't get me wrong, although your second senior brother has a cold temperament, he is by no means indiscriminate in his killing, he does not harm the innocent!"

Chu Hao coughed lightly and explained, "Holding this pendant is akin to having your second senior brother present. When faced with danger, you can use this pendant to deter the other party. As long as they have heard of the name 'Blood Sword Master', they should not dare to continue making things difficult for you."

"Blood Sword Master?"

A hint of excitement sparkled in Lin Chen's eyes.

Indeed, this title was domineering!