
Eternity's Dragon Emperor

Young Lin Chen, ensnared in treachery, the fantastic beast slaughtered, was cruelly disparaged by the woman he once rejected. At the unspeakable moment of shame, the seal within his body shattered, and the nine monstrous chaotic dragons emerged, terrifying the Gods and Buddhas of the heavens! Henceforth, before me, the Great Emperor, is but a grain of sand, I am the Dragon Emperor, invincible throughout the cosmos!

pakei66 · Eastern
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150 Chs

(Chapter 126)Kill Chen Zilei!

At this moment, Chen Zilei was filled with terror!

His treasured Hanyun Sword was useless against Lin Chen.

It shattered with one attack!

Why did this kid possess such terrifying power?

Just as Chen Zilei wanted to investigate further, the giant hammer in front of him swung down again like a towering mountain. Its divine might threatened to crush everything beneath it.


Waves of air struck him one after another, making Chen Zilei's legs go weak and almost causing him to collapse.

Gritting his teeth, he raised his hands before him.


The golden armor glowed as the 'Golden Armor Pattern' activated.

After all, the 'Golden Armor Pattern' was a fourth-level spiritual pattern with impressive power.

Against Lin Chen's hammer, light emanated from the golden armor, protecting him. However, the 'Golden Armor Pattern' couldn't completely negate the force and could only block a portion of it.


Chen Zilei was forced back dozens of steps, his expression darkening.

His arms felt numb.

Lin Chen didn't pursue him, instead standing still.

Hefting the Tianyuan Hammer onto his shoulder, he chuckled, "What's wrong? Is that all you've got? I only used 70% of my strength!"

Hearing this, Chen Zilei's face flushed red with anger.


Unable to contain his rage, he vomited a mouthful of blood, his body trembling.

This kid dared to continue provoking him!

He deserved to die!

In the audience, the Chen family elder's expression was unsightly.

He had never imagined that Chen Zilei would be forced into such an embarrassing situation by Lin Chen!

"I'll kill you!"

Chen Zilei roared, "Heavenly martial arts, Blazing Fire Palm!"


Purple flames filled his palm, forming a terrifying ball of light that shot towards Lin Chen.

Wherever the flames passed, even the void distorted.

Regardless of what Chen Zilei said, his cultivation had reached the peak of the tenth level of the Earth Spirit Realm. In terms of spiritual energy, he far surpassed Lin Chen.

The flames enveloping Chen Zilei's palm surged with immense power!

This palm technique itself possessed formidable might, compounded by the purple flame condensed from spiritual energy. If struck, even the physical body might not withstand the scorching heat!

The consequences would be unimaginable!

Just as the palm was about to land, Lin Chen suddenly threw a punch.

Extremely fast!


This punch employed the 'Dragon Jade Hand'.

His arm became as translucent as jade, infused with terrifying dragon power, and it collided with Chen Zilei's palm!


The purple flames shattered from the impact, and the punch landed squarely.


A bone-cracking sound echoed as Chen Zilei screamed in agony and withdrew his hand.

Upon closer inspection, the bones in his entire palm were shattered, and his flesh and blood were mangled.

At this moment, Lin Chen's eyes flickered with killing intent.

From the beginning, he had no intention of letting the other party go.

"Stele Splitting Palm!"

Lin Chen's movements were enigmatic as he lunged forward, his strength surging violently. He struck Chen Zilei hard with his palm.

A burst of shattering sound reverberated through the void!

Even the toughest of rocks would be unable to withstand the force of this palm.

How could Chen Zilei endure it?

"Brat, do you think that's all I have?"

Chen Zilei's eyes flickered as he activated the 'Golden Armor Pattern' on one side and the 'Hidden Sword Pattern' on the other.


A sharp sword energy shot out from the scroll, creating a "chichi" sound in the void. The powerful wind was torn apart by this sword energy with ease!

This sword energy was exceptionally swift, making it difficult to react.

Lin Chen's gaze turned cold, having anticipated that the other party had a backup plan.

In that instant, he refused to withdraw the Stele Splitting Palm and collided head-on with the sword energy.


The sword energy was shattered in an instant, but Lin Chen wasn't unscathed either.

A bloody hole was pierced through his palm by the sword energy, causing intense pain.

However, his expression remained unchanged, and his entire body radiated a powerful killing intent, as if he had transformed into a murderous god from hell.

Despite the pain, Lin Chen lifted his hand and struck forward!

Following the punch, the spiritual energy in the void condensed into the shadow of a towering tree.


The giant tree shadow struck Chen Zilei's abdomen with full force, sending him flying.

Immediately afterward, Lin Chen bent down and placed his hands on the ground.

A faint cyan light erupted from his entire body.

At this moment, the 'Ten Thousand Wood Upright Body' unleashed its full power!


A sharp wooden spear erupted from the ground of the arena and stabbed Chen Zilei's waist with a "puff" sound.


The 'Golden Armor Pattern' activated once more, blocking this attack.

Chen Zilei's figure collapsed to the ground in a panic. Before he could react, several more wooden spears appeared in succession.




Chen Zilei's body was pierced with wooden spears.

The golden light grew increasingly faint.

Even though the 'Golden Armor Pattern' was a fourth-level spiritual pattern, it had a limited amount of energy.

It couldn't possibly defend Chen Zilei from an endless barrage of attacks!

'At this rate, I'm doomed.'

Chen Zilei's pupils dilated in anger as he sensed an irresistible force from his opponent.

He couldn't understand how a youth whose cultivation was far inferior to his own could burst forth with such formidable combat prowess!

It defied all logic!


Facts didn't allow Chen Zilei any time to dwell on it.

The 'Golden Armor Pattern' finally shattered under the relentless onslaught!

Chen Zilei's pupils constricted violently as he drew a deep breath. His figure instantly vanished into the void.

The 'Hidden Sword Pattern' contained three sword energies.

Each strike possessed immense power!

Even Lin Chen's robust physique had been wounded by the previous sword energy.

'As long as I make good use of this Hidden Sword Pattern, I'll definitely kill him!'

Chen Zilei thought in his heart.

As he gathered his breath and prepared to find an opportunity to strike, he was met with a terrifying gale.

Looking up, he saw Lin Chen wielding the Tianyuan Hammer with both hands, exuding an overwhelming force.

Unstoppable and irresistible!

It was utterly terrifying!

Horrified, Chen Zilei realized he couldn't escape.

Hence, he could only infuse his spiritual energy into the flames and launch them forward with a punch!

Following that, he activated the remaining two sword energies instantly.

'Brat, even if you can injure me, this attack of mine will end your life!'

Killing intent surged in Chen Zilei's eyes.

As long as he could withstand this hammer blow, the two sword energies would surely kill Lin Chen!


However, reality didn't unfold as he had imagined.

Lin Chen's hammer stirred up the wind and clouds. Under the crushing force of the airwaves, Chen Zilei's body was pulverized!


A wave of terror shook the entire area.

The ground of the viewing platform shattered into pieces!

Dead...is he really dead?

The entire arena fell silent for a moment, devoid of any sound.
