
Eternity's Dragon Emperor

Young Lin Chen, ensnared in treachery, the fantastic beast slaughtered, was cruelly disparaged by the woman he once rejected. At the unspeakable moment of shame, the seal within his body shattered, and the nine monstrous chaotic dragons emerged, terrifying the Gods and Buddhas of the heavens! Henceforth, before me, the Great Emperor, is but a grain of sand, I am the Dragon Emperor, invincible throughout the cosmos!

pakei66 · Eastern
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150 Chs

(Chapter 122)I Am Someone You Can Never Offend!

Lin Chen's voice rang out.

His patience was running thin due to the other party's relentless harassment.

It was quite amusing!

Cheng Yan had abandoned Liu Jiaojiao and Zhang Ning yesterday, fearing Chen Zilei.

As a friend, an event organizer, and most importantly, a man.

Cheng Yan's actions were truly despicable!

"What's more, you claimed you would leave, yet you continue to prance around before me. How repugnant!"

Cheng Yan let out a chuckle, "I may be unaware of how you escaped yesterday, but as a lowly pariah in the Five Kingdoms, you don't even have the right to speak to me!"


Lin Chen dismissed Cheng Yan and began counting down.

"Jiaojiao, don't say I'm not giving you face. This despicable creature dares to humiliate me. My Japanese master shall kill him today!"

Cheng Yan bellowed, "Lin Chen, get down and die!"


Lin Chen gazed at Cheng Yan from within the carriage.

A murderous intent was gathering in his eyes.

"Does this kid think he has lived for too long?"

Tun Tun let out an arrogant sigh, "As I've said before, provoking anyone is fine, but not this God of Death!"

Liu Jiaojiao's heart skipped a beat at these words.

"Get down!"

Cheng Yan's eyes gleamed with menace, drawing the attention of those nearby.

"Isn't... Isn't that the young master of the Cheng Shop?"

"Yes, that's him, Cheng Yan!"

"He's actually stopped the general's carriage!"

"Oh, this is going to be good!"

Some onlookers witnessed the scene and hurried over, their eyes sparkling with excitement.

Today was a special day. The Chu family's invitational tournament was about to begin, and exceptional individuals from all over would gather in the central square of Lingyu City to compete.

Unexpectedly, such a ridiculous event occurred along the way.


Lin Chen's gaze grew increasingly intense.

He reached out and lifted the curtain, striding out of the carriage.

As promised, he had given three chances!

The three chances had now expired.

Since the other party did not value them, there was nothing more to say.

"Brat, I've wanted to teach you a lesson for a long time. Coming from such a lowly background, you dare to flaunt your arrogance before me. Where do you get the courage?"

A sharp glint entered Cheng Yan's eyes. He extended a finger and said, "Let's do this. If you can withstand three of my moves, I will spare your life and allow you to linger for a while. How about that?"

The corners of Lin Chen's mouth curled into a smirk.

He sprang into action!

An astonishing speed!


Lin Chen struck out with a palm, the force creating a whistling sound that tore through the air.

A fierce force surged through the void, striking Cheng Yan's shoulder with lightning speed!


Cheng Yan felt a bolt of pain shoot through his arm before he could react.

Excruciating pain wracked his mind and spread throughout his body.


Cheng Yan let out a scream and stumbled backward several steps.

He looked at his arm and was horrified to find his right arm hanging limply, the bones within shattered.

The force contained in that palm was so formidable that it filled him with despair.

How could this be?

Cheng Yan's mind was filled with disbelief.

His pupils constricted, and his cheeks trembled as he tried to shake off the fear.

This was no dream. It was real!

No, why?

Why was he, a lowly pariah, so powerful?

"Who... Who are you?"

Cheng Yan gritted his teeth, his words barely audible.

He suppressed the panic in his heart, attempting to conceal it.

However, his lips continued to tremble.

It was impossible for a lowly pariah to possess such strength!

"You ask, who am I?"

Lin Chen couldn't help but scoff when he heard Cheng Yan's question.

In that instant, his entire demeanor changed.

His eyes became arrogant, unrestrained, and aloof.

As if he had transformed into a celestial dragon soaring above the billions, his aura was terrifying, his voice as thunderous as the heavens, "I... am someone you can never offend!"

Lin Chen invoked the awe-inspiring aura he had absorbed from Tun Tun, causing the hearts of all onlookers to pound.

It was as if they were witnessing a savage beast baring its fangs and claws, its rage threatening to devour the world.


Cheng Yan's face went pale, and he collapsed onto the ground in fear.

His eyes were filled with terror and dread.

"This time, only one of your arms has been disabled."

Lin Chen's eyes were cold, his voice as sharp as a razor, "If there is a next time, I will kill you without hesitation!"

These words carried an intense killing intent!

Cheng Yan huddled up, his eyes wide with fear, like a terrified rabbit.

"Let's go."

Lin Chen calmly re-entered the carriage.

The onlookers made way for him as they watched the carriage depart.

Cheng Yan was left alone, sitting blankly on the ground.

Everyone pointed at him and whispered.

Cheng Yan's fragile emotions crumbled completely.

Inside the carriage.

"You're not as skilled as him, but you defeated him in one move. How... How did you do it?"

Liu Jiaojiao couldn't hold back her curiosity any longer.

A searching gaze flashed in her beautiful eyes.

"Battle prowess."

Lin Chen smiled calmly, "Realm is not the sole measure of strength. Some talented individuals with exceptional combat prowess can surpass their level. Otherwise, how could I have killed Chen Lingfeng?"

"That's true."

Liu Jiaojiao nodded slightly and asked softly, "So, are you aiming to make a name for yourself in this invitational tournament?"

"No, I'm just here to accumulate some resources."

Lin Chen looked into the distance and said resolutely, "The Chu family is known for its generosity. The top prize will come with many treasures. I've already spent Master Liu's money to acquire some spiritual weapons. When I return, I'll be sure to repay him double!"

Liu Jiaojiao: "..."

Participating in an invitational tournament just to acquire resources?

One had to be incredibly confident to make such a claim!

The carriage continued forward, soon arriving at the central square of Lingyu City.

The central square was a vast arena. Practitioners often engaged in competitions there, creating a lively atmosphere.

This invitational tournament was to be held at this arena!

A large number of cultivators had already gathered around the square, their eyes sparkling with anticipation!

Excitement surged through the crowd.

Rumors spread that two of the Four Masters of TECO would be participating in this tournament!

Chen Zilei, the Second Master of the Chen family.

Duan Huaze from Tianyizong.

Chu Yinfei, the Third Master of the Chu family.

These three prodigies were the frontrunners for victory!

Standing on the arena, Chu Hao observed the crowd with an indifferent expression.

Some time ago, he had been perplexed by Lin Chen's absence. It wasn't until yesterday when news arrived from Guanyue Tower, that a young man had entered holding his identity token, that he finally understood. Tsk tsk, he truly is a hot-blooded youth!