
Eternity's Dragon Emperor

Young Lin Chen, ensnared in treachery, the fantastic beast slaughtered, was cruelly disparaged by the woman he once rejected. At the unspeakable moment of shame, the seal within his body shattered, and the nine monstrous chaotic dragons emerged, terrifying the Gods and Buddhas of the heavens! Henceforth, before me, the Great Emperor, is but a grain of sand, I am the Dragon Emperor, invincible throughout the cosmos!

pakei66 · Eastern
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150 Chs

(Chapter 117)For my father's sake!

Sister Yan kept an obsequious smile on her face but would not let go. 

Her gaze fell intentionally or unintentionally on Lin Chen sitting in the corner. 

Cheng Yan made several attempts to pull her over, but the atmosphere gradually became a little strange. 

Whether he took it or not was no big deal. 

He stretched out his hand awkwardly. 

Lin Chen looked up at Sister Yan, his expression calm. 

Sister Yan faced Lin Chen and gave him a "lovely" smile. 

Lin Chen immediately understood that she had come to the private room to deliver the Moon Condensation and offer congratulations not for Cheng Yan's sake. 

In other words, as the young master of the Cheng store, he was not yet worthy of such treatment. 

After some thought, he realized that she must have found out from the guard that he had a token. 

She had suddenly realized that he was a friend of Young Master Chu! 

Moreover, a very good friend! 

Otherwise, Chu Hao would never have given him the token symbolizing his identity. 

That was why Sister Yan had come over with a pot of Moon Condensation, hoping to ingratiate herself with Lin Chen. 

"I see. You may leave now." 

Lin Chen nodded. 

Cheng Yan was a little embarrassed at first, but when he heard Lin Chen suddenly speak, his anger found a way out. 

He turned around and cursed angrily, "You see? But do you know anything? Do you know who Sister Yan is? How dare you speak to her in that tone! Sister Yan only sent the Moon Condensation for my father's sake. Damn it, what an honor!" 

Sister Yan's beautiful face suddenly flushed; she was a ruthless character. 

Even Lin Chen was stunned. Cheng Yan was too audacious. 

In her heart... did he even recognize his father? 

The word "b*stard" nearly escaped her mouth. 

After some thought, she decided to forget it. 

I don't have such an incompetent son! 

However, Sister Yan obediently put down the Moon Condensation in her hand. 

She gave Lin Chen an apologetic smile and took the initiative to leave the room. 

The room was silent again. 

Even Liu Jiaojiao, who was not far away, could not help but look a little surprised. 

"Did you see that? Even someone of Sister Yan's status came to offer congratulations. That Mr. Cheng is really something." 

Li Zheng reacted quickly and flattered Cheng Yan in order to change the topic. 

Cheng Yan put away his embarrassment and waved his hand, "How could I have the honor to have Sister Yan come to congratulate me in person? She actually came for my father's sake!" 


Lin Chen had just taken a sip of tea when he heard this and spat it out. 

"Lin Chen, are you deliberately trying to cause trouble?" 

Cheng Yan was furious, and his gaze became fierce. 

"Mr. Cheng, why bother arguing with him?" 

Li Zheng smiled disdainfully. "This is Moon Condensation Dew, personally delivered by Sister Yan. Let's drink it. Anyway, this country bumpkin will never taste it in his life." 


Cheng Yan only then calmed down. 

He picked up the Moon Condensation and poured out a cup. 

Immediately, a rich fruity aroma filled the room. 

"Wow, it smells so good." 

Cheng Yan was a little excited. He poured himself several cups in a row, then picked up a cup and handed it to Liu Jiaojiao. "Jiaojiao, come and try it. This is Moon Condensation. It's delicious. One cup will fill your whole body with spiritual energy. It's great for cultivation!" 

"I... I'm a little drunk. I don't want to drink." 

Although Liu Jiaojiao was a little tempted, she finally waved her hand and refused. 

She had already drunk a lot of wine, and her face was flushed. She was already a little tipsy. 

Although the Moon Condensation had a strong fruity aroma, it was definitely a strong drink! 

If she had another drink, she was afraid she would pass out. 

"This is Moon Condensation. It's a rare and good wine. If you miss this opportunity, who knows when the next one will come. Come and have a taste!" 

Cheng Yan saw that Liu Jiaojiao was a little drunk, and a gleam of light quickly flashed in his eyes. 

On the side, Li Zheng and the others also tried to persuade her, "It's okay, it's just a cup of wine." 

"Yes, one cup is nothing." 

"Drink it. Some people will never get to taste it in their lives!" 

Some women also spoke up for Cheng Yan. 

Their words were filled with disdain for Lin Chen. 

With his status as a country bumpkin and his lack of knowledge, he might not be able to drink even a drop of it in his life! 

This was the difference in status. 

Seeing this scene, Lin Chen, who was sitting aside, frowned slightly. 

They were clearly trying to persuade her to drink, and their purpose was self-evident. 

The key point was that Liu Jiaojiao did not know her limits. She clearly could not drink any more, yet she continued to hesitate. 

Wasn't this giving them an opportunity? 

"Jiaojiao, don't hesitate. There are so many of us here. Even if you do get drunk, we will send you home safely!" 

Cheng Yan smiled and maintained his composure. 

Although he really wanted to get Liu Jiaojiao drunk, some things could not be rushed and had to be done step by step. 

After everyone's persuasion, and Liu Jiaojiao was already a bit drunk, she was actually persuaded. 

"It's getting late. I'll take you back." 

At this moment, Lin Chen spoke coldly. 

The atmosphere was broken in an instant. 


Cheng Yan felt a surge of anger rush to his head. His uncontrollable anger erupted like a volcano, unable to be contained and spewing out. 

His gaze revealed a fierce killing intent. 

This kid keeps challenging my bottom line! 

He's asking for death! 

Do you really think I don't dare to kill you? 

"Kid, I think you're impatient!" 

Cheng Yan slammed the table and stood up abruptly. "Jiaojiao told you to leave her alone, but you still shamelessly interrupt without realizing if you have the right to speak here. Who do you think you are?" 

If not for the fact that this is Guanyue Tower, I would have already made my move! 

I will not rest until at least one of your arms is broken! 

Lin Chen raised his eyes and calmly looked at Cheng Yan. 

Make a move? 

He was not afraid! 

Cheng Yan's abilities were probably not enough to fight him! 

Since he wanted to make a move, then... I will play with you! 

Just as Lin Chen was about to stand up, a scream suddenly came from outside the room. 

This voice was very familiar. It was the woman who had been with Li Zheng earlier. 

She had only gone out a moment ago. 

Could something have happened? 

"Isn't that Zhang Ning?" 

"Li Zheng, go out and take a look." 

Cheng Yan glared at Lin Chen fiercely, then quickly looked away. 

Li Zheng nodded, quickly opened the door to the room, and walked out. 

In the corridor outside, Zhang Ning was huddled in the corner, her face filled with terror. 

Her pupils were filled with fear. "You... what do you want? Get out of the way!" 

In front of Zhang Ning stood a young man with a feminine and evil face. 

He smiled frivolously and gradually approached her. "It's your fortune that this young master has taken a fancy to you. Don't be ungrateful. If you dare to disobey, this young master will destroy your family with just a word!" 

"Any woman who dares to touch me is seeking death!" 

Li Zheng was furious when he saw this scene. 

Before he could finish speaking, he had already gathered his spiritual energy and charged towards the young man.