
Eternity's Dragon Emperor

Young Lin Chen, ensnared in treachery, the fantastic beast slaughtered, was cruelly disparaged by the woman he once rejected. At the unspeakable moment of shame, the seal within his body shattered, and the nine monstrous chaotic dragons emerged, terrifying the Gods and Buddhas of the heavens! Henceforth, before me, the Great Emperor, is but a grain of sand, I am the Dragon Emperor, invincible throughout the cosmos!

pakei66 · Eastern
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150 Chs

(Chapter 115)I'll Take You Back

Guanyue Tower has strict regulations, and everyone who enters is a distinguished guest. You must have an invitation letter to prove your identity. This is also to prevent some low-lifes from causing chaos. 

"I don't have an invitation, I'm looking for someone." Lin Chen was calm. Having experienced many storms, he was not intimidated by the opulence here.

"Looking for someone?" The guard's respectful expression vanished. They had seen all sorts, and many people used the excuse of "looking for someone" to sneak in and network. If those VIPs were disturbed, they would lose their heads!

"Sorry, we can't let you in without an invitation. This is Guanyue Tower's rule regarding the Moon Tower." The two guards regained their indifference.

Lin Chen was unhurried. He smiled calmly and said, "The person I'm looking for is Liu Jiaojiao, daughter of Lingyu City guard, Liu Wei. If you don't believe me, you can report it first."

"Liu Jiaojiao?" The guards were startled. They had all heard of this name. The daughter of Lingyu City guard, Liu Wei, was known for her beauty. They hesitated. After all, Liu Wei was a figure they wouldn't dare offend.

"It's not troublesome to report. When she comes out, everything will be clear." Lin Chen said calmly.

"Okay." A guard decided to report.

Lin Chen was well-mannered and had good temperament. Even without an invitation letter, they didn't dare offend him easily. Moreover, the names "Liu Jiaojiao" and "Liu Wei" came out of his mouth. What if he was a young master from a certain family?

After a while, the guard came out with Liu Jiaojiao. Her pretty face was flushed, and she reeked of alcohol. She had obviously drunk quite a lot.

When she saw Lin Chen, a flash of surprise crossed her beautiful eyes. "Why are you here?"

"Uncle Liu asked me to take you back." Lin Chen replied truthfully.

"Oh, my dad is worried. I already told him." Liu Jiaojiao's brows furrowed in annoyance. "How annoying. I'm not going back. Leave me alone!"

After saying that, Liu Jiaojiao walked back into Guanyue Tower.

Lin Chen frowned and wanted to follow, but two guards immediately stopped him. "If you force your way in, don't blame us for being rude!"

Their tone was cold. It seemed that Lin Chen did not have a close relationship with Liu Jiaojiao. In that case, there was no need to worry about offending him.

Lin Chen narrowed his eyes, feeling a little displeased. Just when he was about to take action, it suddenly occurred to him that there was a token in his ring!

This token was left to him by Chu Hao before he left, who said that he could use it to visit the Chu family and find him. The entire Lingyu City belonged to the Chu family. If he showed this token, it should be effective.

As expected, when the guard saw the token, he was shocked. He quickly took it and examined it carefully, his eyes widening violently.

That's right! This was the Chu family's token! Moreover, it was the token that symbolized the identity of Chu Hao, the Chu family's eldest young master! There was only one such token, in the hands of Master Chu Hao. There was a special smell inside that could not be imitated.

"Are...are you a friend of Young Master Chu?" The guard lowered his voice, extremely respectful.

"Yes." Lin Chen replied calmly. "Can I go in?"

"Please, go ahead!" The guard almost knelt down, trembling as he returned the token to Lin Chen.

In Lingyu City, the Chu family was the absolute overlord. Anyone who could be associated with the Chu family was not to be offended! Moreover, this young man held Master Chu's exclusive token, so his status must be high.

"Which private room are Liu Jiaojiao and the others in?" Lin Chen asked.

"Private Room No. 3." The guard replied quickly, not daring to hide anything.

Lin Chen nodded slightly, put away the token, and walked into Guanyue Tower.

The private rooms in Guanyue Tower were divided into Heaven, Earth, and Man, with only one Heaven room, the most luxurious. However, booking an Earth room was also impressive.

Arriving at Private Room No. 3, Lin Chen opened the door and entered. Inside, many young men from wealthy families, dressed in exquisite clothes, were holding wine glasses, chatting, and laughing. Beside them lay several girls who were clearly drunk. In addition, the young masters were holding rolled-up purple leaves in their mouths, smoking.

This purple leaf was called psychedelic grass. After being lit and inhaled, it gave people an extremely refreshing feeling. Moreover, it was addictive. However, excessive use could cause irreversible damage to one's nerves.

Lin Chen saw at a glance that Cheng Yan was sitting in the center, clearly having the highest status. As for Liu Jiaojiao, she was not drunk but was having a good time.

"Come on, keep drinking." Cheng Yan raised his glass and laughed.

But soon, his gaze fell on Lin Chen at the door of the private room. He was startled for a moment, then waved his hand to signal everyone to quiet down.

"Lin Chen, how did you get in?" Cheng Yan was a little drunk, and a cold look flashed in his eyes as he looked at Lin Chen. When Lin Chen went to his Cheng's store to buy spiritual artifacts, he had planned to plot against him, but it was a pity that he had not been able to make the trip. Unexpectedly, this time, Lin Chen had actually come knocking on his door.

"Who let you in?" Liu Jiaojiao also saw Lin Chen and raised her eyebrows. "I told you I don't want to go back now. Can you stop bothering me? You're making a big fuss over nothing!"

Lin Chen frowned slightly. Liu Jiaojiao was clearly being rebellious and disobedient.

"Forget it, I'll wait for you here then." Lin Chen shook his head and sat down to the side.

"Hey, who asked you to sit here?" A young man looked displeased. He was Cheng Yan's lackey and went over to push Lin Chen around.

"Fine, let him sit." Cheng Yan waved his hand and immediately sneered. "With his knowledge and status, I don't think he'll be qualified to enter Guanyue Tower in his lifetime. But now that he has finally come in once, how can we drive him away? Let him broaden his horizons. Consider it me, Cheng Yan, doing him a favor!"

"Hahahaha, Young Master Cheng is so magnanimous!"

"Kid, why don't you come over and pour Young Master Cheng a drink?" The other young masters immediately began to boo.

Many of the women looked at Lin Chen with amusement.

Liu Jiaojiao gritted her teeth in anger. She had already said she would not go back, but he acted as if he hadn't heard and just wanted to come in and sit. Now everyone knew that he was her friend. Wasn't this embarrassing herself? He did it on purpose!

The more Liu Jiaojiao thought about it, the angrier she became, and her pretty face turned pale.

"You have fun, don't bother me." Lin Chen waved his hand. He was actually very annoyed, but he had no choice but to fulfill his promise to Uncle Liu and Aunt Ru. Today, no matter what, he had to take Liu Jiaojiao back!