
Eternity's Dragon Emperor

Young Lin Chen, ensnared in treachery, the fantastic beast slaughtered, was cruelly disparaged by the woman he once rejected. At the unspeakable moment of shame, the seal within his body shattered, and the nine monstrous chaotic dragons emerged, terrifying the Gods and Buddhas of the heavens! Henceforth, before me, the Great Emperor, is but a grain of sand, I am the Dragon Emperor, invincible throughout the cosmos!

pakei66 · Eastern
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150 Chs

(Chapter 105)The Wind is Immortal!

After hearing these words, everyone from the Burning Fire Sect was overjoyed.

Su Hongyi even cupped his hands and said excitedly, "Thank you, Mr. Chu, for your righteous act. You've protected us in this battle!" 

Today, their biggest opponent, the Wind Sword Sect, was half crippled. 

The other two sects might not even be qualified to compete. 

They didn't need anyone else; Lin Chen alone could take care of them. 

This was equivalent to the Burning Fire Sect securing a place as a second-class sect. 

No one could compete with them. 

All they had to do was go through the motions! 

"We're only two wins away from becoming a Supreme Sect. We just need one more!" 

At this moment, Su Hongyi felt extremely happy and proud. 

A look of excitement flashed through his eyes as he looked at Feng Wuming again. 

He had seen Feng Wuming's arrogant attitude earlier. 

He had gone mad! 

Completely mad! 

Now, it was his turn! 

Feng Wuming's face was extremely gloomy and indescribably ugly. 

After a few breaths, he waved his hand and said through gritted teeth, "The Wind Sword Sect will withdraw from this competition. The future is bright, let's go!" 

Feng Wuming was filled with hatred to the extreme. 

This time, not only had the sect's genius died, but also his son. 

He had originally wanted to count on Su Huanxue and Chen Lingfeng, but they were useless! 

Most importantly, he had been slapped in the face by Chen Yun in front of so many people. 

He was one of the top three beings in the Five Kingdoms! 

Both his strength and his reputation were superior. 

This way, it was simply too embarrassing! He had lost all his face! 

How could he avenge this revenge? 

"Let's go!" 

Feng Wuming led the remaining disciples and elders and turned to leave. 


At this time, Lin Chen suddenly shouted loudly. 

Feng Wuming paused in his steps. 

He turned around little by little, his face extremely ferocious, and indescribable killing intent flashing through his eyes. 

This time, if it weren't for Chu Hao's existence, he would never have been willing to leave like this. 

Unexpectedly, Lin Chen still dared to chatter! 

Damn it!

At this moment, Feng Wuming just wanted to cut Lin Chen into pieces and scatter his body across the wilderness. 

"Feng Yu is dead. Since you love your son so much, you might as well go down and accompany him early." 

Lin Chen stood proudly on the stage, his eyes cold. 

"Lin Chen, be a good person and don't go too far!" 

Feng Wuming knew that the current situation was not in his favor, so he had been suppressing his anger. 

"Too far?" 

Lin Chen's eyes suddenly turned blood red, and he said word by word, "Back in the Spirit Path, Feng Yu let you enter against the rules and attack me because I overshadowed him! My brother, Xiao Lang, died in your hands, and you threw me back to the Great Cang Kingdom, destroying all my meridians!" 

"You slandered me and said that I cheated on my spiritual path, causing me to suffer unjust injustice! After my sister desperately carried me back home, you actually gave Lin Hongbin poisonous pills and asked him to poison me. This conspiracy is really ruthless!" 

"Fortunately, I was lucky enough to survive! I have never forgotten this kind of hatred in the past six months. Today, you actually tell me...don't go too far?" 

"I just want to kill you right away!!!" 

Lin Chen shouted loudly at the end, shocking the entire audience. 

All the audience were shocked. 

It turned out that there had been no cheating on the Spirit Path. 

The reason why Lin Chen was eliminated was because Feng Yu was jealous of his achievements! 

The truth of all this was actually like this. 

"So, what can you do?" 

Feng Wuming's pupils also burned with raging anger, "You are a waste and a pariah. You are really lucky to be able to reach this point today. But don't think that you can do anything to me just by climbing on a high branch! One day, I will kill you with my own hands to avenge Yu'er!" 

"Brother Chu." 

Lin Chen's eyes narrowed, revealing a hint of cold murderous intent. 


Chu Hao raised his eyebrows. 

"Please do me a favor." 


At this time, Chu Hao had already anticipated what Lin Chen was going to say. 

"Kill him for me. I owe you a favor. I will pay it back tenfold in the future!" 

Lin Chen slowly raised his hand and pointed at Feng Wuming from a distance. 

His voice was very calm, without any ripples. 

Feng Wuming's pupils shrank, and he shouted immediately, "Lin Chen, if you still want to be shameless, come up and fight with me yourself if you can. What does it mean to let others take action on your behalf?" 

"Because I believe that if you give me another half a year, I will rush to the Heavenly Spirit Realm. By then, I will have the strength to kill you with my own hands... But, I can't wait for half a year. I will kill you today!" 

Lin Chen's voice was clearly very calm, but there was a hint of shudder in it. 

"What's the point of talking about favors, Lin Chen? Your enemy is my enemy!" 

Chu Hao laughed heartily, then took control of the eagle and flew towards Feng Wuming, "Besides, I also feel unhappy with him. If he hadn't been so despicable, how could you have endured the pain of these six months in vain?" 

At this moment, his fighting spirit was fierce! 

Chu Hao's whole body was filled with hot blood, like burning oil cooking on fire. 

"Damn it!" 

Feng Wuming's scalp was numb, and he immediately summoned his spirit beast and made a defensive posture. 

His strength was about the same as Su Hongyi's. Even if he risked his life, he could not be Chu Hao's opponent! 

Lin Chen stood on the ring, watching the battle from the perspective of a bystander. 

"Why don't you wait until you become stronger before killing him yourself?" 

Su Yuwei walked to Lin Chen and stood side by side with him. 

"Little senior sister." 

Lin Chen's tone suddenly became lower, "I remember telling you that I am an impatient person. I can't wait that long for revenge. As long as I find a chance, I will kill the other party at all costs!" 

"I thought you had the kind of character that insists on revenge with your own hands." 

Su Yuwei raised her pretty face, her expression still so cold. 

It was completely impossible to see her previous determination to fight against Chen Yun alone to save Lin Chen. 

"As long as I can get revenge, I can accept any means." 

Lin Chen smiled lightly, "I am not so pedantic that I have to kill my enemy myself. That is asking for trouble. Anyway, the ultimate goal is to let the enemy die. Is there any difference between dying in my hands and dying in the hands of others?" 


Su Yuwei nodded calmly, "With your temperament, you can achieve great things!" 

"You should live up to your little senior sister's respect." 

Lin Chen chuckled.

After a pause, he added, "Thank you very much, little senior sister." 

This time, Su Yuwei didn't reply. 

However, deep in her beautiful eyes, there was a fleeting look of pride. 


In the field, with a strike of Chu Hao's sword, Feng Wuming's head was cut off directly! 

His body fell to the ground, twitching slightly. 

At this time, Lin Chen walked over slowly. 

He squatted in front of Feng Wuming's head, looked at the unwilling expression on his face, and said with a chuckle, "Kneel down in front of Little Wolf with your son Feng Yu and atone for your sins!" 

The next moment, he slapped it with one palm! 

Feng Wuming's head exploded into a ball of blood mist!