
Eternity's Dragon Emperor

Young Lin Chen, ensnared in treachery, the fantastic beast slaughtered, was cruelly disparaged by the woman he once rejected. At the unspeakable moment of shame, the seal within his body shattered, and the nine monstrous chaotic dragons emerged, terrifying the Gods and Buddhas of the heavens! Henceforth, before me, the Great Emperor, is but a grain of sand, I am the Dragon Emperor, invincible throughout the cosmos!

pakei66 · Eastern
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150 Chs

(Chapter 102)Today, I Want to Protect You!

"You all seem to have a death wish."

At that moment, an unimaginable killing intent erupted from Chen Yun's eyes. He raised his hand and pointed at Su Hongyi from afar. "Since you're seeking death, I'll kill you first, and then Lin Chen! Who else wants to die? Come at me together!!!" 

His roar shook the void. 

Heaven and earth trembled together, and a violent wind suddenly blew up from the ground on the platform. 

"Hoo ho ho!" 

Gravel scattered, and dust flew. 

Su Hongyi's expression changed abruptly. The aura bursting out from Chen Yun made him feel helpless. 

If he were still at his peak, he might have had a chance in this battle. 

However, he had never fully recovered from his hidden injuries. 

Fighting Chen Yun, whose realm was higher than his own, was tantamount to courting death. 

Su Hongyi took a deep breath and estimated the odds of winning. 


It was as difficult as ascending to the heavens! 

What's more, Feng Bujue was watching them from a distance, his eyes gleaming with anticipation. 

If Chen Yun needed support, Feng Bujue would be the first to rush onto the field. 

He wished he could die! 

He wished Lihuo Sect would be destroyed! 

Although it was clear that Fengjian Sect was going to lose in this competition, what if all the Lihuo Sect members died? 

The Fengjian Sect would win this competition without any bloodshed! 

Next, there would be no one to stop them. 

They would be directly promoted to a second-class sect! 

The key was that Chen Yun had broken the rules and killed people. 

No matter how prestigious he was, someone would take the blame for him. 

In that case, what else was there to worry about? 

Feng Bujue had a sinister smile on his face. His eyes were fixed on Lin Chen, and he said viciously in his heart, "Boy, let's see how you're going to survive today. Even if the King of Heaven comes here, he won't be able to save you!" 

He believed that Chen Yun's strength, at the third level of the Heavenly Spirit Realm, could absolutely suppress everyone in the land of the Five Kingdoms. 

"My sect disciple, Lin Chen, defeated Chen Lingfeng fairly and squarely in the ring. Everyone witnessed it firsthand. Why, do you want to risk the disapproval of the world and forcefully intervene in this competition? If this matter spreads to Dongyuan Domain, where will your Chen family be able to show their face?" 

Su Hongyi shouted loudly, his eyes cold. 

Although he knew very well that this battle was absolutely unavoidable, he had to state the facts. 

You, Chen Yun, are abusing your power to suppress me. This is simply too much! 

As expected, the people watching from the surrounding high platforms were all whispering about this. 

"The Chen family is so domineering in the Dongyuan Domain!" 

"Chen Lingfeng even used puppets, but in the end, he was still no match for Lin Chen. He deserved to die on the spot!" 

"That's right, it was Chen Lingfeng who broke the rules first. If the referee hadn't favored him, he would have been defeated a long time ago." 

"The Dongyuan Domain forces are so shameless!" 

"You can't beat our genius from the Five Kingdoms, so even the referee has to come down." 

"It's so disgusting!" 

Everyone spoke their minds, their faces filled with disdain. 

But Chen Yun was furious now. 

He no longer cared what others thought. 

In his eyes, the Five Kingdoms were just a bunch of ants. 

So what if they made enemies with all of them? 

"Do you think I will give you a chance to send the news to Dongyuan Domain? Since I have taken action today, I will eradicate you and your sect! You must remember that the culprit of all this is Lin Chen, the one you want to protect!" 

Chen Yun's eyes were blood-red, and his killing intent became even stronger. 

Immediately afterward, he took a step forward, and waves of energy surged around his body. 


A thick python appeared. It was enormous, over ten meters long. 

Its bucket-thick body was covered in earthy yellow patterns. 

The python's body erupted with an unimaginably terrifying aura. It raised its head high and kept spitting bright red flames from its nostrils. 

As it swam forward, it made a "click-click-click" sound, as if it were crushing gravel. 

A seventh-level spiritual beast, the rock python! 

As a seventh-level spiritual beast, this rock python was definitely stronger than the silver-backed iron ape. 

After all, there was a gap in realm. If Su Hongyi, with his injured body, wanted to go head-to-head with a higher-level expert, he obviously had no chance of winning. 

"Crush them for me!" 

Chen Yun roared and ordered the rock python to charge towards Su Hongyi. 

As for him, he shot towards Lin Chen with a single lunge. 

Behind him, streaks of light and shadow appeared, fast as lightning! 

An expert in the Heavenly Spirit Realm was so terrifying. 

"Tuntun, are you confident?"

Lin Chen chuckled. 

He had no regrets about killing Su Huanxue and Chen Lingfeng! 

If he hadn't killed them, they would have killed him. 

He only regretted that he was too weak to kill Chen Yun as well. 

"Don't we have to fight?" 

Tuntun grinned. "Lin Chen, let me tell you the truth. When I reached the sixth level of unsealing, I felt a huge bloodline power in my body. If I forcibly activate it, it should explode with extremely strong combat power, but... I'm afraid I'll lose half my life, and you won't be able to see me for a while!" 

"You're not going to die, right?" 

Lin Chen's voice suddenly became serious. 

"Damn it, you're cursing me to death!" 

Tuntun was so angry that he said, "Don't worry, I won't die. I am the Ancient Hongmeng Tree." 

Lin Chen nodded and said solemnly, "This may be the first battle between our brothers that involves risking our lives!" 

"There will be more to come." 

Tuntun also put away his playful smile. 


At this moment, a lithe figure jumped onto the ring and stood next to Lin Chen. 

It was Su Yuwei! 

Su Yuwei's green silk hair fluttered in the wind, and her jade hands shone with a faint spiritual light. Although her outfit was loose, it still set off her exquisite figure, especially her beautiful eyes, which were brighter than before. 


She waved her jade hand, and a spiritual pattern flew into Lin Chen's hand. 

"Leave it to us to activate it and help you escape," Su Yuwei said without looking back. 

Lin Chen was startled. When he took a closer look, he saw a divine line in his hand. 

Divine Walking Pattern, a fourth-level spiritual pattern. 

It took ten breaths of time to activate. 

Once activated, its magical power would burst out instantly, enveloping the person's body and sending them dozens of kilometers away. 

This Divine Walking Pattern was one of the spiritual patterns used for escape! 

"Leave it to you? Little Senior Sister, this is my business. How can I let you do it for me?" 

Lin Chen frowned. 

He knew Su Yuwei's fighting power. Although she was the number one genius in the Five Kingdoms, she was obviously still far from being able to fight against an expert in the Heavenly Spirit Realm! 

Her status as a fourth-level spiritual pattern master could indeed be helpful. 

But it was far from enough! 

"If I tell you to leave, then leave." 

Su Yuwei's tone instantly turned cold. "Today, I will save your life no matter what!" 


Ahead, Chen Yun was already charging towards them to kill! 

His face was full of ferocious killing intent, as if he wanted to crush everything in front of him right now! 

Today, he would kill Lin Chen no matter what. 

No matter who dared to stand in his way, they would die for sure. 

"Tiangang Fist!" 

Su Hongyi let out a loud shout. He let the silver-backed iron ape deal with the rock python while he condensed his spiritual energy into his fists, using a heavenly skill, and attacked Chen Yun from the side! 

At the same time, Su Yuwei also made her move. 

She tapped her jade hands gently and blessed her body with two fourth-level spiritual patterns in a row. 

They were the Blast Line and the Iron Skin Line respectively!