
Eternity's Dragon Emperor

Young Lin Chen, ensnared in treachery, the fantastic beast slaughtered, was cruelly disparaged by the woman he once rejected. At the unspeakable moment of shame, the seal within his body shattered, and the nine monstrous chaotic dragons emerged, terrifying the Gods and Buddhas of the heavens! Henceforth, before me, the Great Emperor, is but a grain of sand, I am the Dragon Emperor, invincible throughout the cosmos!

pakei66 · Eastern
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150 Chs

(Chapter 10)Let's gulp it down like there's no tomorrow!

"Lin Yiming, I'm out there sweating my balls off for the family, while you and your father, Benjamin, are exploiting all the glory I bring... This score sheet is about to get settled!"

Lin Chen pulled his sharp sword out of the belly of the high guard, his eyes twinkling with murderous intent.

His voice was rough and murderous.

However, Lin Yiming's fiery sword had arrived like a bolt from the blue!


Suddenly, a fire bird hooted from above, its wings like razor-sharp blades, cutting towards Lin Chen.

"You think your tree bro is a pushover!"

The tree seed hopped off Lin Chen's shoulder, his leaves became so green they blazed with envy.

Facing the fire bird's attack, he scoffed, enveloping himself in a powerful green light, sprinting like a cheetah.


The tree seed dealt a mighty blow, colliding with the fire bird's wings.

Sparks flew like fireworks on New Year's Eve!

The fire bird howled in pain, cussing up a storm.

And the tree seed chuckled wickedly, somersaulting onto the fire bird's head.

His minuscule legs clamped tightly, suddenly replaced with tree tendrils, suffocating the fire bird's neck.

"Pssh! Pssh! Pssh!"

The tree tendrils were sharp as needles, plunging deep into it.

The fire bird screamed in agony, rolling like a pinball machine, trying to shake the tree seed off.

But the tree seed's legs gripped deeply like a mountain goat's, rooted firmly like a tree in place.

He rode atop while yelling wildly, "Whuppa! Whuppa!"

In the fog, Lin Yiming and Lin Chen were locked in a brutal duel.

Their bodies flew back and forth, struggling against each other.

Thanks to Lin Chen awakening 'Thousand Trees Standing Out', his physique was like a wild beast.

Each punch was like a massive log being hurled.

Lin Yiming, with the fiery sword parrying, was knocked back like a kite without string, all feathers ruffled.

He couldn't help but explode, "Lin Chen, you're an overachieving floprat who lost your spirit animal, daring to challenge me to a showdown!"

Remembering the woeful death of Little Wolf, Lin Chen gritted his teeth, his murderous intent gushing like a geyser.

He clenched his fists, green dragon-like aura spiraling around the fist, smashing it straight into Lin Yiming's chest.

Lin Yiming coughed and sputtered, his steps erratic.

But he held his ground, brandishing the fiery sword. A slash of fire sliced past Lin Chen's stomach. A cut brand by the fiery sword appeared, shockingly deep!

The meat surrounding the wound was even scorched by the high temperature!

Lin Yiming snickered sarcastically, "Lin Chen, since you're going to kick the bucket anyway, why not sacrifice yourself again, I want your head as a ticket to Feng Jian Zong!"

"Then go ahead and try it."

Lin Chen didn't bat an eyelash.


Suddenly, a green light flashed through, cocooning Lin Chen in a sea of life energy.

Lin Chen felt a tickle in his belly, a few breaths later, looking down, the wound had miraculously healed.

"Booming vegetation constitution, indeed super effective! "

Astonishment flashed through Lin Chen's eyes like a lightening bolt.

This type of wound would usually require the equivalent of several days of bed rest.

Seeing this matchstick-sized injury on Lin Yiming's face made him look as if he had seen a ghost.

How could this sword wound be healing so quickly?

What's going on here?

In the heat of the moment, Lin Yiming ramped up his sword swing speed!


The fiery sword slashed through the void with a dazzling brightness, sharp as a hawk's talon.

Lin Chen's eyes burned like a balefire, his right hand grasped the handle of the fiery sword with lightning speed.

Fast, accurate, and merciless!

Flaming pain gnawed at his heart.

But Lin Chen didn't give a hoot, the force of his right hand caused Lin Yiming to stumble, and his left fist wasn't playing around either – it struck Lin Yiming's arm like a runaway train.


A sickening sound echoed across the field.

Lin Yiming screamed in agony.

The invisible butterfly knife was shattered.

The bony spur pierced from the skin, horrifyingly frightening.

Lin Chen whipped the sword away, the speed of his motion was as fast as a cobra ready to strike. He danced by Lin Yiming's side.


A spark of fire shot out.

Lin Yiming froze in place.

After a few breaths, his head landed on the ground like a cat leaving a mouse's tail behind.


The decapitated corpse plummeted to the ground.

Lin Chen looked down, half of his palm was so scorched black it looked like he had been cooked over a fire.

But who cares, the Booming Vegetation Constitution had an astonishing self-healing ability, and in no time, his skin would return to its former glory.

"Kid, you're getting better!"

The little sapling pranced around, grinned cheekily, "Isn't the body and method your "Big Tree Bro" gave you awesome?"

Lin Chen closed his eyes, started meditating on The Emperor strategy.

Lost energy filled his body like pouring water coming through a broken dam.


Again, the storm thunder resounded throughout the void!

Countless energies rushed into Lin Chen like irresistibly attracted magnets.

After a while, he opened his eyes with excitement, "There are only five days left!"

"Bzzt... Lin Mingxun, Lin Yiming, have both fallen under my blade, if that old dog, Lin Hongbin, gets wind of this news, they'll be as desperate as a cornered rat. Maybe, there may not even be five more days!"

Lin Chen's face flickered with a flash of ice, "I've got to ramp up my strength in the fastest possible time!"

Once upon a time, Lin Family was indeed a powerhouse.

But without Lin Chen, Lin Family was more fragile than a paper lantern!

It was Lin Chen who single-handedly propelled Lin Clan onto the list of the four major families.

After Lin Chen's departure, the only upper-tier warrior was Lin Hongbin, an earth spirit realm level 6.

Following this, Lin Chen pawed through several people, snatching their gem bags from them.

Lin Yiming's gem bag was such a treasure trove!

Even Lin Chen was thoroughly blown away.

"Over these years, all the wealth and resources I've plundered and accumulated have been seized by these two old sots, ironically, when I once wanted to secure some herbs for my elder sister, they brushed it off with much gusto!"

A chill swept over Lin Chen's eyes, intensifying his guilt about his elder sister!

Lacking parents due to early disparity, Lin Chen and Lin Ning'er were raised by grandpa.

Grandpa sustained critical injuries during a journey practice and met his demise.

From that point, Lin Chen only had Lin Ning'er as his family member left!

Lin Chen doggedly battled outside and built an impregnable foundation, hoping to see his family flourish and give his sister a life filled with bliss!

However, unnoticed, his sister was being ruthlessly bullied at home.

All of which were completely oblivious to him!

If not for this incident, he might have continued to be hoodwinked indefinitely.

These thoughts ignited a hot rage in Lin Chen.

For his beloved senior sister, he is ready to do everything!

Even ante up his life, no matter what.

"Have a gander at these... Double Patterned Spirit Jade!"

Lin Chen counted, there were a whopping 70 or so pieces.

That's riches beyond your wildest dreams!

"Hurry up, kiddo, your mighty tree bro is hungry!"

The little tree seed saw the Double Patterned Spirit Jade, and the excitement in its bean-sized eyes could be seen shooting sparks.

Lin Chen lobbed him a few pieces of the Double Patterned Spirit Jade, and the little tree seed wolfed down the snacks, making bubble sounds.

"Not enough, throw some more in, come on!"

The little tree seed was in a hurry, these few pieces were nibbled on and kept asking for more.

Feeling the surging spiritual energy within his body, Lin Chen's lips curled into an amused smile.

The little tree seed's capacity to absorb spiritual energy was leaps and bounds faster than his own, besides, an Alchemist and a Beast Lord are united. If he eats spirit jade, it's tantamount to his own cultivation too.

"Here you go!"

Lin Chen waved his hand aloft, bestowing all the Double Patterned Spirit Jade on the little tree seed.

"Go for it, devour them!"