
Eternity's Dragon Emperor

Young Lin Chen, ensnared in treachery, the fantastic beast slaughtered, was cruelly disparaged by the woman he once rejected. At the unspeakable moment of shame, the seal within his body shattered, and the nine monstrous chaotic dragons emerged, terrifying the Gods and Buddhas of the heavens! Henceforth, before me, the Great Emperor, is but a grain of sand, I am the Dragon Emperor, invincible throughout the cosmos!

pakei66 · Eastern
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150 Chs

(Chapter 1 )The Adorable Youth Under Judgment

"Lin Chen, you've got your shovel handy?"

"Busted! You cheated in the Spirit Road Experiment, and our man from Feng Jian School, Master Fencheng, had to deflate you like a blown tire. It's karma! But do you know that due to your dipshits moment, we, the great Cambodia kingdom, didn't even get our three spots for practicing! Your contribution to humanity is a thing of beauty!"

"You are such a turd! A national embarrassment!"

...In the Chengcheng Square, Lin Chen, with an emotionless face, was observing all this with detached interest. 

Lots of folks were grimacing, and directing their fingers towards him as if he were a fireworks show.

No matter how heated the abuse became, Lin Chen retained his poker face.

Because, he didn't cheat! The truth is, Master Feng Bu Mei, head honcho of Feng Jian school, went nuclear to protect his son's first place at the Spirit Road Experiment, ended up squashing Lin Chen, killed his virtual beast, and knocked him out of the game entirely!

Lin Chen's name, in the past few years, has been like a peacock on steroids! 

Thirteen years old, he walked onto the battlefield at the Cambodia national genius war, dominated everyone around. 

Fifteen years, single-handedly, took the Lin family from a lower middle class family into the top four families. 

Seventeen years, stepped onto land, because his cousin was being picked on, smashed into enemy country's city, faced off against ten thousand army guards alone, and when dawn broke, the youth hopped away on a lone wolf, leaving behind a carnage that would make a horror movie blush! These years, he pioneered for his family, for Cambodia, fought for too many resources and glory. All sorts of reputations, bulging with charisma. The undisputed first genius of Cambodia! But during the Spirit Road Experiment at Feng Jian school, he was hammered by Master Feng Bu Mei's overwhelming show of force. 

"With your lowly existence, do you think you can compete with me for the number one spot?"

The arrogant laughter of the young master Feng Yu still echoes in my ears. Since then, things have only cooled down for Lin Chen. 

After being kicked out of the Spirit Road Experiment, Cambodia's government didn't rally around him, instead, they threw him into the square for public humiliation! 


Three days ago, it was like a hotshot in the sky.

But blink and you miss it, he became an absolutely unforgivable disgrace of the empire!

"The spiritual path drill, you have brought endless woes to our empire!"

The middle-aged man's face stretches into a grimace, abruptly tossing down a decree, "In the name of the city lord of the capital, I will abolish your whole career, strip all real power, and brand you a pariah for life! Scram! 

The world is typically as fickle as a chameleon.

Linchen looks at the trial, his hands only squeezing the wolf tooth that he holds.

His pupils flash with blood.

Wolf, I will avenge you, no doubt about it!

"Aiyah, it's such a pity, such a hotshot is actually cheating."

"Yeah, human appetite is insatiable, isn't second place in the spiritual path drill enough?"

"He used to be our honor in the Great Hun Kingdom, who would've thought, his character is so lowly!"

"Shame on Lin family, shame on the empire!"

With the verdict of the trial dropped, those gathered all shook their heads.

Their eyes were full of disdain.

Completely forgotten, Lin Chen has fought for them to win numerous honors before this.


Suddenly, a shrill cry echoed around, a huge black shadow flitted across the sky.

Everyone looked up and saw a teenage girl standing on top of a gigantic griffin creatures' head.

She was dressed in a pristine white dress, her face was almost flawless, her features immaculate.

After one look, you can feel your heart shrink with inferiority.

"Pay homage to Snow Princess!"

City Lord Zhao Wuji exclaimed in surprise, fell to his knees.

The entire stage, in an instant, was knee deep.

Only Lin Chen remained standing there.

This is, the princess of the Great Hun Kingdom Su Huan Xue, and her fifth rank phantom beast, Thunder Double Tail Griffin.

The teen gracefully bounds down, lands in front of Lin Chen.

It's like, a celestial maiden descending from the ninth heaven!

Light as a feather, every step sprouts lotus flowers.

"Lin Chen, remember our three-year pact?"

Su Huan Xue lifts her chin, arrogant to the extreme.

Her pair of beautiful eyes are filled with derision, "Everyone says, you Lin Chen are the top hotshot in the Great Hun Kingdom, I Su Huan Xue, we're made for each other, oh dear, now that's really laughable!"

"I'm all set to join the Fengjian School and have a future as bright as a thousand suns. Meanwhile, you got your pet beast killed and your cultivation level dumped, no chance of bouncing back now, even though we've got half a year left for our three-year deal. But remember, you're definitely out of the running to compete with me."

"As per the agreement, you gotta get down on your knees, slap some sort of slave mark on your face, and spend the rest of your life being my running dog!"

The words fell off like lead, casting an ominous atmosphere across the scene.

Seeing this, Zhao Wujie's eyes nearly popped out of his head.

Princess Snow actually sprouted up to the fifth layer of earth spirit realm!?

This age, this realm, it's downright terrifying. On paper, maybe... just slightly second to Lin Chen back in the day?

Facing Su Huanxue's borderline unruly behavior, Lin Chen chuckled coldly, "Fear of time limit is getting the best of you?"

Even in the deepest trench, his spine remained unyielding.

"Fear of time limit?"

Su Huanxue seemed to have heard the funniest joke ever, her haughty face flaring up once again with disdain.

It was the look of highness, looking down on ants!

In the old days, her heart was tied to Lin Chen and she had candidly recommended her heart several times.

Lin Chen's refusal set her pride back even further, resulting in the three-year deal.

Su Huanxue had been practicing non-stop, only to defeat Lin Chen high and mighty over three years later, adding a phrase "You, you're unworthy of me!"

But from this point of view, there's no need to wait three years.

"Lin Chen, your pet beast died, making you a useless waif from now on, but I got a 'Mu Mai Quelling Spirit Pill' right here that'll let you keep training even if you don't have a pet beast. Even if I become Su Huanxue's dog, I can't stick around with a useless dog!"

Su Huanxue radiated arrogance like a swan, her tone as indifferent as a cucumber in summer, "Now, get down on your knees, bark three times like a dog, and I'll give you this opportunity!"

She held in her slender fingers, a medicinal pill.

Mu Mai Quelling Spirit Pill!

This stuff is a Grade Three drug!

Once it's swallowed, it'll shut down your whole body's meridians, no longer sucking up spiritual energy.

But, death before new life, your physique will get serious upgrades.

From then on, battle power will be increasingly formidable and embark on a new path of physical training.

Drugs are marked one to nine grades, and a Grade Three is already considered seriously valuable.

Such humiliation directly rocketed into his mind, stinging his internal organs.

"You trifling peasant, why don't you hurry up and kneel to thank me!"

Zhao Wujie narced on with a scandalized voice.

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