
Eternal Vengeance :rise of Lucius

Death in the hand of a being, choose wisely he doesn't forgives,, Lucius born a human ended up a Vampire for the cruel life didn't left him behind At a tender age, the cruel hand of fate robbed Lucius of his loving parents A teen turned the world upside down Sparing no being vengeance coursed through his veins like a raging inferno, consuming his every thought Tales would be told never to be forgotten *****************×************************ ******************************************************************** ********************************************************* ******************************************** ********* *********** ,,,, **** 3chp /per week

John_145 · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Surviving the Bricks of Chaos

He motioned for Jessica to follow him, leading them towards the safest hiding spot they could find. Every creak of the floorboard and every beat of their hearts felt deafeningly loud as they tiptoed through the house.

Finding refuge in a small, dimly lit closet, they huddled together, their breaths shallow and rapid. The darkness enveloped them, offering a sliver of solace amidst the chaos. Anthony held Jessica's trembling hand, his grip providing a sense of reassurance

As the sound of the terrorist's footsteps echoed through the room, Anthony, Jessica, and their son Luke remained hidden in the closet, their hearts racing with fear. The door had been shot, leaving them vulnerable, but to their relief, the terrorist moved on, searching other parts of the house. The tension eased slightly as they overheard the terrorist's conversation, confirming that their house was clear. The gang eventually left, their gunshots fading into the distance.

Carefully emerging from the closet, Anthony cautiously checked if the coast was clear before returning to the room. "It seems they have left, dear," he informed Jessica, his voice filled with a mix of relief and concern.

Jessica let out a sigh, her mind still filled with worry. "What should we do now, dear? Even though they are no longer in our house, they are still in the city and show no signs of leaving anytime soon," she said, her voice reflecting the intensity of her concerns.

Anthony nodded in agreement, his gaze focused on their current predicament. "We must remain hidden in this room until nightfall, my love. Venturing out now, with the morning sun casting its warm glow, would be too risky," he explained, his words filled with caution.

"Alright, dear," Jessica replied, her voice tinged with a mix of understanding and apprehension.

Luke's tear-filled eyes met his father's comforting gaze as Anthony gently lifted him into his arms. "Don't be afraid, my son," Anthony whispered, his voice filled with reassurance. "I am here to protect you, and together, we will face whatever comes our way. Stay strong for your mother. We will overcome this."

Their empty stomachs rumbled, a painful reminder of their hunger. Yet, they dared not risk the scent of food betraying their hiding place to the lurking terrorists. They settled for a few sips of chilled water, salvaged from the fridge, hoping to sustain themselves until nightfall, when they could make their escape.

Exhausted and fearful, Luke eventually succumbed to sleep, his small form nestled on the bed. Anthony remained vigilant, his eyes scanning the room for any signs of danger, while Jessica's gaze remained fixed on their slumbering son. Her fingers gently stroked his soft hair, finding solace in the tranquility of his rest.

"Can we truly believe that everything will be alright, my love?" Jessica's voice trembled with uncertainty.

Anthony's gaze shifted from the door, his determination unwavering. "Yes, my dear. I will protect you and Luke with every fiber of my being. Nothing will harm our family. We will find a way out of this city, away from this nightmare."

Jessica's voice quivered as she spoke, her love for her son evident in every word. "Please, Anthony, promise me that Luke will be safe. I couldn't bear it if anything happened to him."

Anthony's voice softened, filled with conviction. "I promise you, my love. Luke's safety is my utmost priority. We will get through this, together. Trust in me."

Jessica nodded, her heart heavy with worry, yet finding solace in Anthony's words. "Alright, my love. I trust you. Let us hold onto hope and find a way to escape this city, away from the dangers that surround us."

"As then, Anthony's voice trembled with regret as he admitted, 'I'm sorry, dear. If only I had listened to you and we had moved to your aunt's place, we wouldn't be facing this wrath of the city. It's truly my fault.'"

Jessica quickly reassured him, her eyes filled with understanding. "No, dear, you're not to blame. You didn't want us to go there because of the way my aunt behaves, and none of us could have predicted the city would be attacked by terrorists."

Anthony sighed, his guilt still lingering. "Yes, dear, but I can't help but blame myself."

Gently placing her hand on his, Jessica spoke softly. "It's okay, dear. You don't need to blame yourself. Right now, we need to focus on finding a way out of this city, together."

Anthony nodded in agreement. "Yes, dear, you're right."

As they sat together, Anthony's eyes never strayed from the door, his senses on high alert for any intruders. The hours passed, and the sun began to set, casting a shadow over their home.

Anthony and Jessica prepared themselves, holding their son Luke's hand. Anthony spoke to Luke with a mixture of love and urgency, "We're about to go outside, son. Be brave and stay by Mom's side. If anything happens, just run, alright?"

Luke nodded, his young face determined. "Alright, Dad."

With their hearts pounding and the weight of their lives hanging in the balance, Anthony opened the door slowly, cautiously scanning the surroundings. Seeing no sign of the terrorists, he signaled to Jessica, and they began their journey, moving silently and carefully, praying not to attract any unwanted attention.

Arriving at a particular area, Anthony, Jessica, and their son Luke crouched behind a nearby car, they watched with trepidation as the four armed terrorists patrolled the area. Sensing an opportunity, Anthony employed a classic diversion tactic, hurling a stone in the opposite direction. The clatter of the stone hitting a metal cup caught the attention of the terrorists, who ventured off to investigate.

Seizing the moment, Anthony, Jessica, and Luke swiftly moved forward, their hearts pounding with each step. Along their path, they encountered a wounded man, his leg injured by a gunshot. Initially, Anthony dismissed the man, focused solely on their own survival. However, Jessica's compassion compelled her to suggest extending a helping hand.

Luke reached out to assist the injured man, but his grip faltered, causing the man to crash to the ground, his agonized cries echoing through the air. "Do you want to get us killed?" Anthony admonished the man, his voice laced with caution and anger. The man, wracked with pain, offered his apologies.

Undeterred by the setback, Anthony extended a firm hand to the injured man once more, and together, they all pressed forward. "We're almost there, dear," Anthony reassured Jessica. "Yes, dear, we're almost out of this city," Jessica replied, her voice filled with hope.

As then, suddenly the man Anthony was helping fell to the ground, a deafening gunshot echoed through the air, sealing his fate. Anthony, his heart filled with grief and determination, turned to face the six terrorists who now stood before him. "Run!" he urgently shouted to Jessica, his voice filled with a mix of fear and determination. With his last words hanging in the air, a bullet pierced through Anthony's head, bringing him down in an instant.

Jessica's world shattered in an instant as she let out a heart-wrenching scream. Tears streamed down her face, her pain and despair consuming her. Their son, Luke, overwhelmed with trauma, cried out for his father, his voice filled with anguish. The terrorists, closing in on them, fueled by their malicious intent, caught Jessica's gaze as they moved in their direction.

Reluctantly, Jessica knew she had to act. Grabbing Luke's hand, she mustered all her strength and led him away, down a side alley. Gasping for breath, she knew she had to protect her son at all costs. "Keep running, my love," she whispered to Luke, her voice filled with a mix of love and desperation. "Go straight and don't stop until I tell you to."

Though reluctant to part from his mother, Luke obeyed her plea. He ran as fast as his little legs could carry him, his heart pounding in his chest. As he sprinted forward, he couldn't help but glance back, only to witness his mother's anguished cry of pain. In a cruel twist of fate, he tripped over a large stone, his head connecting with a jarring impact. Darkness enveloped him as he slipped into unconsciousness.

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