
Chapter One

I rolled my eyes at my father, who also happens to be the scariest man on the planet. He is the king of vampires, and I'm his precious little princess. By far the weakest vampire in the world, the only benefit I've gained from him is the ability to drink blood and live forever. My father is on another one of his rants, saying how I can't engage in roughhousing with other vampires or whatnot. I honestly don't care; they may be strong, but martial arts can easily defeat their strength in a fight.

I love to fight; it's a true passion of mine. People always underestimate me because of my small figure and size. I'm barely five feet tall, but I can definitely hold my own.

"Are you even listening to me?" My father pulls me out of my thoughts. I roll my eyes at him and just nod. He sighs and puts his face in his hands, then motions for me to leave.

I sigh with relief; no more badgering for me today. I am beat. I sluggishly drag myself to my room. We live in a castle, considering my father is the king, and I am a princess. The rug is red and soft beneath my bare feet. The rails are gold and adorned with my family's crown, intricate and pretty. I have a strong feminine inclination when it comes to design and clothing.

Finally, I reach my door, where my butler, John, is standing beside it, awaiting my command. I yawn quite loudly before speaking.

"Could you please get me something to eat? Some beef or something."

He simply nods and bows before going down to the kitchen.

I drag myself to my bed, falling face first into my comfortable sheets. Sometimes I think this bed is too big for just me, but I do like to sprawl out.

I hear a knock on my door. "Come in!" I slightly yell with a crack in my voice.

John opens the door, holding the takeout box I love. He knows me well. I dislike eating like a vicious vampire; I prefer a more human approach. I motion for him to bring it to me, and he does.

The raw beef smells absolutely amazing; he even gave me a fork to eat it with. I give him a kiss on the cheek before he leaves. He knows I don't like being watched while I eat; he's so sweet.

I finish eating and leave the empty bloody container on my end table. I collapse on my bed and rub my eyes in sleepiness.


I wake up, and my eyes are extra blurry, the moonlight shining through my window, casting a soft blue shimmer on my skin. I sit up and stretch, feeling John next to my door, waiting for my command.

He peeks his head through the doorway and sees me. "Yes, princess?" I love that title.

I motion for him to come in, and he does, coming next to my bed.

"Did you have a good sleep?" He asks softly while rubbing my back. I must look like a mess, my hair all over the place.

I slowly nod my head and rub my eyes some more. My head relaxes into his chest as he holds me and rubs my back. I love this; he knows I'm very gay, but he is my best friend. Unlike me, he's one of the strongest vampires. He doesn't have to be a butler; he chooses to because he wants to take care of me. He would never hurt me, so I'm very vulnerable around him.

"Would you like me to prepare your bath?" He softly asks, looking down at my sleepy state.

I nod and let out another yawn, feeling my fangs stretch out and quickly closing my mouth. He sighs and just pats my head. "I'll be back in a second." And with that, he's gone into the bathroom. He's super fast.

I hear the bathwater running; he knows I like it hot and bubbly, and he knows I don't mind being looked at while I bathe. It's not like I have a partner, so it doesn't matter. It doesn't bother him, either.

I drag myself out of my bed and look down at myself. I love these clothes. Granted, it's only my panties and bra, but I still love them. They are pink and soft with little butterflies.

I waddle to the bathroom and smile when I see him testing the water. The bubbles I love so much are tall in the tub.

He turns the water faucet off and looks up at me. "Thank you." I whisper softly, rubbing my right eye.

"Of course! Anything for you, princess." He simply smiles and leaves the bathroom, allowing me to enjoy the warmth.

I take off my clothes and slip into the tub, letting out a relaxing sigh as my nose goes underneath the bubbles.

I think I'm going to jump some rooves today.

I get dressed in the pink hoodie and black sweatpants that John gave me. He knows exactly what I like, and he's super sweet. He brought me some pork this morning in my favorite takeout box.

I asked him to accompany me while I walked around our kingdom. We're in Russia; it's very cold but beautiful. I honestly love the cold; I can be normal around other people.

We hold our hands together because, in case anything tries to attack me, he can protect me easily. I find it odd that so many people try to kill me, but it's because I'm the weakest vampire, and I'm Dracula's daughter; maybe that's why. They want the vampire laws to change, but they can't come close to my dad.

We're walking to a park I normally go to; hardly anyone is here except a couple of vampire teens. They're always so bossy and controlling; it kind of annoys me.

"Oooh look, there's the weak Maeve!" One of them with a black leather jacket points at me and laughs. He's tall and honestly ugly to me. I sigh and roll my eyes, getting closer to John so we're shoulder to shoulder. His warmth makes me happy and comfortable.

I can feel John's heartbeat increase; he knows he absolutely despises people who call me out for being weak. He knows it's not my fault; it's just the way I was born. Yes, I was born a vampire.

He just sighs and rolls his eyes, bringing me to the swing set I love so much.

The other teen, a female with long dark hair, tries to approach me to talk. I'm already swinging, so it's a little harder to hear her. I don't have super hearing as strong as the other vampires.

"What are you doing?" She calls from below me.

"Swinging, obviously." John points out bluntly; he doesn't like people talking to me; it's kind of cute.

"Looks like your bodyguard is protecting your weak ass like always." She says with a scoff.

John steps forward to confront her, but I stop the swing with a hard stomp of my foot. I step up and sigh, rubbing John's hair softly. "It's alright, let her talk; you know I like to fight."

"But Princ-" I cut him off politely with a finger on his lips. My eyes are locked onto this girl. She's definitely taller than me, but I honestly don't care; she doesn't stand a chance.

John sighs and leans up against the pole connecting to the swing, crossing his arms and relaxing; he has all the faith in the world for me.

"Want to fight?" I ask with a smirk to the girl.

She laughs me off; clearly, she hasn't heard the stories about me. "You want to fight me? One of the top 100? You must be very, very stupid."

I giggle and cover my mouth so my fangs don't show. I can feel them tingling with excitement. I'm the only one who can drink from other vampires and not die, so she might be my next meal. I take my stance to fight; it's not much, just a boxer-like stance.

I take a deep breath in and hold it there so she can't predict my movements. Perks of being a vampire, I suppose.

She comes at me with a fist going to my stomach, but I quickly step to the side and trip her. She falls onto the mulch and grips it tightly, growling.

I laugh at her and put my white hair up in a ponytail. "So predictable." I say as I take my stance again.

The male teen came charging from behind, but John pushed him and sent him flying to a nearby tree; I heard the wood splinter and winced, I've had that happen before while training with him.

The girl stood up and brushed herself off, huffing at me and glaring with her solid black eyes at me. I giggled, showing my fangs in a wicked smile.

"You'll pay!" She yelled as she ran at me. She was much faster this time, so it was a little more difficult. She launched her fist toward my face. I bent myself backward and watched her fist travel above me; I kicked her stomach as hard as I could, sending her flying a little ways.

I heard her back hit the ground, hearing a slight yelp as I brought myself back up to a standing position. "Fuck this!" She yelled before taking off in a blur. The male had already run, so I assumed that was that.

I looked to John as I panted, finally letting my breath go. I always get really hungry, and I couldn't feed from a vampire this time. My eyes were dilated; my fangs were tingling with hunger and wouldn't retract.

John has let me drink from him quite a few times, so he rolled up his black sleeve for me. I saw his black veins and licked my lips. "Go ahead." He whispered as he brought me closer.

I hovered my fangs above his wrist; I felt him pull me inside his jacket so no one could see me, making me more comfortable. His blood was teasing me with how much it was pulsing.

I slowly sank my fangs into his wrist, enjoying the sweet but rich taste of his blood. I heard his heart rate pick up and smiled; I felt myself going deeper and drinking more from him.

He gently pulled my head back after a minute. I panted and looked up at him. He smiled and wiped my mouth off; apparently, I was covered with his blood. "Sorry..." I whispered and hid my face.

"It's quite alright." He chuckled and picked me up, making me squeak a little. "You know I don't mind, but I can't let you go too far; you know what happens."

"Yeah yeah... You're right." I huffed in disappointment and rested my head against his chest. He's right; we don't need another spree going on. I just need to lay down and chill out for the rest of the day. Those teens ruined my day.


John carried me back to my bed; I didn't feel like walking, and he gets me back to the castle in roughly a second anyway, so it's no waiting. He brought me some more pork so I could satisfy my hunger a bit more. We don't know why I get so hungry; I can't go long without blood or raw meat. I personally love pork the most.

"So," John begins, rubbing my back while he's facing away from me.

"You can watch; I don't mind. It's been 50 years anyway." I smile when he turns around; my mouth is full of raw pork, and blood is running down my jaw.

"Anyways." He chuckles as he pats my head. "We might have a solution to that insatiable hunger of yours."

I tilt my head in response, waiting for him to continue.

"Your fa- the king... Has been asking the vampires of the kingdom if any of them would be willing to donate their blood once every two months." He sighs.

"Why?" I asked, taking another bite.

"To make you stronger and to make your hunger more controllable. He wants to train your strength." He rubbed my back again, my heart rate beginning to pick up.

"So, he wants you to drink more vampire blood, rather than only mine most of the time. The king himself has donated a good portion, which brings me to this." He pulls out a sealed medical bag of blood, very full and swollen with dark, tantalizing blood.

My eyes dilate at the sight; I feel myself drooling. My body tingles with excitement.

John puts his hand on my head, keeping me still. "You can have this, but you have to take it extremely slow. It has to last 3 days. If you go on a spree, you get nothing."

I pout and huff, nodding my head slightly. He took a breath and began again. "I have an idea, though. To make it last."

He gestured to my half-eaten pork; I gave it to him hesitantly. He opened the cap and poured some of the blood onto the pork; my mouth drooled when the scent hit my nose, my fangs fully extended, and my eyes glowed with hunger.

He closed the cap; it was only about a tenth of the bag, and it was a lot. I picked up the fork and stabbed the meat, taking in every single bite with a satisfying groan.

He smiled and put it away. "Don't try and take it from me; I don't want to hurt you." He closed his eyes and patted my head as I finished eating. "Now go to sleep; your training begins tomorrow." He rubs my back softly, and I drift into a deep sleep rather quickly.


I woke up to John touching my shoulder. His touch helps calm me when I wake up from a nightmare. Today was no exception. I had a nightmare once again. I let out a huge sigh and stretched my limbs. John just stood up and brought me a box; it had some sort of black clothing in it. "These are for you; it's your training outfit."

I took the box hesitantly and peeked at the clothes. They were tough but stretchy; I'm guessing it's supposed to hug my body and protect me at the same time.

"You would be correct." John whispers.

I glare at him with a squint. "Stay out of my head; you know I don't like it."

"Sorry." He chuckles and throws his hands in the air. "When you hardly speak, I can't resist. Now get ready; we leave in an hour."

I gesture for him to leave so I can put this weird thing on. It seems kind of high tech. I put my feet in first and slip it up to my thighs. Without any warning, the thing covers me like a snake. The only part left exposed is my head. It kind of looks like my skin; it exposes my features, but maybe it's for agility or something. It's solid black, it kind of looks like snake skin and feels that way too.


John carried me the whole way to the destination; he's very sweet. I stand and stretch at the open land in front of us. I see this absolutely breathtaking woman commanding some vampires. Her hair is silky and jet black. Her features are feminine, and holy fuck she's hot.

We approach the clearing, and I see the vampires are all fighting with each other. I look to the leader I'm assuming. She locks eyes with me and instinctively my legs close. Holy fuck, why is my body reacting like this? It doesn't make sense; it's never happened in the 50 years I've been alive. She's so intimidating, but she's so hot; I can't help but to stare.

"Maeve!" John's voice takes me out of my thoughts. "Bow!" I immediately do as told, not daring to look up at her.

"See? It wasn't that hard. It's better than staring." I hear her beautiful voice above me, and I nearly collapse at the sound. It's deep and feminine; it definitely matches her figure.

She takes her finger and lifts my face up by my chin. My face gets red hot super quick as I make eye contact with her. Her eyes are emerald green, a dark shade. She smirks as I gaze into her, I see one of her fangs peaking through.

"Hello, little one. My name is Alexandria; you can call me Alex. I am the trainer here, and I also happen to be the queen of vampires. Like your father, I am among the strongest; me and the king are equally tied in battle." My knees go a little weak; I can listen to her speak for ages and not mind one bit.

"Now, how about we begin your training? I know you're weak, but I understand you are a master of martial arts, correct?" I nod my head in response. I see the other trainees smirking and giggling at me; it makes my blood boil, and I clench my fists. "Save that anger for your matches, alright?" She smirks and gestures for a buff male vampire to come here, and he does. I'm guessing he'll be my next match. He looks strong, but there's no question as to how he fights.

This is what I live for. I smile and show my fangs; he just scoffs at me and looks at me like I'm pathetic. "You're dead, weak princess!"

"Oooo" Alexandria hums, observing the fight. "Seems someone has trained already." She smirks; I can't seem to take my eyes off her.

"Focus!" The male's head crashes into my skull. My feet drag as I'm pushed back by his force. I feel my blood boil in anger. "So cheap." I whisper, licking the blood off my lip. My eyes dilated, and I grin evilshly. I charge at him, holding my breath so he can't know my next move. He seems puzzled. I feel the suit constrict around me more, allowing me to move quite nimbly.

I slide below him, driving my fist into his knee, snapping it backward. My fangs tingle when I smell his blood. My eyes go full red with hunger; I bare my fangs and pull him to the ground, making him hit his face. More of his blood spills. I climb onto his back, I pull his hair so his neck is exposed. I sink my fangs into his neck and nearly faint from how good it tastes.

Suddenly, I'm flung backward, hitting a tree and making it splinter. I lick the blood from my mouth and look up. The queen bared her fangs at me and looked down at me as I recovered. "Now what in the fuck do you think you are doing? Are you trying to kill yo-" I cut her off by lunging back to the male. She yanks me by my collar and slams me to the ground, she has her hand around my throat. I pant and struggle under her grip but she's way too strong for me.

I slowly give up, and pant as I look up at her, throwing my arms out to the side. "Now listen." She begins as she inspects my eyes. "You can't be drinking from other vampires, you will d- hold on... Show me your fangs." She moves my lip apart, taking a look. "I see." She whispers to me.

"You are the legendary vampire species, weak but can feed off of anyone without consequence." She takes a long sigh and puts my wrist to my lips. "Drink, at least it will satiate your hunger for a while."

My fangs tingle with excitement. Without hesitation I sink my fangs into her. She seems unfased by this, like she's done it a million times before. I can feel her heartbeat, it's calm and steady. My thoughts break when she pulls her wrist back, licking it. I watch the marks heal immediately. "I wish I could do that." I mutter and roll my eyes before she helps me up.

"You're talented, I'll tell you that." She gives me a soft smile. "I want to spar with you sometime, just to see how strong you can really get." I simply nod and brush the suit off. I noticed the male I had snapped the leg of is on his feet and healed completely. He walked towards me and my blood began to boil. I absolutely do not like him.

"Why the fuck did you feed off m-" his words are cut off by Alexandria. "Go back to your quarters, Marc. Your training is done for today, safe to say I'm disappointed."

He gave a huge sigh and glared at me with intense hatred. I simply smiled and gave him a wave. "Try better next time, yeah?" He growls and lunges at me. Alexandria puts her hand out in front of him and he stops, not daring to challenge her. She just pushed him back and sighed.

"Go. Now." He huffed and stormed off in the other direction. Alexandria helped me up once again and sighed. "Well, let's go get your suit off. I need to get my wrists treated." She gave me a soft smile, and my stomach fluttered as I took her hand.

"Alright. Thank you."