
eternal tournment

on the start of existence there was nothing material and imaterial but there was an conection to the will of existence itself the will lived alone on the nothingness that was existence but for some reason outside the will's control existence itself was binded by rules and these rules created everything that is and is not together with the rules the gods where made the gods where beings that were created to regulated the things that where created by the rules on their respectative places there were countless gods as there was countless rules but the gods didnt have equal power there was some gods that were weaker than others or stronguer than others but all of them have power to rule above every other being but these gods seing that they were stronguer than any other being began to rule other beings like kings but there was a problem all gods began to get arrogant and try to steal things of other gods making them enter in war after eons of war almost all gods died but the stronguest ones survived the stronguest were . . Raid the god of death stella the goddes of sin merlin the god of magic fury the god of figthing nihility the god of justice xiao chu the goddes of games and love judge the god of darkness and ligth and juliet the goddes of beasts . . so the war ended but they were injured and died out making the world have no gods so the will of existence thougth of a way to form new gods giving the positions of the gods to mortal entities making them gods so she started the eternal tournment where the heroes and villains of the planes of existence to figth among themselfs in a battle royale so the 8 last entities can recive the godhead of the stronguest gods

Phanton · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

do i really have to kill my caretaker (2)

as soon as Nero opened the door he could see his caretaker almost naked body as her nigth gown was semi transparent making her sexy boby be visible

Nero looked at her erected niples and her somewhat wet tigths making the picture of what was happening while he was on the way of her room

he looked at her with boredom

like this was the most normal thing as its really normal on this dimension or plane of existence to woman lust for kids as on this universe they dont have any reservations and the body of kids are able to do the thing as they mature early for some reason

maybe because this universe was created by Xiao Chu as she was a pervert that liked to eat kids both sexualy and literaly

Nero's caretaker then got up from her bed as she walked in a way that she showcased her hips

she then snaped her fingers as the dark element in the air gathered in a chair shape as it solified this process took some seconds and Nero can see the chair took a long time to stabilize as the solidifacation process had some flaws

Nero looked at Bibi with an bored gaze as even the worse magicians of his hometown that were uter trash that had the most low affinity towards dark element could atleast cover the sky with solid black element in some miliseconds

but this girl that couldnt even create a chair without taking seconds and they had solid flaws that made this dark element manipulation slower and erratic

anyway Bibi created one chair the chair is big enougth to two kids sit on it

but the problem is the chsir is not big enougth to acomodate them both

so Bibi sits on the chair and pats her lap

an sign to Nero sit on it

seing her do this he sits on her lap without any questioning

when he sits he can fell her wet tigths her smell that is like sweet and sour at the same time but with perfect quantity making an seductive smell

this is the smell of her body fluids btw

as she is sweating and her love nectar is leaking from her legs that he is siting on

after siting he twist his ass to find a more confortable position

but this action makes Bibi have a hard time as her body trembles as her the body liquids smell intensifies

so Nero knows what happened

"so she cummed so easely, what a horny and pathetic woman"

the woman in question then embraces Nero from behid making her breasts touch his back as she puts her hands under his shirt and start passing her hands across his tiny figure, after sometime harassing his chest she then starts to aprouch her hand toward his pant its was then that Nero talked

"so what are the things you want to talk about"

he says in the most bored and empty voice that he can make breaking the heated atmosfere

Bibi hand stops

she then smiled and said

"its very simple i want to make you my doggie"


even if he alredy knew he made the most boring voice he could muster

Bibi twiched her lips at the bored kid and answered

"its very simple you will be my doggie and i can let your sister alive as you are not strong enougth to protect her and even if you do the clan will punish you"

Nero looked at her blankly for some seconds

taking his silence as an signal of fear she then tried to put her hand inside his pants only to her hands stop on the way

the hand starts trembling sligthly

sweat formed at Bibi forehead

she then looked down at Nero's face as he his empty look disapeared as he had and unaturally giant smile on his face

his eyes bend into crescent moons as if he was extremely happy with his own trick but his eyes said otherwise it was cold

and small chucke left his lips as he gazed at Bibi's surprised eyes as her body didnt respond to her anymore her facial feactures are frozen in place

he then put his hand on her chest and chanted

"@#$%* $%&@"

the moment she heard these words her mind sudenly became blank as her eyes lost its color and her body went limp colapsing on the chair as the chair soon disapeared making the body fall on the ground

Nero lost its smile and his eyes became empty again as he then chanted

"Summon: Greater Spirit"

as an glowing blue circle that was detailed with strange markings of unknown origin sudenly apeared on the ground

sudenly an white ligth engulfed the room as we hear an female voice being saying something

when the ligth died out we can see "Bibi" standing up fron the ground and and bowing to Nero as she says with an strange voice

"dark spirit Vanessa meats the young master"