
Eternal Ties: The Vampire's Forbidden Bond

In a world where vampires have to share the same territory with humans, forcing them to hide their true nature beneath their skin, Cara’s life takes an unexpected turn when her impending marriage to a wealthy suitor is disrupted by the enigmatic and alluring hybrid-vampire, Lothanna. She finds herself married to him instead, and her life is forever changed. Cara had always thought the stories she heard about vampires were mere tales and bedtime stories until she was thrust into the world where Lothanna belongs. There, she met his uncle, Kiel, a full-blooded vampire. Kiel was one who believed the concept of a mate bond was nearly impossible, and falling in love wasn't his thing—especially not with humans. His sister had made the same mistake, and it had cost her dearly. But Kiel begins to question his beliefs when he meets Cara and discovers she is his mate—not just any human, but his nephew's newly wedded bride. Now, Kiel is faced with an impossible choice: follow his heart and claim his mate or protect his family and the fragile balance between humans and vampires, risking his own chance at love and happiness.

Haarroyal_001 · Fantasy
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10 Chs



Soon, the ceremony began and dignitaries and men with high ranks were trooping in the arena. The men's robes were magnificent as they mostly swept the floor. Most of them were putting on purple robes, they needed no formal introduction before any one would know they are of royalty.

While the emperors were either putting on either golden or yellow robes, making the whole arena colourful. It was really a sight to behold for others but not for Cara.

Her heart was pounding heavily against her ribcage as she stared at their faces. Some of them were smiling, laughing or either exchanging words with one another; it was making the atmosphere awful for her. 

"These men had no shame left in them." Cara concluded with in herself. Most of them were of older ages, old enough to be her father or maybe grandfather too.

She know they are not to be blamed, her father is. He is the one, who was living in fear of the unknown and was ready to sacrifice his only daughter for it.

As Cara walked into the arena, her steps became heavier and her soul weakened. She dreaded the crowds and the men too, she wish the ground would open up and swallow her in it.

"You will be okay, my lady." Her hand maid whispered softly to her. "I'm positive that you will make a good choice amongst the men, you won't fail on this too, my lady."

That was her greatest fear. What if she choose the wrong one? What if she find herself in dilemma after choosing one of them to be her groom? What if... what if...? 

It would have been much more better if she was to be a prince, yes! If she happens to make a wrong choice as a prince, she can always marry again and have as much concubine and mistresses as she wants.

Or better still, a commoner! Twice she was allowed to tour the streets outside the palace wall, she could see the delightfulness in the people's face as they mind their daily affairs.

She was not sure most of them are totally happy but the feeling of being free from politics and royal pressure was enough to make them smile. They are free, unlike her, who had been trapped inside the palace wall all her life. Being a commoner or a prince was far much more better than being a princess.

Because as a princess, if her husband gets tired of her, he would surely dump her and go for another choice. The thought of being abandoned make her heart sank deeper in to her stomach.

"What if I did not?" She whispered back, her lips barely moving and it was impossible for any one far from her to detect she is talking. "What if I fail myself, did you think I'll be fine?"

"You need to be positive, my lady. Whatever choice you make today will be of great one." Her hand maid assured her, wearing a convincing smile. "You should believe in the decision you are about to make."

Cara could only hope her maid was right, that's her only last wish before she leaves her father's household and her country entirely; "picking a suitor amongst the ocean of these men and ending up with the right choice!"

Cara breathed in sharply and deeply as she stopped before her father, who was sitting on the throne made for him inside the arena.

"Your Majesty..." She hailed as she bowed her head for few seconds to her father before raising it up again —but she dare not look him in the eyes.

"My princess..." Her father called slowly with a faint smile and nodded at her. Cara sat beside her father at the space provided for her, with her hand maid standing behind her.

"Let the introduction begin..." The royal eunuch announced and a trumpet was blown.

One after the other, each of the dignitaries presented themselves before her at the open space provided just at the middle of the arena.

The skilled one displayed how skillful they can be while the less skilled boasted of how rich they are and others boasted of their political strategy.

Any one would find them entertaining but definitely not Cara, she was bored and could not stop yawning at interval, wiping her sleepy eyes too in the process.

She wish they should all vanish from her sight or better still she should be the one to vanish with no traces at all, that way, she was sure she would be free from them and her father too.

After what seems like eternity to Cara, the introduction phase came to an end and it was her turn to choose a groom amongst the men that were present.

"I appreciate you all and I must confess, each an every one of you possess really great potential. I'm greatly amazed by it." Cara's father commented, smiling gracefully. "With this, I'm sure that whosoever my daughter choose among you all, she will be making a good choice."

His short speech gained him positive response from the crowd and this made him smile even broader. His mind seems to be at ease at that moment, they were of great men and would make great partner to his daughter.

Slowly, he turned to his daughter with an assuring smile on his face. "My lady..." He voiced in a low husky tone.

Cara already understood her father, it was time for her to choose among the men. She sighed, her breathe was shallow and her eyes were narrowed too.

She stood up from her seat. "Father..." She whispered, not softly but in a shaky voice. Her voice sounded ragged like she's been shouting for long.

She need not to explain her pain, her father understood her better than any one else but then, he was left with no choice. Danger seems to be lurking around and he desperately needed to save his throne and his people, most especially his daughter herself.

"Go on, my lady." He urged her in a cajoling voice.

Cara walked amongst the gathered men as she slowly look around, scanning for no one in particular. The men were much and this will fetch her enough time to make her choice since she have no other option.

Not choosing any of them would only fetch her country a shame and in the nearest future, she might get to remain a spinster.

Just when she finally decided to choose the finest man of all, who seems to be very skilled in martial arts too — because she believed he would protect her, murmurs were heard and it was enough to distract her.

She turned her head to the source of the soon to break out noise and her breathe seized for a while, she had never seen a man as beautiful as him.

His chest was broad as the cloth he was putting on suit him perfectly, hugging his body tightly. She batted her lashes several times to be sure she was not seeing things.

Truth be told, the man was sinfully beautiful with great body features too. She was mesmerized at his sight! The beautiful man, who seems not to be bothered at the murmur, walked majestically towards Cara's father, almost bumping in to her and with out caring at all.

"Lothanna..." Cara's father called slowly, his mouth agape. Merely staring at her father, Cara could tell how much he is afraid of this man!

"Who the hell is he?" Cara could not help but asked herself, a small smile tugging at her lips. "How can a man be this beautiful...?" Truly, she was having a hard time snapping out of her daydreaming...