
Eternal Threads: Embrace of the Celestial Path

In the vast universe, three realms exist in harmony—the Lower Realm, the Middle Realm, and the Upper Realm. Each realm is governed by its own unique set of laws and is inhabited by diverse creatures, spirits, and cultivators seeking power and enlightenment.

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99 Chs

Chapter 97: "Cosmic Tumult"

As the cosmic conduit containing the malevolence of the celestial ember glowed with captured cosmic energy, the cosmic allies gathered to assess their next steps within the Nexus of Eternity. Though they had achieved a momentous feat, the cosmic singularity's malevolent force still loomed, threatening the cosmic realms.

Liu Chen's cosmic clarity sought a way to neutralize the cosmic threat. "We cannot keep the cosmic conduit stable for long. We must find a permanent solution."

Mei Ling's cosmic prowess flared with determination. "We need to seek guidance from the cosmic elders. Their celestial wisdom might hold the answer."

Lady Elysia nodded, her celestial intuition embracing the idea. "Their cosmic knowledge can help us understand the cosmic ember's origin and how to neutralize its malevolence."

Xuan Ji's celestial light intertwined with Aurelia's compassion, their cosmic resonance supporting the plan. "Let us journey to the Cosmic Sanctuary and seek the counsel of the cosmic elders."

With unanimity in their cosmic mission, they embarked on a cosmic voyage to the sacred Cosmic Sanctuary. As they traversed the cosmic expanse, cosmic currents carried them like celestial voyagers through the cosmic sea.

The Cosmic Sanctuary stood in celestial splendor, its majestic cosmic spires reaching for the cosmos itself. It was a place of cosmic harmony, where cosmic beings transcended the boundaries of space and time.

Inside the Cosmic Sanctuary, they were greeted by venerable cosmic elders whose celestial presence exuded cosmic wisdom.

"Welcome, cosmic allies," the elder known as Astraia spoke, her celestial aura shimmering with ancient knowledge.

"We seek your guidance," Liu Chen said with respect, "for we have contained the malevolence of a celestial ember, but its threat still lingers."

The cosmic elders exchanged knowing glances, their cosmic clarity resonating with understanding.

Astraia spoke, "The celestial ember you speak of is a fragment of an ancient cosmic cataclysm—one that threatened the cosmic realms eons ago. Its malevolence is a remnant of that cosmic upheaval."

Mei Ling's cosmic prowess flared with curiosity. "Can its malevolence be purged from the cosmic realms?"

Astraia's celestial intuition weighed the cosmic possibilities. "Indeed, it can, but it requires a cosmic convergence of immense celestial strength—a cosmic convergence you must awaken within yourselves."

The cosmic allies exchanged determined looks, realizing that their celestial bond and cosmic unity were the keys to unlocking the cosmic convergence.

"You must undergo a cosmic trial," another elder named Galactos added, "a journey of self-discovery and cosmic growth."

Xuan Ji's celestial light intermingled with Aurelia's compassion, their cosmic resonance embracing the challenge.

"We shall undertake the trial," Lady Elysia declared, her celestial essence shining with cosmic resolve.

With the cosmic elders' guidance, they embarked on a cosmic odyssey within the Cosmic Sanctuary. Each cosmic ally faced celestial trials that tested their cosmic virtues and cosmic potentials.

Liu Chen's cosmic clarity navigated the cosmic labyrinth, unlocking cosmic mysteries of the cosmos.

Mei Ling's cosmic prowess faced celestial adversaries, embracing cosmic discipline and cosmic adaptability.

Lady Elysia's celestial intuition delved into cosmic wisdom, unearthing cosmic truths hidden within the cosmic tapestry.

Xuan Ji's celestial light intermingled with Aurelia's compassion, harmonizing cosmic unity and cosmic compassion.

As their cosmic trials culminated, they returned to the cosmic elders, their celestial auras aglow with newfound cosmic enlightenment.