
Hope or Disaster?

In the Cultivation Courtyard No.4 of the Disciple District, Harper-Rose and another chief disciple with their head low in shame were standing in front of a tall man seemingly in his twenties and blue eyes filled with fury at this moment as he looked towards Harper-Rose and other disciple, who were part of his Sutton Clan faction!

This man was the leader of the Sutton Clan disciple faction and ranked fourth in the chief disciple ranking, Euan Sutton! 

"Not only you've failed to bring that nobody. You're telling me someone stole your storage rings and left you with some curse that you can't get rid of? And this thief is most likely that nobody who is still in the Ascension Soldier Realm? Am I getting it right?" The more he spoke, the more his face twisted with fury, and he felt his blood boil; he had not heard something so ridiculous in his entire life.