
Please, Asher! Please, Don't Give Up!

As she spoke, Diana's voice sounded strained, as if she were holding back tears.

"We've searched all over this village and the surrounding area, but we haven't been able to find any clues regarding his disappearance. The other missing children disappeared in similar ways, and we haven't been able to find any trace of them either. We don't know what happened to them or who took them. My daughter went missing too, and I'm so scared for her safety..."

Diana trailed off and turned away from them as tears streamed down her face.

After a moment of silence, she turned back toward them and wiped her tears away. "Sorry, I didn't mean to get emotional like this. Please excuse me."

"It's alright, Diana. I understand how you must feel right now. We're here to help you find your daughter and the other missing children." Asher comforted her.

"Thank you." Diana sniffled as she gave them a small smile.