
Eternal Sacrifice of Love

The young and innocent Ling Yao (meaning: potion of immortals) who has been betrayed by love puts aside all her emotions and decides to focus on two things Finding her sister to restore her family’s happiness as Emma and Protecting the Demon prince as the last guardian of the immortal realm. But Xu Si Cheng the only biological son of the famous Chinese business lady Li Ming/ Xu Ming awakes the emotions Ling Yao ignored and makes her fall for him. Discover the mysteries and romance encountered by Ling Yao and Xu Si Cheng’s in The last guardian ☺️

Meg_an7 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
42 Chs


"Is anyone even home". Emma looked around LTG'S house with an expressionless look on her face, she rang the doorbell a few times but no answer.

She reached their house around 6:47pm and right now she was infront of their house with her stuff and she had nothing to use to enter their house. She turned around to check if any of the members would walk into the house.

"What are you doing out here, you should come inside" MJ emerged from the front door of their house and she turned to look at him and was shocked to see him in an apron.

"Wow, I thought you weren't allowed I the kitchen" He raised an eyebrow at her because he couldn't understand what she meant.

But after a few seconds he nodded and smiled at her. He wasn't allowed in the kitchen because he is the God of Destruction, he's really clumsy but cool.

"Come in and have a sit, you can bring your stuff and I'll keep them for you" He gave her a warm smile that says 'feel at home'.

"Oh, HJ and Yong is asleep while KT and HR went out to get some foodstuff and Gi Jeok is playing with Sowon his dog". MJ thought it was right to explain why the house is currently quiet so that she doesn't feel that everyone's avoiding her.

"Uhmm, he did say feel at home and right now I'm hungry" Emma talked to herself with a pout on her face. She went into the kitchen to cook for herself but then decided to cook for the other Members.

She saw what MJ was making and knew he was trying to make Tteokbokki but he just ended up making a mess.

"Hey, welcome to our house and also why are you the one cooking" Gi Jeok was back from playing with his dog Sowon and was happy and shocked to see Emma cooking in his kitchen.

"Since it's my first time here then why don't I cook for you and besides I'm really hungry and I can't wait for Min Ji to cook". She gave him a light smile and he returned the smile with a wide one and a thumbs up.

After a while HJ woke up weirdly and told Emma "the aroma of what you're cooking woke me up". He woke up like a vampire that had just woke up from a coffin. She smiled and told them to wait for the other Members to come.

The food was ready and KT and HR walked in with a few shopping bags with them. They didn't only buy foodstuff, they also bought some clothes.

"Now everyone is here except for Yong" Emma was ready to serve the food but one member was still sleeping. MJ showed her the way to his room and she went there to wake him up.

She thought of a way to wake him up without disturbing him and she had a funny one. "Listen Yong, KT is suddenly taller than you and he took your Chocolates from the refrigerator"

After hearing this, he jumped up from the bed and ran to the sitting room and he saw KT still being his short normal self and also spots the food on the dining table. Now he understood. He got tricked to eat dinner.

He looked back and spots Emma who happened to be an really good fan. "I just got tricked again, why me" Yong said to himself pretending to cry.

The other members immediately understood the trick Emma used when Yong immediately ran inside the dining room and they all laughed and teased him.

"You always fall for that trick. Literally every time"

After eating they were all full and because GJ enjoyed his the meal he said to Yong, "Yong you should be grateful she came to wake you up if not you'd have missed this delicious meal".

It was now 8:00 and Emma was already feeling sleepy but didn't show it, instead she asked for a tour around their house from HR.

He happily granted her wish and gave her a tour around the house, showing her the different rooms including each member's rooms.

When he got to his room, he told her they'd be sharing a room together but with 2 bathrooms and beds. He had always gotten rooms with 2 beds and bathrooms but he always ended up being the only one there. Though sometimes each member would go sleep beside him in his room so he wouldn't be lonely.

He had a big room but with medium sized things. Since he was the only one in his room he didn't want anything to be be too big for him. She was happy and told him she was fine with it.

When they got to the sitting room they spot Geon and Sowon playing together and the other members were doing their own stuff. "Let's talk about the contract" she suggested

While they were discussing, Emma told them to be free with her and that they shouldn't be formal with her. She'd feel really awkward if they did that. Also she told them about her new school and how her schedule will be.

After a while she went into her room to get some rest before waking up early for school. HR followed her saying he needed to rest also. On getting to their room they look at each other and Emma told him she might not be able for fall asleep easily.

They both agreed to just lay on their beds and do nothing till they fall asleep.

Unfortunately this didn't work for them so HR decided to ask some questions. He asked her about her favorite color, food, country and so many other things.

She also asked him some questions and in some way HR ended up on her bed and they started playing a fun game.

They played Cham Cham, guess the drawing and she asked him some riddles. In guess the drawing HR lost more than Emma and she won and he gave her a gift which was apparently his biggest shirt.

After playing for a while Emma drifts off to sleep but HR who was still unaware of this kept talking to her until he asked a question and didn't receive a response from her.

He looked at her bed and saw her sleeping with her arms wide open and the blanket partly covering her body. He smiles and says, "she's cold but she's just like a baby".

He looked at her one last time before switching the lights off and says "good night roomie" and then pecks her head. Right now they looked like they were siblings, he's like a big brother giving his sister a good night peck. So cute

I’m sorry for the late update. I just changed my phone so I had to start redownloading everything again.

If you spot any mistakes in any of the chapters pls tell me about it in the comment section

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