
Eternal Requiem(v1)

One-two-three-start!— Tick-Tick-Tick-Tick-Tick-Tick Goes the sound of a metronome setting the tone for what’s to come… What awaits? A series of paths that twist and turn, halting and allowing you to advanced, the lines of what is real and what’s not is blurred But what is real? That is the question you’ll find yourself asking, or maybe you won’t at all, The world might have already swallowed you up by them Chewing your mind and dissolving your intrigue into it’s entity, it’s world it’s rings, it’s people, And then it will spit you back up— Tick-Tick And the metronome would have stopped, It stopped a long time ago, It’s ticks setting the stage for another sound, One you are spat into, It begins and it ends Eternal Requiem.

ReubenZiro · Fantasy
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202 Chs

Immovable Sound: Power

Contrary to what is commonly believed, the opposite of hatred is not love, but obsession,

To be obsessed with a specific person, sight, smell, sound or even concept, people use the word love to make it sound much nicer or much more positive than it looks,

But obsession is none of things,

It is an unexplainable force, that makes one infatuated, with the object of their obsession,

"Its because I love_____" Insert person or reason here….

That's what all obsessed people say, they duck behind the word love even though they clearly don't care about the feelings or well being of whom or what they obsess

All they do is want,

Like a drug obsession is, you can't eat sleep or think without your mind slipping to the object of obsession,

It as if the forces of nature are calling you to it,.

You must get them, get it,

You can't live without it!

Just like hate their can be good born from obsession however at a cost…

Himari for example, her obsession saw her reach great success at an incredibly young age,

She even, as little as it may have been, contributed to making her ring a less corrupted place,

It cost her life in the end


The supreme leader, Mr. Xezus First, a man obsessed with progress, the progress of humanity that he'd go to no any length for this….

The cost for his obsession however….



No one man should have all that power!♪




"Red Flare Cannon!"

Xezus' body now shines a golden bright white, his left arm transformed into a mean-looking cannon points up to the sky, firing off a burst of intense red light, like fire hose blasting water at full pressure,

Apollo assumes a defensive stance holding his sword upfront….


That one wasn't for you,

Merely a display of power,

Now answer me this…

Do you think you will be able to evade that if I try it on you?"


Just let me take Kage, and…. And I will leave….

I'm already fighting the urge to end you right now," growls Apollo unfazed by the display


Kage stirs slightly, his silver curls now queerly black,

Apollo can only wonder what as to what happened


"No," Declines Xezus dryly

"Yellow flare canno–


Yellow flare beam"

A tiny soundless laser fires at Apollo

"Infinite eva–

Acht!!" he recoils back

The amber bullet of light grazes past his face,


I was sure I moved"

"Spatial mana, that's what I posses," Xezus says this secretly quite pleased since this is the first time he has ever openly revealed this fact

"That yellow flare beam cuts the space around it, even if you move you will still be hit,

Do now comprehend my level of power to yours?"



Apollo does not care for the superiority monologue the supreme was about to give,

Taking the opportunity he uses the lightning pulsing from his heart to electromagnetically bend the steel roads around the man,

Picking up Kage's lifeless body he hops and sword preparing surf away,

(Just go, just go, just go) Apollo still constantly repeating to himself,

The rage of grief he feels nowhere near subsided –




Xezus teleports right by Apollo on the sword slapping him with the force of a bullet train

His cheek swells up instantly turning his brown flesh throbbing and red,

"You are a simple-minded man, Apollo,

And not because you you're naturally dense, it's by choice, is it?

For the old fashioned magic they still use on Gaia, it evolves with your mental state,

For most that means the more deranged the more insane you are the more advanced your magic gets,

But mana doesn't evolve it's limited by the creativity of it's user,

I wonder how many times your magic would have advanced by now if you had Apollo,

Out of all the people I've seen throughout my life, you are the most deranged,

A ball living breathing walking pile of trauma masked behind your goals of being a hero,

Captain save a human,


Answer me!

Is that what you want to be!?"



All I heard you say was that my mana is limited by my creativity" slurs Apollo purposefully acting ignorant, he wobbles around partially concussed from the last blow…

"In that case, how about this,

Thunder fall!"





Cutting through the now subsiding rain bolts upon bolts of lighting crash down repeatedly on Mr. First,

Even as he teleports, they follow him like heat seekers

"You're wrong," Apollo grabs up Kage again,

"My magic would never have evolved, because I'm the sanest person there is

Now if you will excuse me,

Kage will be coming with–"

"–Blue flare cannon"


The silent shot goes off,

Like a firework the sparkling blue lights up the day sky, it swallows up all Apollo's mana

"Lets have a chat Apollo," mr. First dusts himself off like nothing happened,

"You have had a similar experience to the people of Terra you know,

Our mothers always die when we're born,

The same goes for breeding between humans and mana beings,

Because breeding more beings with mana upsets the balance of things, the mother always dies in the process regardless of human or divine origin,

And you Apollo also lost your father as well,

Now unlike you I knew my father, he was the previous 'delegate'

What's similar is that the both died in pursuit of that thing, you so graciously try to rescue," Xezus points down to Kage,

"The mana being Raguel was his name I sure, we picked him up off Gaia just before you were born, brought him here to, assist our research, but he managed to escape by manipulating one of the Xander children,

They ended up warping too far away off the rings entirely where they met their doom,"

"I don't see what Kage has to do with any of that " grumbles Apollo

"Kage as you call it,

To the now extinct mana beings, was like a baby sibling to them, one that both the angels and demons fought each for,

Yet the humans ended up winning in the end,

Claiming the corpse we were able to exterminate the angels, and the demons that ran away to gaia to cross breed and create those disgusting mana beasts, eventually were killed by their own creations,

My father's pursuit of Kage was different, he was after the power that the body possessed, and a great power it is,

You see, if we're to chop those things legs off right now,

And give it you Apollo,

Your legs would be fully restored,

Not just that but you would have even greater power,

For us of terra, we attain power and knowledge on the par of mana beings, however the cost is that our lifespan is cut to a few minutes,

So it's useless for us, my father learned the hard way

That's why It was sent to Tellus, to see it's effects on those people,

They attain knowledge on par with us, and also a shorter lifespan, as well as a slow descent into madness….

You humans of Gaia had the best potential,

Attain the power either kills you instantly or if you're lucky and survive, you get that great power,

But also great Insanity, like that subject Brandon"

"What's the point of telling me this," Apollo tightens the grip ln his blade

During the talking he was busy brainstorming new ways lf attack,

"I'm giving you an offer Apollo, this is purely for your benefit,

You living or dying does not in anyway affect new earth,


What if I told you, that I could help you gain the power to bring your spouse back to life,"

"..." Apollo remains silent

"I may be known as the supreme leader, but I am in no way, a person who puts himself above others,

All I care about is the progression of humanity, I'm obsessed with it,

And for humanity to evolve, we must share power amongst ourselves,

No one man should have all the power,

Accept my offer and share it with me –no with all of humanity,

It's time we stopped the violence and started pushing for true equity,"