
Eternal Rebirth: The World Within

****************************************** Ethan, the overlooked member of a family of geniuses, feels perpetually outshined by his Einstein-level relatives. Life seems monotonous until a family trip turns tragic, and Ethan meets an untimely death. Just as his life flickers out, his soul gets trapped in a golden meteor, catapulting him into an unknown universe. In this strange new realm, Ethan's consciousness becomes "World Will," a god-like entity with the power to shape a nascent world. His first task? Creating an avatar to navigate this bizarre reality. But in a twist of cosmic irony, he ends up stuck inside his own creation. Imagine a god getting a taste of his own medicine! Ethan's next project is even more ambitious: creating the first life form, whom he names Luca. But parenting isn't easy, especially when your offspring evolves into something far from what you expected. As Ethan grapples with his new powers and responsibilities, he can't shake the feeling that this wild adventure is just the beginning. With every twist and turn, from unexpected crises to comedic mishaps, Ethan's journey is a blend of cosmic wonder, heartfelt moments, and a dash of divine comedy. What's next for Ethan in this fantastical universe? Only time-and a few million years of evolution-will tell *********************************************** The above given statement is entirely false so please dont take it to heart "by the same author"

Diablo2004 · Fantasy
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20 Chs

"Discovering Luca"

Ethan and Prostasis embarked on their journey to witness the evolution of the first multicellular creature, a sense of anticipation filling the air.

The landscape around them blended ancient terrain and vibrant new growth, each step they took resonating with the rhythm of life that Ethan had nurtured over millennia.

Ethan's thoughts wandered as they traveled.

He remembered the countless epochs he had lived through, each one marked by both triumph and trial. Yet, now, a new chapter was unfolding, one where he could step back and let Prostasis take the reins.

Prostasis, for his part, was both curious and determined.

He had inherited Ethan's wisdom and strength but was driven by his sense of purpose.

The world was vast, and there was so much to learn, explore, and protect. Despite his innate abilities, Prostasis had an earnest humility and a desire to connect with all life around him.

As they approached the area where the single-celled organism resided, the air seemed to hum with potential.

Ethan's sharp eyes caught sight of the tiny being, barely visible to the naked eye, pulsating with an almost imperceptible energy.

"Here it is," Ethan said softly, kneeling to observe the organism closely. Prostasis joined him, his expression a mix of wonder and concentration.

For hours, they watched in silence as the organism began to change.

It divided and then rejoined, forming complex structures, and eventually, it began to exhibit traits that hinted at multicellularity.

Prostasis could sense the profound significance of this moment; it was the birth of a new era in the world they were part of.

"Father," Prostasis finally said, breaking the silence, "This is incredible. To witness the dawn of a new form of life… It's like seeing the future unfold before our eyes."

Ethan nodded, his gaze still fixed on the evolving organism. "Yes, it is. This is what I've worked towards for eons. And now, it's your turn to guide this world, Prostasis."

Prostasis looked at Ethan, sensing the deeper meaning behind his words. "You're thinking of leaving, aren't you?"

Ethan sighed, a bittersweet smile forming on his lips. "I've done my part. I've seen the world from its very beginning to this moment.

You are capable, Prostasis. You understand the balance, the cycles of life and death. It's time for me to rest."

Prostasis's eyes widened, and he shook his head firmly. "No, Father. I can't let you go. This world still needs you. I still need you."

Ethan placed a reassuring hand on Prostasis's shoulder. "You have everything you need within you, my son.

I've given you my memories, my knowledge. And now, you must forge your own path."

Prostasis felt a deep sense of responsibility settles over him. "I understand, Father. But promise me one thing: before you go, show me the full extent of your wisdom one last time."

Ethan smiled warmly. "Of course, Prostasis. Let us walk this world together, one final time."

As they journeyed together, exploring the vast expanse of the world Ethan had helped shape, they shared stories, imparted wisdom, and marveled at the beauty of creation.

They visited ancient deserts, climbed towering mountains, and swam in the deepest oceans.

With each step, Ethan shared his stories and the understanding he had gained in a long period of the time he had lived in the world, also in the process he imparted his wisdom, and revealed the intricate connections between all forms of life.

One day, as they traveled in the ocean, they came upon a vast clearing.

In the center stood a magnificent palace, shimmering with an otherworldly light.

Ethan and Prostasis both felt a strange connection, a pull towards the structure that neither could explain.

"This place," "How can this be possible" Ethan murmured, his voice tinged with curiosity and caution,

everything in this world was shaped by his own hand, how could there be another man-made structure, which Ethan had not made

and the palace look very similar to his previous life world, building

it was as if the architecture of that world was put here somehow

"something is familiar about this place," Ethan said

Prostasis nodded, feeling the same inexplicable connection. "Yes, it's like a part of me recognizes it."

As they approached the palace, they were greeted by the sight of many fairies.

Golden statues and fairy-like soldiers clad in shimmering armor filled the scene.

At the heart of the palace which was open underwater sat an old male figure with four heads each facing a different direction, the figure was "Luca"

on a majestic throne, exuding an aura of supreme confidence.

Ethan's eyes widened in surprise.

There, on the throne, sat another multicellular being.

like him and Prostasis , although he had noticed statute and soldier.

But, they were not made of matter, they were formed by pure energy, he noticed this as soon as he entered palace, through one of his evolutionary abilities "energy sensing"

Ethan completed this situation with his super thinking ability when memories suddenly rushed back to him.

He recalled, in the distant past when he was still a single-celled organism, He had created another being to aid in the production of life in the world.

That being, he named it Luca. Over the eons, Ethan had forgotten about Luca, never expecting him to evolve on par with himself.

Maintaining his calm, Ethan approached the throne. Prostasis, sensing his father's unease, stayed close by.

Luca, upon seeing Ethan and Prostasis, felt a wave of agitation.

From his birth, the connection he sensed from Ethan was unmistakable. It was the same connection he felt from his progenitor.

Luca had expected Ethan to be long dead, never imagining he would return.

"Who are you?" Luca demanded, his voice echoing through the grand hall.

Ethan stepped forward, his demeanor calm and resolute. "We are travelers, seekers of knowledge and witnesses to the evolution of life."

strangely the language they were speaking was English, the same language as Ethan's previous life 

this confirmed Ethan's doubt, when "Prostasis" was born he learned from "prostasis" that he had gained some of his memories like basic language and understanding of the world 

he compared this situation with "Luca" and confirmed that he must have also gained some of his memories during his birth

this, was why he built palace underwater just like the previous world building

and, he also confirmed that being sitting on the throne was Luca

Luca's eyes narrowed, suspicion and curiosity mingling in his gaze. "And what brings you to my kingdom?"

Ethan chose his words carefully. "We sensed something powerful aura from here, something that called to us. We mean no harm."

Luca's laughter was cold and mirthless. "Power? Yes, this kingdom is built on power. But who are you, truly, to feel such a call?"

Prostasis spoke up, his voice steady. "We are guardians of this world. We seek to understand and protect the delicate balance of life."

Luca's gaze turned colder. "Guardians, you say? Interesting. But know this: power is what rules this world, not balance."

Ethan could see the arrogance in Luca's eyes, the same arrogance that had driven so many before him. "Power without wisdom leads to ruin, Luca. Remember that."

Luca scoffed. "We shall see about that. You may observe but do not interfere. My kingdom does not tolerate intrusions."

As Ethan and Prostasis left the palace, they couldn't shake the feeling of unease.

"Father," Prostasis said, "there's something dark about him. His ego... it's a threat to everything we stand for."

Ethan sighed, his expression somber. "Yes, Prostasis. But every being must find their own path. Luca's journey is his own. We must focus on ours."

But deep down, Ethan felt a shift in his resolve. Witnessing Luca's arrogance, and his unchecked ego, made Ethan reconsider his decision to leave. The world needed guidance, and perhaps his work was not yet done.

As they continued their journey, Ethan's thoughts turned to Luca. He couldn't ignore the sense of connection, the feeling that their fates were intertwined.

He knew he had to stay, at least for now, to ensure that the balance he had worked so hard to create would not be destroyed by unchecked power.

Prostasis sensed the change in his father's demeanor. "You're not going to leave, are you?" he asked quietly.

Ethan shook his head, a determined look in his eyes. "No, Prostasis. There's still work to be done. Luca's presence is a sign that my task is not yet complete. We must be vigilant, and we must protect this world from the darkness of unchecked ambition."

Prostasis nodded, understanding the gravity of their mission. Together, they would face whatever challenges lay ahead, guided by the wisdom of the past and the hope for a balanced future


ch is written with help of an ai please give ratting to ch 

do, you wish for me to write such ch or should I change it to regular writing style