
Eternal Rebirth: Descending Abyss

Orix is a villain with the unique ability to be reborn, which has allowed him to gain a wide range of battle and life experiences. He is ruthless and amoral and will stop at nothing to achieve his ultimate goals. In a world full of magical creatures, He must use his own power and skill to rise above the rest and emerge victorious. Despite his lack of moral compass, Orix is a formidable foe who uses his wit and determination to overcome his enemies.

GrindySnail · Fantasy
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5 Chs

30 days

As the crowd assembled, preparing to solidify their groups, Orange's voice rang out once more Listen, insects," he began, his voice carrying an air of enigma. "Now comes the moment where you must make the most pivotal choice of your existence." Simultaneously, four immense doors swung open before them—a green one, a yellow one, a red one, and an unexpected addition—a pure white door.

"In front of you stand these four doors," Orange continued, his words resonating through the chamber. "Each door symbolizes distinct domains, and within each domain, lie challenges of varying degrees of complexity. The green door signifies the path of least resistance, the yellow door presents a moderate challenge, the red door conceals the most formidable trials you can imagine, and those who opt for the white door may find peace for the next 30 days."

The choice now encompassed not only the spectrum of challenges but also a mysterious white door promising a shortcut through the unknown. The atmosphere crackled with anticipation as the crowd pondered the significance of this new addition to their choices.

Orange's voice resonated through the chamber as he exclaimed, "Take a look at this!" Without warning, a summoning incantation was uttered, and from the shadows emerged a little green monster, no taller than 4 feet, with a grotesque, goblin-like appearance. The creature clutched a sphere and shield, its intentions concealed.

In a terrifying blur, the creature pounced onto an unsuspecting woman, piercing her heart with ruthless precision. Shock rippled through the onlookers, but before anyone could react, the monster swiftly turned its attention to another victim. In an instant, the goblin's weapon pierced through the man's head, a gruesome and fatal blow that sent shockwaves of horror through the witnessing crowd. The man's life was extinguished in a heartbeat, leaving behind a ghastly scene of blood and despair. 

The chamber fell into a profound silence, broken only by the horrified gasps and murmurs of those who had just witnessed the brutal demise. The presence of the goblin had now become a looming terror, casting an even darker shadow over the unfolding events, and the atmosphere was thick with dread and uncertainty.

This time, it aimed at the head of a young boy. As the chaos unfolded in the chamber, the green goblin, fueled by a sinister intent, shifted its focus abruptly. With a split-second reaction, the boy managed to evade a fatal blow, but the creature's attack still found its mark, piercing through the boy's arm.

The sudden and brutal appearance of this creature added a chilling layer of mystery and danger to the unfolding events, leaving the crowd in a state of shock and fear. 

The chamber erupted into chaos as Tony, the formidable gang leader, charged at the malevolent goblin. With a thunderous clash, their worlds collided, setting the stage for a brutal battle of strength and willpower. The goblin, with its grotesque appearance and malevolent sneer, lunged at Tony, unleashing a flurry of vicious strikes with its jagged sphere and shield. Tony, fueled by sheer determination, used his superhuman strength to defend against the relentless onslaught.

The goblin's blows were swift and merciless, the crowd held its breath, watching in awe and trepidation.

Tony's power surged through him as he seized the moment. With a mighty heave, he grappled with the goblin, their bodies locked in a fierce struggle. The goblin's malevolent laughter echoed in the chamber, but Tony's resolve remained unshaken.

As the battle raged on, Tony's strength proved to be a formidable advantage. Slowly but surely, he gained the upper hand, overpowering the goblin with every exertion. With a final, Tony twisted the goblin's head, defeating the creature in a dramatic climax.

The room fell silent, the only sound was the heavy breathing of the exhausted combatants. Tony emerged victorious, his body battered but his spirit unbroken, a testament to his unwavering courage and strength.

Tony, catching his breath, examined the goblin's lifeless body. He picked up its spear and shield, surprised to discover that he had leveled up. He was shaken when he looked at the stats; now with [+5] Strength Sphere of Goblin [E] and [+10] HP (Shield of Goblin) [E]. 

Orange's demeanor remained strangely composed, as if the gruesome events that had just unfolded were of no consequence. He spoke with an unsettling calmness, revealing the identity of the malevolent creature. "That green thing," he continued, his voice carrying an eerie undertone, "is a Level 3 goblin. He is the weakest of the inhabitants within the yellow door." 

As Orange's revelations unfolded, the gravity of the choices before them grew ever more profound. The options now lay bare before the assembly: the serene tranquility of the white door, the relative ease of the green door with its lurking challenges, and the looming nightmare of the red door.

Amid the eerie silence that followed Orange's words, the crowd found themselves at a crossroads, each door a portal to an unknown fate. The choices they would make in the coming moments would shape their destinies in this enigmatic world of doors and dangers. The tension hung in the air, thick with uncertainty, as they contemplated their next steps in this surreal and perilous journey.

With that, a palpable sense of urgency gripped the assembly, and the countdown began. "Keep in mind, there are limited slots for the white door. Act quickly if you want to secure a place in its peaceful sanctuary. You have 30 minutes to decide, starting NOW."

In the initial 10 seconds, a frenzy erupted among the crowd as individuals swore and surged toward the alluring white door. With a rush, the first ten people managed to enter the door, but as the last person attempted to follow suit, a sense of desperation filled the air. They pounded on the door, hoping it would relent, but to no avail. The white door had closed completely, sealing those who entered into an unknown fate, while leaving the rest outside in tense anticipation.

Without hesitation, Brick, the Major, took charge. His commanding voice cut through the tension. "To secure our future, we must claim the green door immediately!" His words spurred a rush as people crowded around the entrance. Zach, the streamer, rallied his group, and together they surged towards the green gate, disappearing into the unknown.

"Keep in mind, there are limited slots for the white door. Act quickly if you want to secure a place in its peaceful sanctuary."

Panic rippled through the ranks of Tony and Chronos' group as they fretted about missing the chance to enter the green door. Amid the commotion, Tony's voice cut through the chaos. "STOP!" he commanded, his tone resolute. The crowd fell silent, their attention fixed on him.

With conviction, Tony continued, "Remember what that fellow said earlier. We're not guaranteed safety by choosing the green door. That individual is no ally of ours." He gestured towards the exit they'd all been clamoring towards.

"It's quite clear," Tony emphasized, "that the path of higher difficulty offers the potential for greater rewards. Our success will be evaluated after 30 days, and the stakes are high. We must consider the bigger picture. The green door isn't our only option." His words resonated, urging the group to reconsider their hasty decisions.

Orange chuckled knowingly and addressed the gathering, "Looks like we've got a few smart cookies in here." He paused before continuing, "That is correct. You will be graded based on your performance at the end of the 30 days. However, here's the kicker: if you fail to meet the 'Quota'—no matter which door you choose, be it the seemingly safe white door or the green door—you will face elimination."

His words hung heavily in the air, emphasizing the high-stakes nature of their choices. It was clear that the decision they were about to make would carry immense consequences, and the notion of 'Quota' added a layer of uncertainty to their path, regardless of which door they selected. A heavy silence descended upon the crowd as the consequences of their choices became painfully clear.

Fools who choose the white door may enjoy the piece for the next 30 days but that will be their last 30 days and those who choose the green door won't be any better as there are not enough resources in the green domain to meet quota. 

Orange's words echoed in their minds, and uncertainty gnawed at their resolve. One voice, filled with frustration and anger, broke the silence. "Why didn't you tell us from the beginning and lie to those who chose the white and green doors, you MONSTER!" the man shouted, his words a torrent of indignation. Orange's cold, unwavering stare met the man's accusing gaze. "No one asked," he responded coolly. before the middle-aged man was able to finish his sentence a loud splat happened and turned the middle-aged man into a pool of blood.

" Status :

Name: Tony

Level: 2

Class: None

Skills: Super Strength [A], Iron Skin (passive) [A]


HP: [ 24 ] + [10] (Shield of Goblin) [D]

MP: [ 10/10 ]

Strength: [ 22 ] + [5] Sphere of Goblin [D]

Vitality: [ 13 ]

Agility: [ 15 ]

Intelligence: [ 5 ]

Luck: [ 1 ]