
047 Tryout (2)

The instructor prepared the next match-up between Prince Keras and Baron Randall. Prince Keras stood in position and surveyed Baron Randall. Out of all the opponents, Baron Randall was the trickiest. However, no matter how tricky he was, Prince Keras was well aware of his tricks and won't easily fall for them.

"There's some irony to this match-up, both are highly influential people and powerful magician," the students commented.

"However, Prince Keras specialize in magical offensive spells, while Baron Randall specialize in magical defensive spells."

"So it's an offensive vs defensive spells match-up?"

"Well, it would be if Prince Keras wasn't a foundation stage powerhouse. Although Baron Randall has extremely strong Body Aura, he's going to be dodging a lot."

As predicted by the students, the fight between Prince Keras and Baron Randall consisted of Baron Randall running around and dodging the powerful fireballs thrown at him.

Prince Keras fireballs were slightly stronger and faster than Nico's fireball talisman. However, it took Prince Keras around a minute to recharge.

The fireball flew to the left, seemingly missing Baron Randall, but then curved back as though it had a homing ability to hit the target. Baron Randall cast a round magical shield.

"So that's the Turtle Shell Barrier," Xavier explained. "It can block any type of spell. It's like having another body aura."

The turtle shield floated on the right side of Baron Randall, only moving when it had to. Whenever a fireball flew toward the Baron, the shield moved to block the attack.

Prince Keras used his magician staff and fired three rounds of fireball toward Baron Randall. Baron Randall dodged out of the way, but the third fireball hits the turtle shell. The turtle shell broke apart.

"As expected of the Prince," Baron Randall praised. "Just one shot was enough to break my barrier."

Baron Randall began his counter attack, using his own staff to cast two earth spikes. The two spikes spread out, but then curved toward Prince Keras. Prince Keras leapt into the air and then charged directly toward Baron Randall.

"Prince Keras is planning to use physical attack!?" Some students were shocked, but others were confused.

"I don't get it," Jack commented.

"Turtle Shell Barrier is an ability that reduces magical attacks by 20%, but physical attacks are reduced by 50%," Xavier explained.

"So the turtle shell is stronger at preventing physical attack?"

"It is. However, look at Prince Keras's Sunray Staff."

Everyone turned to look at the glowing green light emitting from the staff.

"Prince Keras probably knows that the turtle shell is weak against Green type attacks," Xavier continued to explain.

"Why are the colors so important?" Nico noticed that different colors work better on certain beasts.

"Scholars aren't exactly sure, but depending on the color, skills may reflect, penetrate, absorb or even enhance certain spells and barriers," said Xavier.

Nico knew of the most basic color sequences, black> red> orange> yellow> green> blue> purple> white> black. Black could beat out red, but white could beat out black. The cycle was the most well known, but there were also exceptions and unique colors like crimson and cyan.

Prince Keras's attack clashed into Baron Randall's shield.

Everything had a weakness, and Prince Keras knew of his opponent's weakness. Prince Keras continued to attack.

Baron Randall backed away quickly, sensing his Body Aura was collapsing. His magic recharged, and he cast three giant spikes toward the prince.

Prince Keras dodged each of the spikes, closed in on Baron Randall and attacked.

At that point, no one was surprised. Prince Keras was trained by all the knights, so his physical combat was naturally stronger than most magician.

Prince Keras's Sunray Staff had rays with narrow blades that could pierce and slash.

Slash! Slash!

Baron Randall cast a barrier to block. The Sunray Staff physical attacks were very weak, but it was enough for Prince Keras to distract Baron Randall and he cast a green lightning bolt to attack from behind.

Zap! Zing!

After several bouts, Baron Randall's barrier indicator cuff turned white.

"That was a good fight," Baron Randall remarked.

Prince Keras nodded. It took him longer to take out Baron Randall than he had expected.

Obi watched as Prince Keras to the side.

"Prince Keras?"

"He doesn't care about the combat team, he's just playing around," Prince Keras glanced at Baron Randall.

The next round between Juliana and Corribal was barely a match. Juliana quickly shot out several arrows. After the 4th hit, Corribal's body aura was down.

"The goddess is amazing!" The students all gushed over the new student.

"She's amazing!" The students were amazed. "This match ended so quickly!"

Corribal's friends patted him on the back. It wasn't that he was weak, it was that Juliana had strong magical arrows.

The instructor called Marcus and Jack to the stage.

Jack slowly walked up the steps and onto the main courtyard. He prepared his Bowie knife and although he tried to hide it, he looked unsure of himself.

"It feels odd to see Jack looking all nervous," Ashe said.

Anya didn't want to comment, she was feeling nervous herself.

After the signal to start, Marcus and Jack both cautiously evaluated the opponent. Neither wanted to make the first strike.

After another moment, they both charged in to attack. Jack held his ground, but he was mainly in defensive position. His blade deflected the quick slashes of Marcus's daggers.

"The kid isn't bad, but he is completely out of his league," the students watched as Jack flipped and dodged Marcus attacks.

Marcus flung two hidden knives toward Jack. Jack evaded one, but the second broke a bit of his force barrier.

Jack force barrier wasn't strong, so he knew evading was the only way he could survive the match.

Marcus continued his strategy of dodging and attacking. Jack did the same. Although they both had very similar style, Marcus was more experienced.

Marcus movement changed. It became difficult to see where he was attacking from.

"Is that the Shadow Walker skill?" asked Nico.

Xavier nodded. "Yeah, it looks like he disappears, doesn't it?" asked Xavier.

Marcus movement skill was a mixture of footwork and shadow illusion. It was difficult to trace his exact location, but if a person maintain focus, it was possible to pinpoint him. Unfortunately, Jack was too inexperienced.

Marcus won in the end.

Jack stepped down from the courtyard, looking a bit dispirited.

"You lasted longer than I thought," Ashe attempted to cheer him up.

"You have improved a lot!" Nico chimed in. They had been training together, so he knew how much Jack was improving.

Vincent patted Jack in the back.

The instructor called the next competitors, Norick and Tokon. Nico watched as Norick easily won the match against Tokon.

"I didn't expect him to be so strong," Nico remarked.

"Norick is the strongest pure tanker," said Ashe. "His attacks are easily evaded, but his counter attacks are deadly and nearly impossible to evade. The worst thing about him is his patience."

"For a tanker, he's unusual though," Xavier added. "Tanker works well as the core of the team and with a partner. Norick always prefer to be alone."

Ashe took the stage as the instructor announced the next match, between him and Princess Toria Gordon.