
Eternal Love Until Death

Nick never imagined that he would fall in love with Zoe, with such extreme and obsessive love that it was all-consuming. No matter if she didn't want it, he believed she belonged to him alone. Whoever dared to give her an extra glance, he would make sure they faced death. He believed that besides him,no one else was worthy of

gloriousxy · Urban
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45 Chs

Chapter forty-one

The men in attendance all felt the pain.

Sampson, bending over in pain, had his face distorted, coupled with his swollen face, his former politeness and refinement were all gone.

Zoe saw him like this and immediately felt that even if she vented her anger, she wouldn't have such an effect.

The young man frowned and glanced at Nick: "How can you even hold a cigarette ashtray steady?"

Nick replied nonchalantly, "Sorry."

This exchange of words deflected Nick's behavior of smashing the criminal in the interrogation room.

Half an hour later, the group left the police station.

The sun suddenly shone today, bathing the streets outside in a golden hue. Nick turned and glanced at Zoe.

Zoe was talking to Luna and didn't notice his gaze.

After waiting patiently for a few seconds, Zoe still didn't know.

Nick put the cigarette he had taken out back into his pocket and strode over to Zoe, suddenly towering over her. Zoe and Luna both looked up.

Nick, with a gloomy face, took Zoe's hand and said, "What's there to talk about? Let's go home."

Saying that, he pulled Zoe forward.

Zoe stumbled a few steps and followed him down the steps, "Nick..."

She whispered, wondering why he had to be like this.

"I need to go back to the dormitory once."

Ellie and Stella were waiting for her in the dormitory and were worried.

Nick spoke coldly, "Then I'll take you back to the dormitory."

Leo gave a disdainful look and reluctantly went to drive the car.

Luna hugged her arms, walked down the steps, sighed, and shook her head helplessly.

The four of them got into the Jaguar, and with the window rolled down, Nick greeted the young man.

"Thank you for your hard work."

The young man, with a cigarette in his mouth, waved, "Goodbye, Master Nick."

Nick nodded, and the window was rolled up again.

The young man squinted, watching the distant black car, and then took out his phone, found his boss's number, and dialed.

After a while.

The man's low and steady voice came from the other end, "Is it handled?"

The young man: "Yes, the young master has returned to school."

He smirked, "It seems he's fallen in love."

The man paused in flipping through the documents and spoke again, "Didn't he have a relationship before?"

The young man: "This time seems a bit different."

The man hummed, "With his indifferent nature, how could it be different?"

The young man shrugged and smiled.

Everyone in the family knew about Nick's previous relationship.

The other party was Nerida. Although Nick himself didn't say anything, Nerida wasn't tight-lipped, and after several quarrels between the two, everyone knew about it. Nick's attitude towards this relationship was appalling.

With such a nature?

Could he even have a relationship?

Perhaps he was destined to be alone for the rest of his life.

Today, Ellie and Stella returned to school and learned about Zoe's situation. They were terrified and worried.

As soon as Luna heard about it, she discussed with Leo and went to Zhonghao Hotel to find Zoe.

Ellie and Stella were waiting in the dormitory.

Nick grasped Zoe's hand, lazily stretched out his legs, and leaned back in the chair.

There was a faint impatience in his brows. The two had just started dating, but they didn't have any privacy.

The car didn't drive up to the dormitory building and stopped in a parking spot outside.

Walking to the dormitory, it was the beginning of the school year, and there were many students coming and going, dragging luggage, carrying basins, and riding bicycles.

They came and went constantly.

The aunt who managed the self-study students' dormitory had already stopped bothering to check if the incoming people were self-study students.

She ignored the students coming and going.

Zoe and the other three were able to go up the stairs.

Leo took a few steps, only to be glared at by Nick, coldly and with a warning.

Leo couldn't help but speak out and confront Nick, "I'm just going up for a stroll, do you have any objections?"

Nick had one hand in his pocket and the other holding Zoe's hand. He looked lazy and indifferent. Upon hearing this, he gave another cold glance.

Zoe felt a bit uneasy being sandwiched between them.

Luna said, "Originally, neither of you should have come up here. What do you think our dormitory is?"

Zoe nodded, "Yes."

Nick: "..."

Leo: "..."

But Luna spoke too soon. As soon as the dormitory door was pushed open, there were four people inside, two men and two women, including Ethan and Noah.

Upon seeing Zoe, Ethan jumped up, "You're finally back! Zoe, are you okay?"

Zoe shook her head with a smile, "I'm fine, I'm here."

She instinctively detach Nick's hand.

Ethan took a step forward, wanting to speak, but saw Nick pulling Zoe's hand towards him.

Their fingers intertwined tightly.

He stood there stunned, his expression fleeting.

Noah, Stella, and Ellie also saw it.

For a moment, the atmosphere in the dormitory stagnated.

After about a second, Luna bent down to change her shoes, making a bit of noise.

Ellie finally spoke, with uncertainty, "Congratulations on your relationship?"

Nick tilted his head and curved his lips, "Thank you."

Ellie was shocked, startled by his demeanor.

It was the first time he had been so pleasant and agreeable. In the past, he was always cold and indifferent, not caring at all. His gaze never lingered on their faces for more than a second.

Because of his attitude, many girls found him captivating.

Now, with his pleasant demeanor, he was even more charming.

Ellie couldn't help but ask, "So, since you're in a relationship, are you going to treat us?"

Nick raised his eyebrows, "Yes, we should."

He agreed readily.

Zoe felt her face flush and quickly挣脱 his hand, taking a few steps inside. Stella was standing in the right position to catch Zoe and grasped her shoulders, examining her up and down, "Are you really okay?"

Zoe nodded and smiled, "I'm fine."

"That's good."

Stella let out a sigh of relief.

With so many people in the dormitory, there was really no room to move.

Seeing that Zoe was fine, Noah and Ethan left with their blessings.

It was Leo's first time in Zoe's dormitory, and he subconsciously took a few glances around.

But as he looked, he realized something was wrong. The girls' gazes were fixed on him.

Leo paused for a moment and said after a couple of seconds, "Should I go out?"

Luna snorted, "You've got some sense."

Leo felt a bit deflated. His gaze fell on Zoe standing gracefully next to Stella, and his expression darkened a bit.

He scratched his hair and said, "I'll go out... um, should this person come with me?"

All the boys were being chased out.

The only one left was Nick, who had some connection. Nick leaned lazily against the door, neither entering nor leaving.

He seemed very comfortable with this situation.

Luna winked at Zoe.

Zoe received the signal and looked up at Nick.

Nick played with his cigarette, squinting at her, as if saying,

"Are you treating?

To celebrate our... relationship?"

Zoe felt a little embarrassed when she thought of these words, but she still had to say them with a forced smile.

The first part of the sentence made Nick feel very unhappy.

But the addition of the latter part made his unhappiness disappear in a second.

Nick put the cigarette in his mouth, raised his eyebrows, and said, "Alright, hurry up."

With that, he turned around and walked out of the door briskly.

Leo leaned against the railing outside, listening to Zoe begging Nick in such a gentle voice. It was so different from her previous prickly tone that it was almost like a deadly weapon for men.

He was jealous to the point of madness. When he saw Nick come out, he rolled his eyes and turned to leave first.

What's so great about being in a relationship?

What's so great about being Zoe's boyfriend?

No, wait.

It actually is quite something.

As Leo walked, he thought back to Zoe in high school.

But all he could recall was her looking at Nick with undisguised affection.

What kind of luck does this dog Nick have! It's so good!

As soon as Nick, the big Buddha, left.

Ellie, who was close to the door, quickly closed it.

Turning around, she let out a big sigh of relief, and Stella also relaxed a lot. Then Ellie hurried up to Zoe and pinched her face.

"Look, you've started a relationship in just one night! You're the first among us four to get rid of being single, and you've even found such a popular figure. How do you feel right now?

Quick, tell us?"

The atmosphere in the dormitory was immediately brought to life by Ellie.

Zoe smiled and took Ellie's hand off her face, saying, "It was only confirmed in the morning."

Luna pulled a chair and sat down, looking at Ellie and saying, "Don't look so envious. What Zoe has gone through is probably something you can't even imagine. This time, it's all thanks to Nick. If it weren't for him, I don't know what Zoe would have become."

Stella closed the cap of her thermos and said, "At critical moments, Nick is really reliable."

Just for that point.

Some of his previous domineering behavior could be forgiven to some extent.

Ellie nodded after listening.

The four girls hadn't seen each other for a year and happened to encounter this incident.

They sat together and chatted for a while.

But it was only for a moment, when Nick sent a WeChat message to催促them.

Nick: "Are you ready?"

Zoe glanced at it and replied with a few ellipsis marks.

Luna noticed Zoe's expression and asked, "Is he urging you?"

Zoe nodded.

Luna sighed and stood up, taking off her clothes while turning away from them. "Let's hurry up and get ready to go down. Otherwise, he'll be nagging us all the way."

"Ah, Zoe, how are you going to put up with him in the future?"

Stella sighed and put down the thermos, opened the suitcase that hadn't been put into the closet yet, and bent down to choose a jacket to put on.

Ellie also quickly applied makeup. She had woken up late in the morning and hadn't had time to do it yet.

Suddenly, Ethan and Noah came in, and they met them with bare faces. Fortunately, they weren't the type they liked, or they would have been heartbroken.

Zoe was still wearing the shirt given by the hotel manager, and her skirt hadn't been changed for a day and a night. She chose a skirt from the wardrobe, went into the bathroom, quickly took a shower, and used an electric heating rod to heat the water. Naturally, there wasn't as much hot water as from a water heater, so it was a bit cold towards the end. She put on the skirt and felt a little pain in her chest, so she didn't dare touch it much.

After changing, she also hurriedly washed her hair.

After roughly drying it, there was still some dampness left at the ends of her hair. The four of them went out together.

As soon as they walked out, they saw several girls gathered on the corridor, all looking down.

One of them then asked with a smile, "Zoe, isn't President Nick here Noah smiled and opened the passenger door for Luna. Luna sat in, and Noah walked around the front of the car to the driver's seat and started the car.

A faint scent filled the cabin. Nick turned to look at Zoe, then curled his fingertips around her hair, pulling her closer to himself. He lowered his head and sniffed, asking, "Did you take a shower?"

Zoe watched Noah and Luna get into the car, her face flushing red. She nodded softly and said, "Yes."

Nick leaned against the window, saying, "Come sit closer."

There was a barrier in the middle, so Zoe helplessly refused, "It's not comfortable to sit that way."

Nick applied a slight force with his fingertips, causing Zoe's scalp to sting. She had to lean towards him, following the path of her hair. Nick wrapped his arms around her, lazily leaning against the door, his lips resting on Zoe's head, smiling mischievously, "Do I have to get angry?"

Okay, he was comfortable now.

Zoe was not. One of her legs was stuck, and she was leaning against him.

She instinctively struggled to find a better position to lean against in his arms. He seemed to have taken a shower too, as his body emitted a faint minty scent.

He had changed into a white shirt with dark patterns on the cuffs.

Up front.

Noah glanced at the two entangled figures in the backseat and smiled silently.

Luna, listening to the commotion from the back, could guess even without turning her head that Zoe was temporarily under Nick's spell.

The two cars left the school one after another, heading towards the city center.

In no time, they arrived and stopped outside a Minxuan restaurant. The two cars faced each other, headlights flashing, as if in a standoff, slowly parking in their spots.

The car doors opened, and four people got out of each car.

Zoe was led out by Nick. He closed the door behind him, and Zoe tidied up her slightly disheveled hair. Having been nestled in his arms for some time, her legs felt numb, so she quietly stretched them out.

Nick looked down at their intertwined hands. Her hands were so white, soft, and delicate, feeling like a ball of cotton. His eyes darkened, and he applied a slight force.

Zoe stumbled forward a few steps towards him, looked up at him, and asked, "What's wrong?"

Nick smirked and said, "Your hands are so soft. What would it feel like if you touched my back?"