
Eternal Love of a Witch

Thomas Phyla, Prince of the Megalima Kingdom, who had been cast out of his throne and cursed by the White Wizard, happened to cross paths with Amara Iris, a Witch who had been imprisoned for hundreds of years. Iris used Thomas as a means of escape from the swamp of death, but when she realizes how much he is suffering as a result of the White Wizard's curse, she feels driven to work with the Prince to break the spell and keep Thomas by her sides as a soul mate. Because of the White Wizard's curse, Thomas was always at risk of passing away, he always died and occasionally came extremely close to passing away. When Morgan Lloyd, the werewolf who is thought to have killed his pack, shows up, everything becomes a complete mess. Iris is confused when the man suddenly decides to make her his life-and-death partner. Iris will do what? Will she leave with Morgan as the wolf's lover or stick by Thomas until the end and aid him in breaking the White Wizard's curse? "You are mine as long as we are linked!" Iris. "Whatever happens, I won't leave you." Thomas. "We must be together. You are my partner. Don't look at other men!" Morgan. Which choice will Iris make? A journey filled with murder, sacrifice, love, and warmth begins!

Winart12 · Fantasy
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300 Chs

Refuse to Forget You 1

Owen said nothing else as his hands gripped the unconscious Iris and he stared at her intently.

"I don't think that's necessary," Owen said, then carefully. "This woman would not do anything strange to influence Prince Thomas."

Owen didn't know the Devil servant's real reason, but he knew what their Prince's condition was like. He was unstable. Especially those related to the Red Witch.

Wyern narrowed his red eyes, his hand that touched Iris' forehead jerked and sent Owen flying backward, the Elf fell to the ground and groaned in pain.

"How dare you give me orders." Wyern waved his hand and snorted softly, kicking the pebbles under his feet. "I am doing all this for Your Majesty, not for myself."

Iris was still unconscious. She lay helplessly on the ground and the Devil servant started to approach her. Owen got up with difficulty and pulled his leg.

"Why don't we just pretend it's over? This woman … she is very sincere towards Prince Thomas."