

Arthur an orphan is suddenly thrown into a war between gods and demons with the gods on the losing side of the war. Arthur as the last and only hope of the gods rises from the ASHES. WITNESS THE BIRTH OF THE ONE WHO CAN RIVAL BOTH GODS AND DEMONS THE BIRTH OF THE ETERNAL LORD.

dangabe36 · Fantasy
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6 Chs


Cerberus dashed through the forest he felt the power flowing through his, the power which was given to him by his Lord, and with this new power he will protect his lord and family, with this in his mind he dashed through the forest faster eager to save his loyal subordinates .

In another path of the forest several wolves stood weakly glaring ferociously at the other parties which were also wolves and we're gazing mockingly at their former pack members. Suddenly a huge direwolf with dark aura all over it's body stepped forward,.

A direwolf from the former party that looked better compared to the other wolves glared angrily and roared " How could you , traitor"

"Hello Brother, you don't look well" said the wolf with dark aura.

" We are no longer brothers you killed our king at his weakest point, you know he was poisoned try to save us and you still betrayed him, how can you be so heartless "

" Hahaha is that what you really think , well I guess it's time to let it all out of the bag now, I poisoned the old bastard, and I was even rewarded for that". Saying this , he released a dark aura which surrounded him.

"T-tthis... you colluded with the dark forces," said a female direwolf with white fur.

" And so what princess I'm stronger now surrender and I'll make you my mate"

"Never my brother will come for us" yelled the princess hearing this.

Angered by the princesses behavior the direwolf with dark aura attacked the princess "how dare utter the name of that weakling before me, just so you know he is already dead hahahahaha"

"Nnnoo it can't be".

"Hmm I gave a place beside me and your all chose to remain loyal to that weakling you call your prince, don't blame me for what's to come good bye now" Saying this he gathered all the dark aura around him and attacked the dozen weak and wounded wolves.

As the attack was about to land on the wolves who were now In despair, a golden light flashed and covered them, which dispelled the attack from the dark aura.

"who dares go against me!!!" yelled the evil wolf.

The all looked at the direction the light came from, and saw a direwolf step out of the forest.

" Brother you're alive " said the excited princess as the dozen felt hope again.

Cerberus stepped out of the forest and looked around till his eyes landed on his little sister the princess and he was anger seeing her beautiful white fur stained in her blood. He walked towards his weak subordinates then turned to look at the wolves now covered with dark aura and their leader even with a darker one and said " I can see you have all accepted the offer given by the evil forces, and I hope you are ready to face the consequences "

The leader of the evil wolves sneered and said" hmm who do you think you are I am now king and you are nothing to me with the power I now possess " said the leader of the evil wolves wanting to display his power by exuding an even darker aura than before .

Cerberus payed no attention to the disturbance around him which supprised everyone especially the wolf talking to the evil wolf earlier and looked deeply at his sister and subordinate then another golden light flashed which covered their bodies and healed their injuries and restored them to their full strength.

The evil wolves leader was shocked " How is this possible, when did you become so powerful"

Cerberus sneered and said " You don't deserve to know, you poisoned your king , betrayed your brethren, accepted the dark forces and most of all YOU HURT MY LITTLE SISTER and for that you'll pay you all ... WILL PAY" as he said all this he transformed fully to his GOLDEN FENRIR FORM, exuding his terrifying majestic power which made all the subordinates had reverence towards him and all the evil wolves feel fear.

Finally not giving the evil wolves any chances he said "I AM THE TRUE KING, THE DIVINE FENRIR.... FENRIR'S JUDGEMENT !!!"

With a burst of light, golden lightning came from the skies and attacked the evil wolves vaporizing them even their leader could not survive.

The wolves who watched as Cerberus finished off the evil wolves that had tormented them looked at Cerberus in shock and suprise . Till Cerberus little sister walked up still shocked " brother is that really you" she said looking at her brother who was now like a giant golden wolf in front of them.

Smiling Cerberus said "of course little sister"

The direwolf that was talking with the evil wolves leader finally gathered the courage walked up and said " Forgive me my prince I wasn't strong enough to save the king and other kins I accept any punishment you have for me"

"You did your best no one expected to be betrayed by our kind" said Cerberus " You deserve to be rewarded I will speak to my master about you".

"Brother how did you get so strong and who is this master you are talking about" said the little princess almost insulting Arthur

"please mind you words little sister, my master is a divine king that bestowed upon me my powers , made me the ruler of all wolves and gave me the names Cerberus" said Cerberus praising his master.

" Hahaha Cerberus you never seize to amaze me"

Shocked Cerberus turned and bowed to the voice and said respectfully "Greetings your majesty"

The other wolves also turned to the voice and was surprised seeing their prince bowing to a handsome young man with golden hair and blue eyes

"Hmm you may rise Cerberus"

"Thank you your majesty"

Arthur flew down from the air and looked at the dozen wolves looking at him and nodded then looked at the white direwolf that was looking at him with curious eyes when other wolves were shivering with fear and said "You must be Cerberus's little sister right" she nodded "Hmm such white fur like the moon I'll call you Luna" said Arthur as he had taken a liking of her.

"Thank you your majesty" said Luna happy to finally have a name .

Then he went to Cerberus "You have something to tell right say it"

"Thank you your majesty "Cerberus motioned to a direwolf and said" He was the one that kept my other subordinates together, he was also one of the strongest warriors in my clan and is also like a brother to me"

" Ohh "Lucien said looking at the direwolf that was as black as night and said" I'll call you Lucien ".

" Thank you your majesty " said Lucien excited.

Arthur thought of something then activated his talent and gathered mana around which started taking the form of a crystal, yes he wanted to evolve Lucien like he did Cerberus as he had a feeling something good would come out of it.

After the evolution crystal took shape he said" Lucien come forward this is the reward for your bravery"

Lucien thinking his name was a reward was surprised till Cerberus urged him with an excited look .

He went forward an started absorbing the crystal he was shrouded by darkness and destruction and an abyssal aura making other wolves except Arthur and Cerberus who felt a familiarity with the being about to be born.

After sometime Arthur heard the sound of the system

[ Congratulations to lord Arthur on evolving Lucien in a DARK FENRIR]..