
Eternal life begins with saving my clan

[Ding!] [System Binding....] [10...20...30...%&...@#,,,] [Unknown Error! Unknown Error!] [System unable to bind successfully] [Invoking the emergency protocol] "Hey, System!" "System! Where are you?" [Host bound to the Lotus World Providence] [Host has gained eternal life] "Hell yeah!" Sigh! "That was me... 10 years ago..." "Now..." He took a deep breath and shook his head dejectedly. Su Yen transmigrated to the Lotus World with high hopes after receiving his system and gaining eternal life. "It's my time to rule the world!" However, his grand ambitions came crashing down when he realized his system was nothing more than a knockoff. "Who on earth created this pathetic knockoff system?!" Sigh! "At least, I can live forever and enjoy my life without ruling the world." Once again, his naive thoughts were shattered when he realized the world was not as peaceful as he thought. He needs to increase the world's providence to enjoy this life or else... He'll be damned to eternal suffering. "System! I don't want eternal life again!" "Please make me mortal!" He cried. It was then he realized the importance of power. You need strength to get what you want, but too much strength is also a curse, especially when the Bloodmoon Envoy arrives... They start killing the strongest ones. Su Yen, being immortal, wasn't scared of the Bloodmoon Envoys, but what about his loved ones? And what about the world providence? Now, in the Lotus World where everyone is terrified of breakthroughs, What can he do? Too much talent is a curse. Lack of talent is also a curse. "What kind of a messed-up world is this?" Su Yen is in a dilemma about what to do with his life in this complicated world. However, everything changes when his clan is on the brink of destruction. He must make a decision. "Who cares about the world?" "But no one dares to touch my clan and loved ones."

_EverSmile · Eastern
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341 Chs

Su clan Predicament

As the first glimmer of dawn painted the sky with delicate hues of pink and gold, the sun emerged from the edge of the horizon like a radiant phoenix taking flight.

Its warm embrace gradually enveloped the world, chasing away the lingering shadows of the night.

In Cloudweaver City, a place that had witnessed countless sunrises, this morning felt different.

The air seemed heavy with a somber weight, and a palpable sense of unease settled over the streets and alleys.

Additionally, the city's usual vibrancy was muted, replaced by a pensive stillness that hung in the atmosphere.

People moved about their daily routines, but their steps were slower, their gazes distant.

Shopkeepers arranged their wares, but their minds were elsewhere, lost in worries and speculations.

Even the joyful laughter of children playing in the streets was tinged with a touch of melancholy.

"I told you all that the Su clan soldiers had died in the forest..." a hushed voice came from the street.

People gathered in twos and threes, conversing in hushed voices, their faces reflecting various conflicting emotions.

"How could this be? With their strange armor... even if they couldn't defeat the beasts, they should have had a chance to escape."

"What do you know? Have you ever seen any sacred dare venture into the forest and try to eradicate the beasts?"

Shaking his head, someone responded, "That gives you the answer. The Su clan bit off more than they could chew."

"What are we going to do now?"

"I don't know," another voice replied, filled with uncertainty.

"Is it true that the Su sacred clan is finished?"

Listening to this, the group exchanged glances and scurried off to their various stores.

In the Su sacred clan, the air was heavy. Everyone had panic and fear on their faces. Even though this may not be the end of the Su's, it would weaken them greatly.

In the main hall, a group of elders gathered together, worry flashing on their faces.

"Supreme Elder Su Feng, why don't we send a rescue party to look for them?" an elder said with concern.

"We don't have to send any rescue team..." Su Lan said.


Everyone looked at her with wide eyes, wondering why she said that. Had she forgotten that two of her brothers were among those in the forest?

Supreme Elder Su Feng and Supreme Elder Su Hua exchanged glances before Elder Hua asked, "Lan, why would you say that?"

A confident smile appeared on Su Lan's face as she responded, "Because nothing happened to them..."

She paused for a moment before adding, "I don't know why they were delayed, but I believe nothing happened to them."

'How ridiculous! With Elder's strength and Elder Jie's power, what could hold them down? Besides, with Su Yen's cunning self, why would he put himself in harm's way?' she thought.

Just as the elders were trying to reason with what Su Lan had said, a guard rushed in.

"Elders..." he said, panic written all over his face.

"What?" an elder asked impatiently.

"The Li sacred clan soldiers have come..."


Everyone was astounded.

For a couple of seconds, the hall was quiet before Supreme Elder Su Feng erupted with fury.

"How dare they?!" he shouted.

Outside the Cloudweaver city wall, thousands of soldiers stood in formation, waiting for the order to besiege the city.

Previously, the situation was not looking good, but now, the situation couldn't get any worse.

"How dare the Li sacred clan try to invade our city?"

"Who do they think we are?"

"Is it because the Su soldiers have not come back that gives them the guts to try this?"

"We must teach them a lesson of their lives."

Various citizens voiced their anger toward the Li clan, but no one stepped out to face them. Everyone was waiting for the arrival of the Su elders.

Shortly, the Su's arrived with fury burning on their faces. Standing on the city wall, Elder Su Feng shouted, "Who gave you the guts to do this?"

"Hahah. What do you mean?" Li Wei retorted, with ridicule flashing on his face.

"Everyone knows your clan has lost its strength... You're just a broken camel that still wants to maintain its prestige..."

"You..." Su Feng's chest rose and fell, his eyes bloodshot from anger.

He wanted nothing more than to jump down and fight it out with Li Wei, but he controlled his impulse, thinking of the overall situation.

Currently, they were on the passive side and needed to think of a way out of their current predicament before dealing with the Li sacred clan.

"I hope you will have that confidence when our soldiers come back," Su Lan said, not deterred by the Li clan soldiers.

"Hahah. Another delusional young girl." Li Wei laughed. "What do you think happened in the forest for them not to have come back by now?"

"If you are still holding onto hope that they will come back, you can forget about it. They are all dead," he said derisively.

"Impossible! Lies!" Su Lan retorted, anger burning on her face.

"Girl, I don't have time to bicker with you. Will you surrender peacefully, or do you want it the hard way?"

"Do you think we're some kind of soft pessimists you can trample on as you wish?" Su Lan retorted with ridicule.

"Whether you're pessimists or not, we shall see." Li Wei shrugged and turned to look at the soldiers.

"Charge!" he commanded.

At once, thousands of soldiers launched forward, their eyes burning with fervor. As soldiers, one of the battles they loved most was invading other people's territory.

All the spoils of war belonged to them. Thus, this was the time for them to get rich.

On the city wall, Su Feng and the others didn't know how to handle the situation as it spiraled out of hand quickly.

"What should we do?" Elder Hua asked, panic on her face.

"We fight," Elder Su Feng said decisively.

Hearing this, the Su elders and guards didn't seem surprised by this decision.

As Sus, they never bowed their heads to others. This pride was ingrained in their bones. They would rather die than lower their heads.

Just as the remaining Su clan members were preparing to open the gate and fight to the death with the Li soldiers, a powerful, suffocating sword strike emanated from the horizon, covering almost the entire battlefield.

At once, the charging soldiers halted in their tracks and raised their heads, their spines drenched in cold sweat.

All they could see was a beautiful sea of stars.

Even though the sea of stars was beautiful, the killing intent made them cower in fear.

What type of power was this?!


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