
Chapter 60

After a long time, the two sides ended up fighting.

The defeated old man waved his hand, feeling dispirited, and muttered: "Today's heart is upset, let you have a game and fight tomorrow."

The old man walked back to the village leisurely with his hands on his back.

The rest of the old man had ruddy cheeks and vigorous spirits. While tidying up the chessboard, he looked up at Su Zimo and said with a smile: "There are not many young people like you with a calm temper. Let's go and follow me into the village."

"Thank you old man."

Su Zimo smiled, thanked him, and followed the old man into the village.

The villagers in the past just glanced at Su Zimo and then stopped looking, as if they were not surprised.

"There are no extra rooms, young man, is it okay for you to live in a wood house?" the old man asked.

"It's okay." Su Zimo responded with a smile.

At night, most of the people in the village hadn't rested yet. The old people who had had dinner walked around the village with a leisurely mind. The woman held her needle and thread and mended her clothes.

Simple, simple and peaceful.

This place seems to be a paradise, there is no fighting, no fighting, but everyone's face has a happy and content smile.

Su Zimo sat at the door of the firewood room, watching this scene quietly, letting go of his mind, thinking of nothing in his mind, and the exhaustion of the journey seemed to be alleviated a lot.

The night is getting thicker, the moon is bright and the stars are thin.

The old people, women, and men have all returned to their houses to rest. In the village, only some energetic children are still fighting, and refuse to go home to sleep.

Su Zimo stood up, returned to the wood house, closed the door and was about to rest.

At this moment, a childish voice came from the village, crisp and sweet.

"Where to find the fairy trail, look at the misty peak, only in this mountain, the depth of the cloud is unknown."


Su Zimo's heart moved, Huo Ran turned around, pushed the door out, and followed the prestige.

Not far away, a seven or eight-year-old child with a smile on his face was walking towards this side.

Su Zimo groaned for a moment, walked up face to face, squatted down, and asked with a smile: "My child, who did you hear that sentence just now?"

"Who said that?"

The child tilted his head and blinked Shu Lingling's big eyes, seeming a little confused, and said, "I don't know, but we will all say it."

"Is it just a simple nursery rhyme?" Su Zimo thoughtfully.

"Big brother, are you asking for cultivating immortals?" The boy asked again.

"Yes." Su Zimo nodded and asked with a smile: "How do you know?"

A sly flicker flashed in the child's eyes, and he stuck his tongue out, and said, "There are people like you every year, but most of them don't see immortals, hehe."

"How can I see it?" Su Zimo raised his interest, wanting to tease the child.

"I don't know either." The child pouted and shook his head.

Su Zimo smiled, just about to get up and leave, a flash of light suddenly flashed in his mind. He looked at the child and asked: "Where to find the fairy trail, look at the Misty Peak, but the Misty Peak is shrouded in fog, how can I see it? ?"

"It's not easy."

The child raised his chin triumphantly and said: "After some days, the fog will be lighter. Standing here, you can vaguely see a section of the mountain. But only for three days. If you miss it, you won't be able to see it."

Su Zimo was overjoyed.

As long as you can see the Miaofeng Peak and walk straight forward in the direction of the Miaofeng Peak, you will definitely be able to walk to the foot of the mountain.

Of course, Su Zimo didn't think that it was as simple as passing through the mist to worship the Misty Peak, but this was the prerequisite.

Su Zimo stayed in this village for seven days.

On the seventh day, the fog gradually faded, and a towering mountain peak was looming in the distant clouds.

Su Zimo bid farewell to everyone in the village and stepped into the mist again.

In the mist, all senses were reduced to the limit, and the sense of direction was blurred. Su Zimo felt like he was turning east or west, and sometimes even seemed to be turning back.

As the fog fades, even if you are in the fog, you can see the location of the distant mountains.

Regardless of this, Su Zimo tried his best to ignore the illusion caused by the senses, and just walked forward along the mountain peak.


Suddenly there was a rustling sound from the depths of the mist, strange and terrifying, like the sound of a spirit beast walking and stepping on the grass.

Getting closer!

A faint smell drifted over.


Su Zimo narrowed his eyes, stopped, and looked in the direction of the sound.

After waiting for a long time, no spirit beast appeared.

This feeling is very strange.

Spiritually, Su Zimo didn't feel any danger.

But in that direction, the voice and breath of the spirit beast did come. Su Zimo had lived in the Canglang Mountain Range for a year. This kind of taste was too familiar and could not be wrong.


Su Zimo whispered and continued to move forward.


Not long after, a tiger roar suddenly came from the front, deafening and full of breath, it can be seen that this spirit beast is powerful, and may even be of the level of a spirit monster!

Su Zimo frowned.

Logically speaking, a powerful spirit beast or spirit demon appeared in front of him, and Su Zimo should have been aware of the danger long ago by virtue of his spiritual sense.

But the strange thing is that there is no response in the spiritual sense, but in the five senses, he has repeatedly sensed the danger.

In this case, there are only two possibilities.

The heavy fog around can either hide Su Zimo's spiritual sense, or bewilder his five senses.

The answer is obvious.

These methods are nothing more than to scare away some people who want to cultivate immortals and ask questions, but are not strong in will.

What a tiger roar, what a bloody anger, is nothing but a trick to deceive people.

Wanting to understand the meaning of the fog, Su Zimo smiled, ignoring all kinds of movement around him, and walked towards the depths of the fog.

In any case, the fog can confuse a person's five senses, and these methods are smart enough.

If it weren't for Su Zimo's spiritual sense, he would definitely be frightened and cautious when he walked along this road.

Su Zimo gradually speeded up his pace, before long, he rushed out of the mist, and his eyes suddenly opened up.

At first glance, the grass and trees are abundant, lush, green water surrounds the mountains, and it is full of vitality, as if you are in a fairyland.

Not far away, stood a stone gate.

Behind the stone gate, is a mountain road paved with bluestone, twists and turns, leading to the misty and dark place.

On both sides of Shimen, there were two young Taoists, one fat and one thin, with red lips and white teeth.

After seeing Su Zimo, the fat Daotong smiled and nodded, and said, "The son is the first one. Please wait here. Only after three days will he open the mountain and accept disciples."

Su Zimo was not in a hurry, waiting quietly on the side.

People kept coming out of the fog, most of them were mortals who hadn't practiced before, with pale faces and sweat on their foreheads. It was obvious that they had come along this way and were shocked.

There was also a gas trainer driving a flying sword out of the fog, and he breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Shimen.

The gaze of some Qi practitioners swept across Su Zimo's body.

Several qi practitioners saw Su Zimo's dress up with a bow and a knife, and their faces were sneered, and they couldn't help but sneer.

All beings are diverse.

Three days, fleeting.