
5. The Queen of Ruins and her terror

「 Realm: Astarok , Divina Continent, Shrag Diva's ruin 」

In the past there was place was called the pride of the demon and bestman races, the kingdom that stode for countless years since the Forgotten era, stode to the oppression of the human race, giant race and elven race combined, labeled as the strongest kingdom between heaven and earth. This kingdom was the leading kingdom of the realm, protecting it from all invasions. It was so strong that the other could not help but bow slightly and advocate peace. Even so the king that time was benevolent and accepted peace with a boardned mind, and even shared some of their technology.

The kingdom was said to have the blessing of the god of evolution, Shragia El Diva, which is said to be the founder of the kingdom in the Forgotten era. The kingdom was feared by the races of the other realms nearby to the point of trying to curry favors to it. the only kingdom to have protectors over level 1000, and not just few.

Everyone thought the kingdom to be eternal, forever lasting with the sun and moon.

But now the whole area of the kingdom is restricted and is considered a ruin. the reason is that one day, when the renowned Prophet, who is also the royal aunt, sought audience with the king secretly and said that the princess is a "someone that will bring disasters and destroy the kingdom" holding an ominous power inside her.

The princess was known to be the embodiment of kindness, she was a gentle girl of 13 years old who helped everyone in the castle and healed them with her healing skill and mysteriously pure smile, she was born as a rare race named Aether Fox, which nothing is known about apart from being the top race of fox race .Her, who can not hurt even an enemy willingly, not to mention the kingdom's people. To be sure the father (king) did a lot of secret analysis and found out that she have an enormous amount of power, 'pure' power. this power was not evil nor divine, but just pure power. But that power was so enormous that even the combined energy of every person in the realm could not cover that amount. plus this power leave nothing in the result of the skill: Appraisal.

The father, after days of consideration and pain, decided to execute her secretly.

When she knew about it from a servant who adored her, she was shocked and betrayed to the point of not getting conscious of time and would not budge even though the servant urged her. When they come to execute her, the servant tried to stop them, but she got killed. It was only then the princess returned to sanity. She then heard from her father, who was with the execution team, the truth, getting her executed because of her power, she snapped. She simply snapped. The power that could not be identified even by appraisal, a 6 star skill, appeared for the first time in this realm. But this power was no longer 'pure' power, it was a pitch black power that represented her rage, wrath, fear, and disappointment. She used that power to kill her father, a level 1500 expert, gruesomely, by cutting part by part of his body, and her aunt by burning and healing her at the same time for what seems to be eternity. She even killed the guardian deity of the kingdom, her uncle who is well over level 2000 by just a swing of her hand.

But she couldn't satisfy her thirst for blood and destruction, so she plunged the capital in a sea of blood.

Her aura, power, no longer contained anger fear and disappointment, but carried slaughter, thirst for blood, destruction, and a seed of madness.

After the capital came other nearby cities, one by one, they became blood rivers echoing with her laughter and the cries of the citizens. All that civilisation and strong power got ruined by a single person, a woman who was said to be the incarnation of kindness, the girl of the ten tailed Aether Fox race, the girl who was betrayed by her own family.

The other kingdoms wanted to conquer that land to attain the technology left behind, but any kingdom that even touched the borders of this 'ruins' their fate was the same as the said destroyed ruins. Billions of people were killed before they named all that area of the kingdom and the attackers: Disaster Restricted Zone: Shrag Diva's Ruin. But some also gave it the name of The Queen's Ruins.

As for the said princess, now queen, she took the ruins home for 10 years.

Her name was Kaosa Shrag Del Belzad El Diva, the previous Crown Princess of Shrag Diva

POV: Kaosa Shrag Del Belzad El Diva (Kaosa Belzad), The Queen of Ruins, the Almighty Psychopath


Ahh~ I still want to sleep~ who the Fuck entered my kingdom???

...Shit the palace that I just reconstructed is breaking down again. It all their fault! I will make them pay for it by their personal and family's blood!

...They are 12 035 870 m away..eh?

They are strong, they travel fast!

A smile crept it's way to my face.

I, Kaosa Belzad, shall meet this strong one!

This time I shall kill him little by little. Slowly so I can enjoy!


After running for 1~2 minutes, I arrived near the intruder. It was the strong guy. He looked young, around 20's. He had a big body with plenty of muscles, golden hair that resemble a mane, silver eyes with a bronze shade, a long golden tail and ears in the top of his head. A Golden lion? Nope nope. He is too strong to be a Golden lion. He also seems familiar somehow~?

Mm~ right I got that skill, I should use i-

"Kaosa Shrag Del Belzad El Diva, you shameless whore, you destroyed our kingdom and slaughtered nearly all our citizens! I am ashamed to even have the slightest familial ties with someone like you! Today I shall kill you and avenge the souls of our-my kingdom, and ret- guh" (???)

FUCKER!!! he dare label me a whore! he dares to say that this is his kingdom???

After being blasted by my attack, he repositioned himself in the air and landed without a scratch.

He is indeed strong! Well lets see his status.

[ Appraisal failed.

Using Divine eyes


Using direct laws

...encountering resistance


Name: Konrad Shrag Del Moria El Diva

Age: 41

Race: Heavenly Beastkin//Golden Sun Lion// Imperial Divine Sun Leo

Class: Deity Magic Knight//Demi-God

State: Contracted

Level: 3026

HP: 3 859 820

MP: 4 154 346

STR: 337 563

VIT: 271 122

AGI: 400 009

INT: 356 436

MGC: 495 555

DEX: 400 001


Divine Body

Divine eye

Accelerated development

Light Magic: Lv 9

Photon Magic: Lv 9

Divine light Magic: Lv 9

Divine Photon Magic: Lv 9

Deity light magic

Fire Magic: Lv 9

Flame Magic: Lv 9

Divine Fire magic: Lv 9

Divine flame magic: Lv 9

Heaven burning magic

Deity fire magic

Lightning Magic: Lv 9

Thunder magic: Lv 9

Divine lightning Magic: Lv 9

Divine thunder Magic: Lv 9

Heaven tribulation Magic: Lv 2

Heavenly sun magic

Court Etiquette: Lv 7

Presence Detection: Lv 9

Myriad Presence Detection: Lv9

All knowing Presence

Sword Arts: Lv 9

Twin sword art

Master sword art

Emperor sword art

Divine sword art

Sword Techniques: Lv 9

Twin sword techniques

Master Sword techniques

Emperor sword techniques

Divine sword techniques

Sky walk: Lv 9

Regeneration: Lv 9

Complete body

Resistance to Evil Energies: Lv 9

Greater Resistance to Evil Energies: Lv 7

Espionage: Lv 8

Blink: Lv 9

Ground shrink: Lv 9

Instant teleport: Lv 9

Existence shift

Virtuous magic: Lv 3

Cooking: Lv 5

Trap Detection: Lv 7

Undead Killer

Evil Killer

Evil extinguisher

Vigour Mastery

Mental Stability

Demon Killer

Skilled warrior



Sense of Justice

Magic Mastery

Night Vision

Deity magician




Innate Skills


Destruction golden sun

Descent of divine sun

Magical control

Magical ruling

Sword control

Sword ruling

Positif energy ruling

Heaven law control

Special Skills

Golden sun law

Heaven sun law

Divine sun law


Demi-god of Divine sun

Undead Killer

One Man Army

Evil Killer

Disaster Crusher

Lord of the sword

Ruler of magic

Recovery Mage

One Who Slaughters

Skill Collector

Skill Maniac

One Who stole heavens principle

Dungeon Conqueror

Big Game Eater

Demon Killer

Heaven Fire Mage

Heaven light Mage

Heven Lightning Mage

Unique magician

Unique swordsman

Lord of domain

Evil Annihilator







Headen fierth

Core sunalia



. ]

wow~ he really is something

Hahaha a demi-god ? Heaven laws? Evil extinguisher ?hahahah this will be fun!!


「 Realm:???,???, ??? 」

POV: Eteinfaos, the Eternal Infinite Chaos

Well the first one is somehow now in his hands… I wonder what will happen. Haha exiting. Currently I am in the throne room and is searching where to put the Chaos Trial: Chaotic Beast, while not letting spica, who is next to me, sense anything. Sigh if I wanna a good result I need to do my best.

Ohh what is that? How rare an Aether fox who could use her power properly. She is one of the most compatible for 'Chaos'.

Hee~ she is fighting…

She is interesting! She probably would pass the test but since she is somehow a battle maniac let's let her do it, consider it a favor. I shall drop the test(beast) now that she finished her fight.

As I thought the way she is passing the test is boring.

"*sigh*, too boring...Naa Spica entertain me, ok?"(Etinfaos)

"Your highness, you should not speak like that, as the Infinite ruler please show an appropriate character."(Spica)

This chick is still too inflexible. Let's tease her a little.

"The order has been trans-...wh! Impossible!?"(spica)

Ohh~ she sensed the Chaos energy. well no wonder! The moment she cut the space to transmite the order was the moment that stupid battle junkie girl, tried to use the power she got...at full force.

Eh, kaosa was it? Do you plan to destroy your plane? Well she surely is interesting.

Now let's see what you can do.

A grin formed in my mouth.

"Why are you panicking like that?"(Eteinfaos)

The game will begin soon. And I will get to see a wonderful show. I wonder how much casualty will be in this game this time? Well one thing is sure, this game will be a masterpiece. Let the game begin!

There still one trial….

...Shit! Return my enthusiasm...

hey guys,

well this the last Protagonist and also the most interesting of the bunch(currently).

there will be no special in this part due to ..... read to know.

see ya

Ouroboros_Infeoscreators' thoughts