
Eternal Heaven Cultivation

In the infinite vastness of Eternal Heaven, a myriad of realms exist, each overflowing with cultivators striving for immortality and godhood. But one relic, the Eternal Amulet, holds the power to transcend the boundaries of existence itself. In the aftermath of Xuan Tian's legendary sacrifice, the Eternal Amulet, one of the four most ancient and powerful relics in the Eternal Heaven, has remained lost for countless ages. The amulet, hurled from the grasp of the ruthless Princess Yun Xue and into the vast expanse of the Mortal Domain, has kept its immeasurable might concealed from those who crave dominion over all of creation. This cosmic balance is shattered when a young cultivator named Li Yun stumbles upon the Eternal Amulet by pure chance. Inadvertently bonding with the ancient artifact's consciousness, Li Yun's life is forever changed as he finds himself thrust into a war that spans infinite realms and involves cultivators of unimaginable power. To survive and protect those he holds dear, Li Yun must quickly evolve from a mere mortal into a peerless immortal. Guided by the Eternal Amulet's wisdom, Li Yun begins to unlock profound mysteries and cultivation techniques that were thought to be lost to the sands of time. However, his rapid ascension catches the attention of malevolent forces who have schemed for eons to possess the amulet's power, chief among them being Princess Yun Xue, an immortal consumed by an insatiable ambition that knows no bounds. As the battle between the righteous and corrupt cultivators rages across the Eternal Heaven, Li Yun must navigate a treacherous path filled with courage, perseverance, and sacrifice. The fate of the cosmos hangs in the balance as he faces the ultimate question: Can he withstand the tribulations that await him and harness the true depths of the Eternal Amulet's power? Or will the universe be forever shattered by those who seek to subjugate all of existence to their tyrannical rule?

Eternal_Empress · Eastern
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16 Chs

Chapter 4: Demonic Cultivation

The crimson hues of dawn's first light filtered through the latticed windows of the Crimson Cloud Sect's disciple quarters, rousing Li Yun from his slumber like a cosmic wake-up call. As he rose and donned his simple training robes, the profound weight of the Eternal Amulet's existence seemed to bear down upon his shoulders like a mantle of cosmic significance – a burden he could share with no one, lest it invite calamity upon all he held dear.

Steeling his resolve with a fortifying breath, Li Yun made his way across the sprawling practice courtyards, where disciples of all cultivation stages honed their arts beneath the watchful eyes of the sect's wizened elders. The air fairly thrummed with the interwoven melodies of their spiritual essences, each aura interweaving into a symphonic tapestry that spoke of the profound mysteries awaiting those who walked the path of the righteous dao.

It was there, amidst the whirling vortices of qi and the clashing of ethereal blades, that Li Yun's gaze fell upon a figure whose movements seemed to flow with a grace and precision that belied his humble cultivation base. The young disciple, his brow furrowed in concentration, wove intricate patterns with the scintillating strands of his spiritual energy, each flourish a testament to his unwavering focus and dedication to the profound arts.

As the disciple brought his form to a controlled halt, chest heaving with the sweet exertion of his efforts, Li Yun felt a strange kinship stir within his soul – a recognition of a kindred spirit who burned with the same all-consuming passion for the dao that now guided his every step along this sacred path he had embraced.

Without hesitation, Li Yun approached the young cultivator, offering a respectful bow that carried the weight of his humble peasant origins. "Your cultivation is impressive, for one of our tender ages," he said, his words ringing with a sincerity that seemed to resonate within the practice courtyard like a cosmic chord. "I am Li Yun, a new arrival to these hallowed halls. Might I have the honor of knowing your name, fellow disciple?"

The young man's eyes widened momentarily, as if surprised by Li Yun's boldness in addressing a senior cultivator so directly, but he quickly recovered his composure with a faint quirk of his lips, returning the bow with equal reverence.

"Guan Feng, of the Peak Qi Condensation stage," he replied, his voice carrying the faintest undercurrent of pride beneath its melodious tones. "And you, Li Yun, must possess a spirit of remarkable fortitude to have earned a place within our sect's ranks at such a tender age." A teasing glint entered his eyes as he swept an appraising glance over Li Yun's modest robes. "Though your sartorial choices leave much to be desired, I must admit."

A surprised bark of laughter escaped Li Yun's lips at Guan Feng's playful jab, his eyes crinkling with mirth. "Ah, but you see, these robes are perfectly suited to one of my cultivated tastes," he retorted with a wry grin. "For what need have I for ostentatious garments when the path of the dao demands a spirit of humble dedication?"

Guan Feng's eyes widened momentarily before he threw back his head with a rich, full-bellied laugh that seemed to shake the very foundations of the practice courtyard. "Well said, well said!" he chuckled, clapping Li Yun on the shoulder with a surprising familiarity. "I can already tell that you and I are going to get along famously, my friend."

And just like that, a spark of camaraderie ignited between the two young cultivators, fanned by their shared dedication to the profound path they had chosen to tread and an undeniable sense of kindred spirits recognizing one another across the vast cosmic divide.Without further preamble, Guan Feng launched into an impassioned discourse upon the intricacies of the Crimson Cloud Sect's signature martial forms, his words painting a vivid tapestry of the profound insights and techniques that lay at the heart of their cultivation methods.

Li Yun listened with rapt attention, his mind a fertile soil eagerly absorbing the seeds of knowledge that Guan Feng so freely offered, all while offering his own insights and observations in a delightfully witty repartee that had the two young disciples chuckling like old friends between breathless bouts of intensive spiritual discussion.

And as the morning gave way to the blazing heat of midday, their budding camaraderie blossomed into something deeper – a mutual respect and admiration that could only be forged between two souls united in their singular pursuit of the profound dao's infinite mysteries.

It was only natural, then, that their scintillating discourse should evolve into a sparring match, a true meeting of minds and spirits that pushed the boundaries of their respective cultivation bases. Fists and feet danced in intricate patterns, each strike a precise channeling of their spiritual essences, while playful barbs and witty rejoinders filled the air between them in a delightful counterpoint to the swirling vortices of their clashing auras.

Guan Feng's movements flowed with the grace of a river's currents, his qi coalescing into shimmering barriers that deflected Li Yun's attacks with effortless ease, only for the younger disciple to counter with a surprising feint or innovative technique that left his opponent momentarily wrong-footed.

"Not bad, not bad at all!" Guan Feng would call out with a roguish grin, his eyes alight with the thrill of their cosmic dance. "But you'll have to do better than that if you want to lay a hand on this peerless physique, my friend!"

Li Yun would shake his head with a breathless chuckle, sidestepping a flickering blade-light with the barest whisper of exertion. "Peerless, you say? Why, I've seen statues with more inspiring forms than yours, Guan Feng! Though I suppose beggars can't be choosers when it comes to sparring partners."

Yet, with each exchange, Li Yun could feel his own comprehension deepening, his meridians seeming to resonate with the profound truths that Guan Feng's techniques embodied. It was as if a veil had been lifted from his senses, allowing him to perceive the ebb and flow of spiritual energies with a clarity he had never before experienced – all without the need to draw upon the Eternal Amulet's vast, forbidden power.

As the hours bled into dusk's embrace, the two cultivators found themselves drenched in the sweet nectar of exertion, their breaths coming in ragged gasps. Yet, even as Guan Feng prepared to withdraw and recuperate, Li Yun felt a fire ignite within his soul, a blazing determination to push beyond the boundaries of his current cultivation stage.

With a roar that seemed to shake the very foundations of the practice courtyard, Li Yun unleashed a torrent of qi, his meridians thrumming with the echoes of Guan Feng's teachings and their delightfully heated banter. The spiritual energy coalesced around him in a maelstrom of power, his aura flaring with the brilliance of a newborn star.

Guan Feng's eyes widened in disbelief as he watched his newfound friend ascend to heights that should have been far beyond his grasp. For in that moment, Li Yun had shattered the shackles of the Early Qi Condensation stage, his cultivation base surging forth with the unstoppable momentum of a tidal wave, propelled by the sheer force of his indomitable will.

As the last vestiges of the maelstrom dissipated, Li Yun stood tall, his aura pulsing with the unmistakable essence of the Late Qi Condensation stage. A triumphant grin spread across his features as he met Guan Feng's awestruck gaze, the weight of his achievement seeming to lift a cosmic burden from his shoulders.

"How..." Guan Feng breathed, his voice a reverent whisper carrying profound disbelief. "To breach the boundaries of one's cultivation stage in a single day...You are truly a genius among geniuses, Li Yun."

Before Li Yun could respond, the sonorous chime of the sect's gathering bell echoed through the courtyards. The two exchanged a curious look, for such summonings were rarely called without due cause.

"It seems the fates have other plans for us," Guan Feng said wryly. "Though I suspect this may be mere prelude to our next adventure along the dao's profound path."

They made their way to the central pavilion where the elders and senior disciples had already gathered, their combined auras weighing heavily upon Li Yun's newly awakened senses. Master Zhen strode forth, his eyes sweeping over the assembly before settling momentarily upon Li Yun with an inscrutable expression.

"Disciples!" The master's voice rang with authority. "We are gathered here to pass judgment upon one who has strayed from the righteous path and embraced the foul taint of demonic cultivation."

Shock and dread rippled through the crowd as a figure was dragged forward by three burly disciples of the Peak Qi Condensation stage - a young man with cold, arrogant eyes.

"Jian Xu," Master Zhen intoned gravely. "You have been found trafficking with the demons that plague our realm, perverting the profound arts to serve your own selfish desires for power. For this, you are hereby expelled from our hallowed sect."

The young demonic cultivator threw back his head with a mocking laugh. "Expelled? You decrepit old relics dare to cast me aside?" His aura flared with sickly crimson light. "I'll show you the true meaning of power!"

With a feral snarl, Jian Xu wrenched free of his captors' grip, his demonic energies coalescing into wicked talons that scored deep furrows in the pavilion's stone floor. The three restraining disciples rallied, unleashing flickering blade-lights to subdue the renegade.

But Jian Xu merely sneered, batting aside their attacks with disdainful ease before lashing out with a flurry of brutal strikes. One by one, the disciples crumpled to the floor, their auras flickering and fading beneath the onslaught.

"Is this the best your pathetic sect can muster?" Jian Xu spat, his eyes burning with unholy glee as he turned his malevolent gaze upon Master Zhen. "I'll be sure to return the favor a thousandfold once I've transcended these worthless mortal shackles!"

With a final mocking laugh, the demonic cultivator whirled and strode from the pavilion, his aura leaving a scorched trail in his wake. A horrified silence hung in the air, broken only by the faint groans of the injured disciples.

A warm hand settled on his shoulder, and he turned to find Guan Feng's concerned gaze upon him. "Are you alright?" His friend's brow furrowed. "That was...an unsettling display."

Li Yun found himself trembling, his newfound power seeming to pale in comparison to the malevolent might Jian Xu had unleashed. Is this the true face of demonic cultivation?