
Eternal Heaven Cultivation

In the infinite vastness of Eternal Heaven, a myriad of realms exist, each overflowing with cultivators striving for immortality and godhood. But one relic, the Eternal Amulet, holds the power to transcend the boundaries of existence itself. In the aftermath of Xuan Tian's legendary sacrifice, the Eternal Amulet, one of the four most ancient and powerful relics in the Eternal Heaven, has remained lost for countless ages. The amulet, hurled from the grasp of the ruthless Princess Yun Xue and into the vast expanse of the Mortal Domain, has kept its immeasurable might concealed from those who crave dominion over all of creation. This cosmic balance is shattered when a young cultivator named Li Yun stumbles upon the Eternal Amulet by pure chance. Inadvertently bonding with the ancient artifact's consciousness, Li Yun's life is forever changed as he finds himself thrust into a war that spans infinite realms and involves cultivators of unimaginable power. To survive and protect those he holds dear, Li Yun must quickly evolve from a mere mortal into a peerless immortal. Guided by the Eternal Amulet's wisdom, Li Yun begins to unlock profound mysteries and cultivation techniques that were thought to be lost to the sands of time. However, his rapid ascension catches the attention of malevolent forces who have schemed for eons to possess the amulet's power, chief among them being Princess Yun Xue, an immortal consumed by an insatiable ambition that knows no bounds. As the battle between the righteous and corrupt cultivators rages across the Eternal Heaven, Li Yun must navigate a treacherous path filled with courage, perseverance, and sacrifice. The fate of the cosmos hangs in the balance as he faces the ultimate question: Can he withstand the tribulations that await him and harness the true depths of the Eternal Amulet's power? Or will the universe be forever shattered by those who seek to subjugate all of existence to their tyrannical rule?

Eternal_Empress · Eastern
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16 Chs

Chapter 14: Thundering Heaven

Li Yun faced off against the hulking guardian spirit, Zhen Wu, with a growing sense of dread curdling in his stomach. The monkey spirit before them may as well have been a deity from the celestial heavens for the utter insignificance of their cultivation by comparison.


Zhen Wu's dense body and towering height would have been trouble enough, but the true danger lay in its cultivation level - clearly at the Peak of the Core Formation Realm. It was like a titan that had swallowed the sun, wielding power as far above them as the heavens are above the earth.


In contrast, Shi Hao had only recently attained the Late Stage of the Foundation Establishment Realm, his talents still developing like a sapling struggling to survive in the shadow of a ancient forest. And while Li Yun had reached the pinnacle of the Qi Gathering stage through determined effort, that still left him far below even Shi Hao, his own cultivation barely enough to shine a candle in the dark compared to the blazing sun that was Zhen Wu.

This staggering gulf in power was viscerally demonstrated as Zhen Wu charged, its bulk crossing the span of the dais in a single, ground-shaking bound. Shi Hao barely managed to raise a shield in time, only to be battered aside by a blow that cracked the chamber walls, his body flung limply like a rag doll.


Gritting his teeth at the sheer foolhardiness of what he was about to attempt, Li Yun circled behind the rampaging spirit beast. He had realized that their only hope of survival was to escape the vaulted hall - these guardian spirits were confined to the pavilion itself as part of the trial. Outmaneuvering the monkey long enough to withdraw would be the true test.


As the spirit pounded Shi Hao with enough force to shatter stone, Li Yun unleashed two palm strikes at the joints behind its knees with all the strength he could muster. He may as well have been striking an iron mountain for all the good it did, but the blows served their purpose - distracting Zhen Wu from his original target.


With a roar that seemed to shake the very heavens, the guardian spirit whirled with astonishing speed to face this new annoyance, a colossal fist whistling through the space Li Yun's head had just occupied. Already, he was diving and rolling clear across the dais, careful to keep the Thundering Heaven technique scroll positioned between them.


"Get back here and die properly, maggot!" Zhen Wu bellowed, the force of its voice nearly concussive in the enclosed space. But Li Yun continued evading and distracting the spirit beast, buying precious seconds for Shi Hao to regain his footing.


As the young noble rose, wiping blood from his mouth, his gaze locked with Li Yun's across the span of the dais. A moment of perfect understanding passed between them, born of the instinctive unity that came from facing a common foe. Then Shi Hao hurled himself straight at the guardian spirit's back, unleashing a point-blank barrage of spirit bolts from his hands.


As Zhen Wu turned with astonishing speed to counterattack, Li Yun was already diving forward, snatching up the coveted scroll and tucking it close to his chest. Then he was racing for the end of the dais with all the enhanced speed his stage permitted, the entrance to the vaulted hall shimmering invitingly like a beacon of hope. Behind him, the roars of the battling titans shook the very foundations of the pavilion.


One final, desperate leap carried Li Yun across the threshold just as Zhen Wu came barreling after him with singular focus, its fangs bared and murder blazing in its eyes. But as the guardian spirit reached the perimeter of the hall, it recoiled violently as if striking an invisible wall, the confinement magics woven into the trial flaring to life.


Howling in thwarted rage, the spirit pounded uselessly against the shimmering barrier as Li Yun staggered clear, his legs almost giving out in sheer relief. Moments later, a battered and limping Shi Hao emerged as well, very nearly collapsing beside Li Yun as the last dregs of the battle fury seeped from his veins.


Together, they turned to gaze back at the vaulted hall's seething guardian. Zhen Wu clung to the entrance, his mighty fists beating against the magics that confined it, its roars promising a terrible vengeance should they ever dare trespass again. Shi Hao bared his teeth in a defiant grin, the pride of the noble scion wounded but unbroken.


"It seems we make an effective team after all, country bumpkin," he remarked. "What say we see if this vaunted Thundering Heaven art is worth all the trouble we just went through?"


Despite everything, Li Yun found himself grinning back. "Agreed. But don't think this changes anything between us," he replied evenly. "Once we return from this trial, it's back to being rivals."

Shi Hao's eyes narrowed, but he nodded in acknowledgment. "Fair enough," he said, his voice still tinged with pain from the battle. "But for now, let's focus on getting out of here in one piece."


Together, the two unlikely allies began their descent down the winding staircase, their steps slow and labored. Li Yun could feel the exhaustion seeping into his bones, the toll of the fierce battle and the relentless trials weighing heavily upon him. Beside him, Shi Hao fared little better, his once-pristine robes torn and stained with blood.


As they reached the second level, a sudden flare of spiritual energy brought them up short. There, blocking their path with a smug smile on her face, stood Fen Ling, her aura pulsing with barely contained menace.


"Well, well, well," she purred, her eyes glinting with malicious glee. "What have we here? The noble scion of the Shi Clan, reduced to leaning on a peasant for support? How the mighty have fallen."


Shi Hao's face contorted with rage, his qi flaring as he struggled to stand on his own. "You dare mock me, Fen Ling?" he snarled, his voice dripping with venom. "Have you forgotten your place?"


Fen Ling's smile only widened, her gaze flicking to the scroll clutched tightly in Li Yun's hand. "Oh, I haven't forgotten anything, Shi Hao," she replied smoothly. "In fact, I've come to claim what's rightfully mine. Hand over the Thundering Heaven technique, and I might just let you walk out of here with your dignity intact."


Li Yun could feel Shi Hao's fury rising, the young noble's qi pulsing erratically as he struggled to contain his anger. But in his weakened state, there was little he could do against Fen Ling's superior cultivation and cunning.


Thinking quickly, Li Yun stepped forward, his expression carefully neutral. "Very well, Fen Ling," he said, holding out the scroll. "Take it. The technique is yours."


Fen Ling's eyes widened in surprise, her hand darting out to snatch the scroll from Li Yun's grasp. "Well, well," she murmured, her voice thick with satisfaction. "It seems you're not as foolish as I thought, peasant boy."


But even as she spoke, Li Yun's mind was racing, his eidetic memory replaying the contents of the scroll he had glimpsed during their descent. The breathing techniques, the qi circulation patterns, the subtle nuances of the Thundering Heaven art - all of it was etched indelibly into his mind.


And so, with a smile that was equal parts triumphant and mocking, Li Yun began to recite the technique aloud, his voice ringing through the vaulted chamber. "First, one must draw in the qi of the heavens and earth, letting it suffuse the body like a raging storm," he intoned, his eyes never leaving Fen Ling's face. "Then, with a sharp exhalation, release the gathered qi in a focused burst, channeling it through the meridians and out through the palm."


Fen Ling's eyes widened in shock and fury, her hand clenching around the now-useless scroll. "You... you..." she sputtered, her face turning an alarming shade of red.


But Li Yun was no longer paying attention to her. Instead, he was focusing inward, his qi surging through his body as he put the Thundering Heaven technique into practice. He could feel the power building within him, a raging tempest of spiritual energy that threatened to burst forth at any moment.


And burst forth it did, in a blinding flash of light and a thunderous boom that shook the very foundations of the pavilion. Fen Ling was sent flying backwards, her body slamming into the far wall with a sickening crunch. Shi Hao, too, was knocked off his feet, his eyes wide with shock and disbelief.


As the dust settled, Li Yun stood tall amidst the rubble, his aura pulsing with a newfound power. He had done it - he had mastered the Thundering Heaven technique, a feat that should have been impossible for one of his cultivation level.


With a final, triumphant grin, Li Yun turned and strode towards the pavilion's entrance, leaving a stunned Fen Ling and Shi Hao in his wake. As he emerged into the sunlight, he was greeted by the sight of the Overseer, the ancient cultivator's eyes wide with surprise and grudging respect.


"Impressive, young cultivator," the Overseer murmured, his gaze flicking to the still-smoking ruins of the pavilion behind them. "To have mastered such a technique still at only the Qi Gathering Realm... it is a feat that has not been seen in this realm for centuries."


Li Yun bowed deeply, his heart swelling with pride and gratitude. "I could not have done it without the trials you set before me, Venerable One," he replied, his voice thick with emotion. "They have tested me in ways I never thought possible, and shown me the true depths of my own potential."


The Overseer nodded, a faint smile playing across his weathered features. "Then go forth, Li Yun, and continue to walk the path of cultivation with unwavering resolve," he said, his voice ringing with the weight of ancient wisdom. "For the journey ahead will be long and fraught with peril, but I have no doubt that you will rise to meet every challenge that lies before you."