
The Ice Hell Sect

The Ice Hell Sect, located at the borders of the Beast Forest, was the greatest sect in the land. Its history stretched back when the humans decided to assemble their power to fight against the beasts who were responsible for many massacres that happened to the humans. After defeating the beasts, they decided to create the Ice Hell Sect whose sole purpose was to protect the land from the danger of the beasts who lived in the forest.

The Ice Hell Sect was called by this name because the sect was located at the Ice Hell Mountain which was known for its extreme coldness.

Right now, a youth was dragging a wolf's corpse using a rope. The youth had a scar on his face and uncaring eyes.

The youth continued climbing the mountain, he seemed worn out but he continued, eventually reaching the sect gates.

The sect gates were too big that they were visible from very far, it was said that they were made from White Steel, the mine of this steel was the sect's propriety. Having walked for some time the youth finally reached the gate, in front of the gates, many people were waiting to be inspected. There were hunters like this youth but most of them were in groups, there were also some merchants and other disciples returning to the sect.

The youth waited for some time before his turn come. Standing in front of him was a big and strong middle-aged man. The man only looked at the youth for an instance before saying "Come in".

After entering the sect, the boy followed behind the hunters who entered earlier. The hunters went to a building. Inside the building, three receptionists were responsible for recording the hunt and giving some coins, they were the currency within the sect. The youth didn't wait for long since there weren't many hunters at the moment, the receptionist in front of him was a middle-aged woman, she looked at him and said: "Why are you going hard on yourself, hunting is dangerous wouldn't it be better for you if go with a group."

The youth didn't respond and only looked at her waiting to get his payment. The woman didn't try to persuade him anymore. She said while looking at the youth "This wolf is worth two coins", she then wrote it and gave him two coins.

After walking outside the building, the youth walked until he entered a desolate hut. The boy then took off his shirt, his body was full of bruises and there were even tooth marks on his stomach. He then took a bottle of medicine and started to apply it on his body he then bandaged it and wore another shirt and sat down on his bed, where he took a brush. The youth's face which was initially hard and cold started to warm up, the brush was his sole support, each time he looked at this brush, he would remember the promise that he had made to his grandfather at his deathbed "Grandfather, I promise you that I'll become the best painter in the world, I'll go to the imperial city and become an imperial artist".

The youth was Wang Yu and this was his second year in the sect. He had never thought that becoming an immortal was this hard, after picking the brush Wang Yu started to remember what turned him this way.

After leaving the village, the boat flew directly to the sect. Looking from above everything seemed small. On the boat, they've seen many strange things like birds who were flying at the same altitude as them, they have seen the whole region within which they used to live. After flying for some time, they finally reached their destination. It was a majestic mountain, compared to this the other mountains they have seen on the way were smaller.

The mountain's peak was invisible, in the middle of the mountain there were many pavilions and majestic buildings. Right outside the mountain, there were many flying boats like this one and some were even bigger. Some flying on the back of some beasts, some were even flying on a branch as for those flying on swords, they were the most. At the bottom of the mountain, there were some buildings but compared to those in the middle they were way too shabby.

The immortals took them to the middle of the mountain while descending they heard someone shouting "Brother Mo, you've come fast, I thought that you would spend days before coming"

"Brother Lu, I'm on a mission assigned by the sect master, how can I take my time." Said Moaly to the man, who didn't seem pleased with the reply "so boring, you always abide by the rules". He then continued his way, leaving the sect.

"Senior brother, it seems that he still holds a grudge against the sect from last year." Said the junior brother.

"Don't badmouth your senior brother, he doesn't hold a grudge, this talk is only a way for him to release his frustration" said Moaly after sighing, he seemed to be lamenting.

Wang Yu and the company didn't hear the conversation, they were immersed in what they were seeing, they have never left the village so for them mortal cities would have been imaginably wonderful much less a sect of immortals.

The boat stopped in front of a big building. Towering up in front of the building was a huge stone, upon which two characters were written in ancient calligraphy.


Sitting next to the stone were two young men around nineteen and twenty. As soon as they caught sight of Moaly he rose to his feet and clasped hands in greeting.

Moaly then showed them a medallion and said "We want to test those youngsters."

the youth beside Moaly turned and said to Wang Yu and the company "it's time to see if you can become cultivators or not".

The kids were flabbergasted, they didn't know what the youth meant by what he had said, they had thought that since they were chosen, that they will start their journey to immortality as soon as they entered the sect.

"Li Quan, don't scare the children," said Moaly who seemed displeased with his junior's behavior, he then looked at the children and said "Being taken by us, means that you have spiritual root within your body, with that root you'll be able to absorb the energy which we as cultivators call qi, that energy will enable you to elevate your statue as a human being, but what I didn't tell in the village is that even if you can become a cultivator, having a superior spiritual root means that you can cultivate and grow faster while having inferior root means that you may not even be able to cultivate, and even if you do cultivate you won't be able to reach a high level unless you have too many resources and even with that you will stay mediocre "

Wang Yu and the company seemed to understand what the middle-aged man was but it didn't ease them a little bit

"Let's enter the hall first, maybe your talents are good so why the panic", said Moaly who walked to the hall, the youth only snickered and walked behind him, he didn't understand why his senior brother try to ease their tension why not do the test fast if they do have the talent then so be it if not then it is their problem.

The kids who knew well that they didn't have a choice walked behind the immortals while praying in their hearts to have enough talent to become immortals.

Entering the building. the building didn't have rooms only one hall, it was large but simple with no decoration. In the middle of the building, there was a pristine and uncluttered pond.

"Didn't the test end only two months ago, why are you bringing those kids now?" said an elderly man whose voice was emotionless.

Wang Yu tried to see the old man, but the old man was invisible to him.

"Senior, it's true that the test has only ended two months ago, but it was the sect master's order for junior brother Li Quan to go and bring some kids from a village," said Moaly who seemed so respectful to this elder, as for Li Quan he was unlike his usual self, he was more respectful, his usual arrogance and bad temper has disappeared suddenly.

"She's still the same. anyway, let the children test their attributes and leave quickly". said the old man who seemed to reminisce.

After hearing what the old man had said, Moaly and his junior brother took the children at the center of the hall right in front of a pond, then Moaly said in a harsh voice unlike his usual one "enter the pond quickly, you don't need to be naked "

After hearing what Moaly had said and his change of attitude after talking with the old man that they couldn't even see, Wang Yu and the company hurried to pond who unlike what they had thought initially wasn't a bit cold, it was the oppose it, the pond was really warm and comfortable that their body started to feel warmer and they started to relax and enjoy the process, The pond which was initially white had it color tainted with multiple colors, near Wang Yu it was a mess there were  four colors who were chaotically fighting as if they couldn't coexist together, contrary to what was happening near Wang Yu , Li Xui had her only two colors one blue and the other green, the colors were dancing in ecstasy as for her brother he had three colors but unlike his sister and friend they weren't either chaotic nor dancing, they were stable, moving normally the same went for the little girl as for the boy even though he only had three colors by his side like Li fu and the little girl the colors were as chaotic as those of Wang Yu.

After inspecting the children for some time Moaly said "Let's go "

Even though they didn't want to go outside the pond, they still compiled without much sound, the old man who has been watching the whole time, looked for a second time at Li Xui before closing his eyes and meditating.

After getting out of the hall, they started to feel cold even though they didn't feel it before. Moaly said "Junior brother, take the girl to your master, maybe you'll get another junior sister. "The young man was somewhat surprised by what he had seen in the pond, but he still compiled, as for kids they didn't understand why the young man was going to take Li Xui away. Moaly as if he understood what they were thinking about said "As I said before, in the sect everyone is treated accordingly to either their talent or accomplishments right now you haven't done anything to the sect so your treatment will only depend on your talent for cultivation. Fortunately, this girl has a great talent so an elder might take her as his disciples which will raise her cultivation by leaps and bounds" said Moaly while looking at Lui Xui "As for you two, since you have missed the test, you'll enter the outer sect and maybe shortly be chosen by one of the elder" said Moaly while pointing at Li Fu and the little girl, "what about Brother Wang and Yu Hui," said Li Fu.

"they'll be going to the servant district. With their talents going to the outer sect is a waste of resource," said the young man.

"Junior brother, the sect master is waiting for you," said Moaly who wanted Li Quan to shut his mouth.

Moaly then looked at Wang Yu and Yu Hui and said "it's not necessarily true that you can't cultivate, you'll be given the manual for cultivation. It depends on you to either enter the rank of cultivators or stay mortal "said Moaly

Wang Yu was shocked by what he has heard, he had never thought of being a servant, he had always thought that he was born to be great, go to the imperial city and become an imperial artist, after seeing the immortals flying in the air and feeling the pressure from them he had wanted to become an immortal like them but as they say, a man desires and god decides he was helpless and had the idea of giving up the chance and going to the imperial city where he might become a famous artist and live the life of comfort even as a mortal "I don't want to become a servant If I can't become an immortal then won't it be better to live in the village" said the Yu Hui.

"it's not up to you. Coming here, means that you have entered a new world and you'd have to abide by its rules, for those with no talent you'll have to stay in the sect for 3 years before you return to your hometown, even if you go now do you think you'll be able to reach your village with your strength, you'll encounter many bandits and beasts. Besides becoming a servant in the sect will give you a higher standing in the society. "Said Moaly.

Wang Yu who was thinking about how his control over his life was slipping by suddenly saw a girl who was flying on a sword the girl, she looked to be around 16 or 17 years she had a very beautiful face and glacial temperament, she was a true beauty but considering his engagement with Lui Xui he didn't mingle much on her and only gave her a couple of looks then he returned to his thought as for the other boys they were fascinated since it's their first time seeing a beauty like this, this was their first time leaving the village and this kind of beauty wasn't something their little village could produce "

Junior sister you're going like that without greeting your senior brother isn't that a bit too disrespectful "said Li Quan with a sarcastic tone, it was clear that he was trying to anger her.

The little girl looked at her senior brother for some before saying "I didn't see you" then she continued flying as if nothing has happened. Li Quan was angry and wanted to retaliate but Moaly held him back and said "didn't the sect master tell to come and meet him directly after accomplishing your mission," Li Quan thought about something and sneered but said nothing in the end. He then took the sword on his back and mounted it.

"Let's go," said the Li Quan who was waiting for Lui Xui on his sword, Wang Yu looked at her for the last time, maybe they won't see each other again, but she seemed to have some thought since she didn't notice his gaze, she then mounted on the sword which flew upward.

Moaly then looked at one of the youths in front of the hall and said "take those two to Elder Qin, he will figure out the rest"

"Yes elder," said the youths. Li Fu then came to Wang Yu and said "brother, don't be discouraged beside the immortal said that you still have a chance to become an immortal, it's just that you'll spend a bit more time, even if you can't become an immortal by the time you're released and I will take you to the imperial city ". Wang Yu felt touched even though he knew that Lui Fu was only trying to reassure.

Wang Yu then said while smiling "You too, take care" before boarding on the boat with Moaly and Yu Hui"

The boat then started flying downstairs. On the way, they have seen many beautiful building gardens, and even pavilions, it was a celestial view. The beautiful view started to diminish with time.

The boat stopped in front of a big building, Moaly then shouted "Come out", then an old man come running before bowing in a reverent way "please order me, elder," said the old man.

"Take care of those two," said Moaly.

"No problem senior, I will absolutely take care of them," said the old man

Moaly then looked at the two for the last time before saying "remember that becoming a servant doesn't necessarily mean that you don't have hope for becoming a cultivator, there are many stories of those who have risen from here to become influent people from the sect so the starting point isn't the most important thing, what is important is the effort you're ready to put to achieve a result" Moaly who was a kind man didn't like the idea of forcing others who didn't have a good talent to stay in the sect.

After Moaly left the old man who was showing a humble attitude changed directly and straightened and looked at the two youths with eyes that were no more than gentle but eyes that were cruel and uncaring which made the two youths feel fear for the first time they have entered the sect.

"Follow me" he didn't speak much with them only walked to the building, the two youths followed him obediently, they were really afraid of this old man.

Entering the building, they have seen that everyone within it will bow to the old man who continued to walk with arrogance. The old man then entered a big hall where he sat down on a chair and asked a man who was standing near him "do we have vacant jobs for those newcomers"

"No, we don't have one, the test only ended two months ago," said the man quickly.

He then added, "Oh no, I forget that we have a team of hunters who has a shortage of one person to complete their team."

The elder waved his hand and suddenly two bags flew out from it "These are your servant uniform and the cultivation manual."

"Take them both," said the old man before closing his eyes

"Follow me, "said the man to Wang Yu and Yu Hui.

The man didn't speak much on the way. He showed them their rooms which were small and dusty showing how much the sect didn't care about them.

They then went to a building within which you could hear people laughing and cursing loudly even outside the building. It was noisy with some people shouting while drinking and some were dancing, but after they entered, people stopped talking and opened a way for them.

The man took them to a room where they found a group of four drinking wine, the group contained three men and one woman, all of them around the age of 18, they were also like Wang Yu, they have a bad talent but having entered the sect they couldn't leave on their own without the sect's approval, "You have come again, we told you that we couldn't find the fifth one yet "said the man with a curly hair.

"Hmph, do you think that I will come here to waste my time with you, those two brats will help you in your hunt," said the man sarcastically he seemed to be on odd with the man with curly hair.

"Do you want us to take those two brats for the hunt, are you insane or what?" said the woman she was the heroic type.

"Maybe you have problems with Ah Du but dragging to those kids with you isn't that funny don't you think you've gone far," said the other man.

"Hmph, it's an order from master, so you better learn to be grateful than being sorry."

"We will take them," said the man who didn't talk from the very beginning, he seemed to be the leader of the group

"But..." Ah, Du was trying to speak when the man looked at him and said "I said we will take them."

Ah Du then shut his mouth and went to the door stumbling on Wang Yu who nearly fell, the man was watching this from the door and was pleased to have taught Ah Du a lesson, he then turned and left, the woman who was watching this said to the man "weren't you a little too harsh on him"

"I should have done so from the beginning; he's always creating problems with everyone for the tiniest thing. If I don't stop him, then one day he will get all of us killed by his stupidity and rashness"

He then looked at the boys and said "Oh, it seems that you have come late, I haven't seen you in the test"

"Yes, we only come here today," said Lu fu as for Wang Yu he didn't speak from the beginning.

"it's strange, normally they only take people in the test or when a genius come that is the only exception, they don't usually bring people to become servants"

"Yes, that's true, anyway where did you come from, "said Ah Shu the group leader.

"We come from a village called flute village", responded Lu fu again, hearing his response they didn't understand why the sect will take untalented people, not in the period of the test but they didn't care they would have preferred if they hadn't come so that they would be able to relax for some time without being forced to hunt. They have never hunted before coming to the sect.

Ah, Shu and his brother come from an influential family from a city, while the girl Qu Shi was his spouse, as for Lu Min his father was a rich man from the same city as them. All of them have come here in hope of becoming immortals, but it turned that their talent wasn't enough so they were forced to become servants. Unfortunately for them in the sect, the older youths will always be chosen to be hunters, as for the young ones they will usually make odd jobs like cleaning, cooking...etc.

Nevertheless, the sect wasn't so hard on the older youths, they only hunt in groups of five or more, this group had been relaxing for two months. But right now, since they have completed their group, they should go hunting soon since their family influence can't reach the sect they are after all but mortals this is why many people desire to enter sects, the cultivators are really unfathomable.

Since you are tired from your travel, I think you should go and sleep then tomorrow we will speak about the hunt. The boys were really tired from the long travel, they really wanted to sleep but they were also eager to see with their eyes the cultivation technique. The senior brother had seen through them since he had once been in their place.

Having bid their farewell to their new companion. They left for their rooms they wanted to see the techniques.