
Alliance against the Ice Hell Sect

Actions started to be taken since the approaching of the Mortal War. Most of the people were afraid of losing what they had built all this time.

Even the strong sects weren't an exception, during the past wars the Ice Hell Sect had been winning, and its territories were increasing a lot. This is why some powerhouses felt threatened and convened a meeting.

In a big hall sat ten people, some were wearing masks and big robes, others didn't seem to care and wore casually not hiding who they were.

"This can't continue like this, if we keep silent then the only sect that remains will be the Ice Hell Sect." Said a middle-aged man who had gray hair, a big nose, and was wearing silver armor.

Beside him was a beautiful woman in her thirties, with long black hair wearing a long black dress and a crown "Or change the rule, so that sects can recruit disciples from all the Qihou land and not only what they control."

"Do you think those dominant bastards will accept this offer?" Interjected one of the masked people, her voice hushed, her hands wrinkled making one think that she was an old lady.

"Enough," Said an old man who was sitting at the center of the table. He looked quite old like a mortal on his deathbed nonetheless, he was authoritative and most of the people around the table seemed to fear him. Except for two, one was a middle-aged man and the other was an old woman.

After ten breaths of time, the old man continued "We have come here to find a solution, not for useless talk. If you have nothing to add, then shut up and listen."

"Fellow Daoist Wu has found the formula of an ancient elixir capable of raising the strength of a normal man to that of a bronze-tier fighter, and he will stay at that level for three years at least.

He even has improved the elixirs to help someone who was initially at the silver tier to breakthrough the General Tier, and someone at the bronze tier to silver."

Absolute silence followed the old man's proclamation, everyone seemed immersed in what they heard which was unbelievable.

There were medicines capable of raising one's strength for a short duration, but something this long they have never heard of, unless.

"Senior Luan, what's the cost for the production?" Said Bi Tu an obese man who had big eyes, a small nose, and ears. He wore a golden robe and was arrogant, Nonetheless, he couldn't show his arrogance before those powerhouses.

"There is one good news and two bad news, the good news is that the cost is fairly low, and the first bad news is that the main ingredients are inside Ice Hell Territory. So even though getting them is easy, a big quantity won't go unnoticed from the Ice Hell Sect."

The old man took a sip of wine from his gourd saying "The other bad news is that those who take the elixirs will start to weaken after three years and won't live long at most ten years."

The people around the table stayed silent for moments until a masked old man said "This is great, if you had called Brother Cang today, he would have been very helpful with his resourcefulness."

Senior Luan sneered "That little Cang is a traitor for the Ice Hell Sect, only the people here in this table are trustworthy. So unless you want to lose your head, keep everything you hear here between us."

"Please don't get angry, I didn't know about his betrayal. This young one will follow your orders fully and keep everything here a secret." Bowed the masked old man.

Senior Luan continued speaking "On the surface, everything should continue as normal. We will provide the elixirs to our armies when it's time.

As for getting the ingredients for the elixir that are inside the Ice Hell Terrority, I will choose one for that task. If you have nothing to say, then this session will end here."

"Goodbye, Senior Luan, Senior Wu and Senior Bai. I will take my leave." Said Bi Tu, before leaving.

Following that everyone stood up and left the hall after saying goodbye to the elders. No one asked what the main ingredients were, they were experienced and knew well that some things are better untold.

Suddenly a man wearing a mask appeared and sat down on the table, his body had a strong smell of blood even his clothes, mask, and hair had bloodstains on them.

The others didn't seem surprised by his entrance, but they looked disgusted nevertheless. But the man not caring about the others' reaction said "What a bunch of liars, saying that this elixir was invented by you even though I was the one who brought it."

"A liar is better than a maniac, besides if news of the cooperation with the demonic sect is revealed then many of our supporters will leave." Explained Senior Luan, as for the other two they ignored him.

While looking at the others, the masked man laughed "It's good that you understand the big picture, unlike those bugs who don't know their place."

"To win against the Behemoth you need us the demonic sect, if not you will lose for sure." Continued the masked man "And you have seen it until now the Ice Hell Sect has been growing stronger and if it continues at this pace you will be swallowed slowly.

Not to mention those of you who wish to take revenge for their past humiliation against the Ice Hell Sect.

The latest remark made Daoist Luan lose his composure for one moment putting pressure on the environment which broke the table. Fortunately, this only lasted for a moment and the others weren't weak.

The woman who had been silent until now, opened her hand, strangely it resembled more to a mouth than a hand "You don't need to play with words, we already know. If not, why will we be sitting here with you?"

What spoke was the woman's hand, not her mouth which was shut from the moment she entered the hall.

Senior Wu added "And to start cooperating, your sect needs to reduce its activity within our alliance. If not then it will be hard to convince the others once we want to go openly against the Ice Hell Sect."

"Hahaha, no problem. We have high hopes for this alliance." Said the representative of the demonic sect before disappearing.

The others didn't say anything and left the hall with only Daoist Luan staying in silence inside the hall.

After a moment he took a violet hairpin from his spatial ring, which made his expression soften slightly.


Faraway from the Qihou planet, floated three people who didn't look much different from normal people except their having a third eye in the middle.

The man in the middle looked like a young man in his early twenties, while the two others were elderly. Yet despite that, they were standing respectfully to the young man.

"Father, according to our analysis the seal will be opened in a few years. At most ten thousand years, then we will start conquering all the galaxies inside." Said one of the elderly men whose third eye was purple.

"That's true master, all the lands should be conquered by you." Declared the other elderly man whose third eye was gray.

The man with a young appearance smiled slightly before saying "Good you didn't fail me son and disciple I've always known that I could count on you."

He then added, "I will award you handsomely when you finish this mission, and keep in mind that our race supremacy is dependent on this."

The two elderly nodded their heads earnestly, as for the other man he disappeared shortly after.


After a long night of chatting with Lui Fu's parents, Wang Yu went to his room. Which was clean thanks to Aunt Lui who never neglected it.

Entering the room Wang Yu felt slightly emotional, he could remember the silhouette of his grandfather sitting on that chair and teaching him how to paint.

This night, Wang Yu decided not to sleep cross-legged instead he slept normally. At dawn, he woke up rejuvenated not only physically but also spiritually.

He didn't leave because he was waiting for Lui Cheng and Aunt Lui, who were so adamant about Wang Yu not leaving without them bidding him farewell.

Looking from the window, Wang Yu saw some villagers who had started to wake up. Most of them looked malnourished. Yet despite that, they were making jokes, and treating each other friendly. 

Fortunately, with him killing the cobra everything should return to normal. However, he couldn't wait to see. After all senior Zou Kin had emphasized on the importance of arriving at the Spirit Dome City within a month.

Soon, he heard the steps of Uncle Lui and Aunt Lui about twenty meters away, walking toward him. Hearing the slight knocking, Wang Yu opened the door.

"I hope you have slept well, why don't you stay another day." Said aunt Lui who wished for Wang Yu to stay for more time.

"I slept very well last night, I would like to spend more days here. Unfortunately, the mission is very important. But I promise that I will return soon."

Hearing Wang Yu's assurance, Aunt Lui nodded caressing Wang Yu's face before saying "Also promise me you won't do anything dangerous."

Wang Yu nodded "Don't worry aunt, I'm cautious I only do things when I'm sure of my safety." That was the truth, from his childhood he didn't do things without deep thinking. Which can be seen from how long he waited inside the Servant District before entering the outer sect even though he could have entered it way earlier.

"I'll leave before many people wake up, I'll make sure to come soon. Don't forget to drink daily from that juice I brought also make sure to hide all the things I've brought lest they bring you harm." Seeing them nod, Wang Yu's figure disappeared quickly from Uncle and Aunt Lu who were left surprised again, before Lui Cheng laughed "The brat has become something, to think he could run this fast. I'm thankful that my daughter has a strong fiancé, the next time he comes I'll discuss marriage with him."

"No you should wait, I have a feeling that he and little Xui have some problems. He only talked about Little Xui when asked, and mostly talked about what he had done with Lui Fu. Let's wait for when little Xui or little Fu come so we ask for more details."

Wang Yu didn't hear the conversation he had already left hurriedly toward his destination.

This time Wang Yu wasn't going to ride on the horse, he felt that it was slow he also wanted to train in the Drifting Moon technique, the movement technique he bought from the Rainbow Copper City.

The Drifting Moon technique, while not highly sought-after because of its extravagant and eye-catching movements. But Wang Yu only has this movement technique so he decided to train on it.

To train with this technique, one should use the spirit Qi inside the body to make sudden bursts of speed every now and then. But the movement shouldn't be violent, it should be as mild and stealthily as possible simulating a drifting moon projection on a lake.

Each move should take the practitioner five meters away at least, at its peak the practitioner's every movement should be fast and graceful. But there was a problem which was its consumption of the spirit qi, which made it unsuitable for battles and travel.

Wang Yu who was running, moved the spirit qi inside his Dantian according to the Drifting Moon technique. He lost control of his body and only regained it six meters away from his original place, his body collided with a tree trunk, abruptly stopping his movement. 

He didn't feel any pain from colliding with the tree, the unfortunate one was the tree's trunk which was destroyed. Despite that Wang Yu felt that something was wrong, so he inspected his Dantian.

"What the hell, a tenth of my spirit qi for that move." Wang Yu cursed, he had known before that the technique used a lot of spirit qi, but this was way too much. He even started to regret buying this technique, but since he had already spent his money he would train during this journey.

Wang Yu continued to train but made sure not to have an obstacle ten meters away from him at least, and he would sit down cross-legged to meditate each time his spirit qi was depleted. Unlike other cultivators whose strength lies in the usage of the spirit qi, Wang Yu's strength was in his body. So he felt no fear, even when his spirit qi was depleted only a sense of discomfort.

But there was a problem and that was the density of spirit qi in the surroundings. which was way lower than the environment inside the sect or the Rainbow Copper City.

Wang Yu also didn't forget to train his sword technique, so each time he recovered enough spirit energy he will either train the Divine Sword technique or the Drifting Moon technique but he will make sure not to use all the spirit Qi in his body since that will cause him fatigue sensation.

But most of the time was spent running, ten hours each day with a speed that reached 50 miles per hour. which displayed how much stamina he has thanks to the Everlasting Turtle Technique.