
Eternal Guardian of Mankind

Shiro transmigrated into Land of Sages. [ Was his transmigration accidental ? Or did someone plan for him even before he was born ? ] He was like a robot who lacked emotions in his past life. [ Is there any reason behind his robot-like soul ? ] If you were in the place of him, I would definitely ask you, " What would you do if the one who messed up your entire life was one of the people whom you loved the most in your life and he did it for your own benefit ? " He will have true friends and also very strong supporters, helpers, masters, and seniors too. Every path he tread will be very smooth. Universe's Karmic laws are giving him so much favor and his family is very good for him too, but karma and fate are still restraining him even if karmic laws are on his side. [ Would he be able to get out of it ? More importantly, would he even want to get out of it ? ] Moreover, his family was extremely overprotective towards him and loved him very deeply. He is the most beloved treasure for his family in the entire universe. He is also almost like the most spoiled child in the whole Omniverse. [ What is the reason ? What is hidden behind his strange family and his ignorance about his family ? ] His whole body is full of mystery. Oh, no ! The whole universe was full of mystery. There will be many interesting questions and mysteries for you to think about in this novel. Welcome to the journey of our MC, Shiro, together with his overprotective family in the land of Sages.

Sage_Tranquil · Fantasy
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18 Chs

First journey in the new world (6)

As long as he went out of the room, he met his mother in front of the door.

" Mom, what're you doing here "

" I am waiting for you. If not, why do I have to stand in front of your door ? " she said.

" okay, mom, I have something to ask you too "

" Let's go to the dinning room. I have made breakfast. Your father and sister are also waiting for you "

He and his mother went to the dining room together. After he sat down, he asked his dad.

" Dad, did you wake up early today ? What a surprise ! "

" My son, Since when did you have this habit ? These days, you often talked about many unnecessary things to your father. However, I don't want to scold you today. Your mother made special breakfast today. Let's eat first. It will be very delicious. He even wake up four hours earlier than me to make this breakfast for you. You must eat this breakfast well and remember its taste in the future. " his father warned.

" You too, just shut up and eat quietly ! "

Then, father and son duo enjoy their breakfast with great relish. Only afther they ate their breakfast, dad initiated the start of a conversation.

" I have some good news to tell you. Do you want to hear ? " shin magi asked his son teasingly.

" Yes, dad, tell me " Shiro nodded and ignored his father teasing eyes. He didn't even know why he had these kinds of eyes in this moment.

" Your grandpa will come back in the next month, heehee " his father laughed and looked at him teasingly again. Moreover his father's laughing sound was not pleasing to ears at all ! What the H is this heehee !

" next month ? hmm, I want to meet my grandpa too. I haven't seen my grandpa for 16 years but, how will I meet my grandpa ? I have to go to have adventures and find a school a few hours later. I don't also think that I would be able to find a school in one month. That's not good too if I make grandpa come to meet me. Grandpa is already very old. "He said.

" haha, my brother is already changing, like dad says. I don't know the reason why, but I like it and also your joke too " his sister heard his joke ! In this family, only his sister cared about his joke. he was very happy and looked at his sister thankfully and lovingly.

Shin magi was speechless and look at these two idiots. He was speaking with seriousness but, they only focused on the unimportant joke. After looking at them, he couldn't endure the thankful gaze of Shiro and prideful expression on the face of inoa anymore. That's why he coughed forcefully.

" Hey, hey, I was still talking to you, Shiro ! Listen to your old father and, don't look at your useless sister ! Ahmm, ahmm, ~ my son, you was wrong. Who said your grandpa was already very old ?

Oh, sorry, I forgot. You aren't wrong ! Your grandpa was already very old, that's right, but he is still very healthy and strong. So don't worry. If you could find the school before next month, send me message. If not, come back home in the next month even if you are in the first date with your girlfriend. You don't know anything about your grandpa. It's also because I forgot to tell you about your grandpa, but it's not important. You must come home in the next month. The good news is that you will definitely get the gifts more valuable than my gifts if you came in time. If not, it will be nightmare-level news. " his father warned.

Afther hearing that, even he was alerted a little bit. His father seemed like he was afraid of this father a lot. Why did grandp do his son in order to make him afraid that much ?

" I will definitely come back home next month, dad. I wouldn't come back only if I was in danger. " he promised because he didn't also believe himself that he would find the school in the next month. So, the only thing that would make him not to go back in time, is deadly danger.

" if you promise, it should be fine. " his father was very relieved after hearing that. Then, he continued " I don't have anything to tell you anymore. Just go with great care and you must find a girlfriend. Moreover don't let yourself trip and hurt yourself. If so, that would be very hilarious, haha " his father's mood was bright again. His mood is really like a goat's balls which are never stable. His jokes were never laughable too.

Shiro rolled his eyes and didn't care about his father anymore. He looked at his mom and asked.

" Mom, What should I take for my adventures ? I couldn't think of anything except clothes, foods and money. " he asked his mother.

" Oh, there will be many things you need to use later. I will give you a list for some necessary things that will be useful on your journey. "

" You, men are always like the same. Even if you can lift the very heavy weight, you all can't still pack your bag well. " his sister chimed in.

" Inoa, let me tell him first, don't chime in ~ Son, Listen carefully, you would need a bed roll that is convenient to move from one place to another. If you have to sleep in the forest later, he will need the bed roll definitely. Moreover you will also need some lighters. Eat your meals cooked well regularly on your journey. There are still many things you will need for sure. So I would give you a short list later. " his mother said to him seriously.

" little brother, if you want some money in the future, you'll better come to me because all the money in our home is in my hand. " his sister also said to him.

" Okay, I will definitely come to you. Just wait for me. " he nodded.

" Then, my son, you can go now. Spread your wings and fly to the highest heaven " his father looked at the sky and told him.

Shiro stood up from the chair and wore the hood, ring and belt his father gave him. After wearing these things, he hanged his sword on the belt and carried the bag on his shoulder. Afterwards, he went to the main door of his home along with his family and said to his mom. " Please don't tidy my room up, mom. "

" Dad, mom, sister, goodbye ! See you all next month. I have to go now. Don't miss me too much when I would not be together with you all in the future. " he waved his hands to his family after he went out of his home. His parents and sister also waved him back. Then, he went forward into some fields that were relatively far away from his home, without looking back anymore.

His family was looking at his back disappearing into the horizon. Only after he was completely lost from their sight, they turned around and looked at each other.

" Hmm, even my little and cute son has finally gone to find his own place. Time really passed like nothing. " shin magi sighed deeply.

" yes, father. In our eyes, little Shiro is still a little baby. " inoa spoke with longing and loving eyes.

" I am also sad but, what are your expressions on your faces ? He would come back home next month. Moreover if we miss our little Shiro, we can visit him any time, our legs and hands are still very strong. So, the most important thing in this moment is that your father will come back next month too, my dear husband " Shin suna looked at her husband with her pitying eyes.

After hearing that, Shin magi was trembling while taking out a circular object from his pocket and, Shin inoa was laughing till she cried.

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