

In "Eternal Existence Within the System" a brilliant but tortured scientist discovers a way to achieve immortality through the study of remarkable creatures. After administering his creation to himself and his wife, they relish their newfound youth and strength, starting a new life of globetrotting adventure. However, the couple soon realize that eternal life isn't as perfect as they imagined. The scientist's mind begins to deteriorate, memories blurring and new experiences proving hard to retain. Together, they grapple with the unforeseen consequences of eternal life and question whether the unnatural extension of their existence was worth it. Ultimately, they face an endless journey of joys and trials, discoveries and regrets, in their eternal existence. During their journey they got separated by a mysterious light, now with the power of System and immortality, John (Mu Hang) would have to survive the martial world in other to look for his wife.

Temi_Esther_7638 · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Everything you need to know about the system and Warrior Elysium.

After meditating for three days straight, I have been able to understand the concept that is collecting the natural energy in this world, and I think the system makes it easier because in just three days I have being able to move up from Early Qi Gathering Stage to middle Foundation Establishment Stage.

Through the system map, I can see the amount of beast in the area and their grades, but I want to trend with caution.

" System, I need a few information about this realm, beast and their core, how relationships work in this world and how I can successfully use you to the best of your abilities."


Downloading information, should I input them directly to your brain or do you want to read it.

After that last thing, I am sure if my brain would be able to handle the rush of information plus, I enjoy reading so....

" Show me on a screen, I would like to read it but first show me my stats."

I should have increased exponentially; I bought a few Martial techniques to understand how it works and turns out I probably can't run out of money.

I tested some techniques on the low grade jungle rabbits. They have being my source of practice and food. They are quite delicious, I don't even need to season them.

Opening Stats

Status Bar

Name: Han Jinhai (Ted)

Race: Human

Height: 6'3

Title/Level: Beginner

Experience: 50%

Health: 20 (+300,00/300,000)

Qi: 32(+300,00/300,000)

Strength: 18 (+30)

Dexterity: 28 (+30)

Intelligence: 60 (+30)

Agility: 23 (+30)

Constitution: 60 (+30)

Martial Arts Skills: Basic Qi Manipulation, Shadow Fist Technique, Soaring Crane Technique

Special Abilities: System(Maxed), Immortality, Invulnerability, Increased Regeneration

Cultivation Realm: Middle Foundation Establishment Stage

Achievements: Ageless, Unyielding Spirit, Beast Slayer

Inventory: 200/∞

Shop: Opened


I got some new achievements, most likely from killing the Rabbits and my main stats increased.

By a lot, wow, I think I should be strong enough to go against some more monsters but first.

"System commence summary."


Welcome, Han Jinhai. As your guide in this realm, I'd like to provide a deeper insight into the history of the Warrior's Elysium and the crucial aspects of cultivation and beast cores.

Centuries ago, the Warrior's Elysium was a mere wasteland, untouched by the hands of civilization. A celestial being descended upon this barren land and discovered its untapped potential. To transform the desolate Elysium into a cultivator's paradise, this celestial master poured his eternal knowledge and unfathomable energy into the land, giving birth to the realm as we know it today.

The realm grew, flourishing into distinct regions, each with its own governing Shogun and city lords. Throughout history, alliances formed and conflicts brewed, shaping the intricate web of relationships that now exist. At the heart of these interactions lies one concept: power. And in our realm, power is cultivation.

Cultivation, the essence of our existence, is the process of harnessing Qi, the life energy within and around us, and enhancing it to achieve divine abilities. In essence, it is the journey from being an ordinary mortal to becoming an omnipotent being. Without cultivation, one remains an insignificant speck in the vast cosmos. With cultivation, one can grasp eternity in their hands.

Now, let's delve into the fascinating world of beast cores. Beast cores are condensed energy orbs that reside within spiritual beasts, storing their raw power and inherent abilities. These cores, especially those from high-rank beasts, are invaluable to cultivators.

Extracting a beast core is no easy task, for it often involves battling the spiritual beast to death. However, the rewards justify the risks. Ingesting a beast core or using it in alchemical concoctions can lead to significant improvements in one's cultivation. It can enhance your Qi, broaden your spiritual sea, or even help you achieve breakthroughs, ascending to higher realms of cultivation. Additionally, some beast cores can imbue you with the unique abilities of the spiritual beasts, allowing you to manipulate elements or tap into incredible speed or strength.

Moving on to our final topic, the system. The system is your personal guide in this journey of cultivation, offering a wealth of resources and insights to help you navigate the trials and tribulations ahead. However, using it efficiently is an art in itself.

The key to leveraging the system is understanding your needs and aligning them with your goals. If you aspire to rise through the cultivation ranks swiftly, focus on acquiring martial techniques, elixirs, and beast cores from the shop. Balance your spendings between boosting your Qi, honing your combat skills, and expanding your knowledge about the Dao.

Remember to use the status bar frequently to monitor your progress and identify areas of improvement. Stay vigilant about the quests, as they not only offer exciting challenges but also significant rewards. Always strive to surpass the quest expectations to secure additional benefits and accelerate your cultivation journey.

Lastly, don't forget to utilize the inventory wisely. Store important items, especially those related to cultivation and survival. You never know when a specific elixir or weapon can turn the tides in your favor.

In the Warrior's Elysium, your cultivation journey is an eternal quest, fraught with dangers and blessed with countless opportunities. Equip yourself with knowledge, arm yourself with courage, and immerse yourself in the pursuit of power. Your path might be arduous, but remember, every step brings you closer to the pinnacle of existence.

To continue, let's talk about relationships. In the cultivation world, power dictates hierarchy, but relationships influence your journey just as much, if not more. Your alliances and rivalries can define your path, opening new doors or presenting unforeseen challenges. Treat those around you with respect, but also with caution. Trust can be a powerful tool, but it can also be a weapon in the wrong hands.

Now, let's delve into the importance of balance in your cultivation. Cultivation isn't merely about physical strength or Qi enhancement. It's a balance between your body, mind, and spirit. Overemphasizing one aspect can lead to stagnation or even regression in your journey. A powerful physique won't benefit you if your mind isn't sharp enough to use it effectively. Similarly, a vast sea of Qi is worthless if your body can't handle it. Always strive for equilibrium in your cultivation.

Another vital aspect is endurance. The cultivation path is filled with hardships and setbacks. You may face life-and-death battles, experience crushing defeats, or hit insurmountable bottlenecks. However, endurance is key. Every challenge, every setback, and every failure is a lesson. Learn from them, use them to fuel your determination, and rise stronger than before.

Lastly, let's touch on cultivation resources. In addition to beast cores and elixirs, there are myriad other resources beneficial to your cultivation. Spirit stones, filled with concentrated Qi, can boost your cultivation speed. Ancient scriptures can guide you towards a deeper understanding of the Dao. Legendary weapons can amplify your battle prowess. These resources can be rare and costly, but their benefits are worth the price.

Remember, cultivating in the Warrior's Elysium isn't just about personal growth. It's about understanding the interconnectedness of all things, the balance of power and relationships, the significance of endurance in face of hardships, and the effective use of resources. Every aspect, every element is a cog in the intricate machinery of your cultivation journey.

And remember, the system is here to guide you, but ultimately, the path you carve in this world is yours to decide. Let your will be unwavering, your spirit unbroken, and your heart fearless. After all, you are a cultivator in the Warrior's Elysium. You are part of an eternal pursuit of power, a dance with destiny. Embrace it. Embrace the journey and make it your own.


That was....a lot but I understand now. I think I would be able to fit in society now but first I need to test my strength

"Show me the closest low grade Crimson Lion"
