
The Gathering of Clans III

"Finally only the strongest ones remained, you may think that this is too much for a 6 year old kid to take, but it's simply how cruel the world is, your talents helped you through the challenges, the test will show your weakness eventually" Said the old man while standing before them.

"The last test is similar to the first one, you have to survive for seven days, while being hunted by assasins in the city" Said the old man, than white light enveloped everyone, now they were standing in a bar inside the city center, it was at the morning the bar was soon opening.

The 15 of them were quietly looking at each other until one of the boys spoke up, - " Everyone I think we should stick together to avoid being hunted down one by one" the girl next to him said, - "I agree together we are stronger than alone." The group soon ended up in a heated discussion it was clear that their leader was the kid from the Hydra Clan called Cyan Layton he was one of the team leaders on the first stage that succeeded in surviving the horde of wolves.

"Do what you want, I'm leaving" Said Cyrus and started walking towards the bar doors, she didn't really care about them what so ever, she could defend her self easily.

"You! Stop right there, you can't just leave us, we have higher chance to finish the test if we are together!" Said one of the girls angrily.

"Just let her leave, she would most likely just watch us die, before even thinking about doing something" Said Dolores while looking angrily at Cyrus.

"Dolores is right you all saw what she did in the first round, she doesn't deserve our help" Said Layton while smiling at the others.

"Can I come with you?" asked shyly the girl in white kitsune robes.

"Sure" answered Cyrus indifferently and walked outside of the building, while the girl in white robes followed her.

The girl in white robes took the lead, while Cyrus was simply following her, she was a bit absent minded since she got an additional task from the old men, which was to kill al 13 kids and find her assassin partner, her first goal was to go to the market place and find a yellow shop where she could get all the necessary equipment to do the task, as she was thinking she surprisingly realized that the white robes girl took her to the yellow shop, and now was curiously looking at Cyrus.

"How did you know?" Asked Cyrus curiously.

"Oh please after what you did in the first test, it would be surprising if you weren't selected as an assassin." Said the Kitsune girl.

"What did you do in the first test?" Asked Cyrus.

"I was also bored, I was one of the few who followed your idea and climbed a tree, but I got bored soo I killed a few kids" said the Kitsune girl with a wicked smile on her face.

"What's your name?" Asked Cyrus, she caught her interest.

"Selene Vixen" Said the girl shyly again.

Cyrus didn't mind it, instead she started walking towards the shop to see what's inside, there was a whole lot of items like poison darts, also smoke bombs and some hidden weapons, there was also two portable maps that showed perfectly where the other 13 kids currently were.

"Let's just slaughter them" Said Cyrus while thinking about the millions of creatures that he already killed, it would be the easiest way of doing this..

"No" Said Selene.

"What do you mean by no?" Said Cyra while looking weirdly at her.

"You're already hated by everyone, it would hurt the big clans reputation if you were to win by just slaughtering everyone in the final test." Said Selene.

"Do you have a better idea?"

"Actually I do, I will take these poison darts and go back to their group, I will find a way to kill them" Said Selene

Cyrus quickly caught on, she put on the dark robes and mask, also took smoke bomb and left towards where the kids were, they were currently walking around the city searching for a safe place for the night. They found an old mansion at the edge of the city, they sealed the holes and started making food from the things they found around the mansion.

Cyrus was silently waiting for her time to come, but to her surprise they kept staying together the whole night, the next day they accidentally met with the now alone Selene, who gladly joined their group again, after she was abandoned by Cyrus. The next day went just like the first one, until the evening came and some of the kids has mysteriously died. There was only 5 kids left on the map, they started to be scared of each other, so instead of sleeping together everyone slept in separate rooms, there was still 5 days left so Cyrus took it slow, at the night she picked a room randomly than went in and broke the kid neck.

The next day the kids came together again the 4 of them decided to keep a watch at the evening, one person always stayed before the rooms while the others were sleeping, the first night Selene was on the watch and nothing happened, the next day was one of the girls who talked to Cyrus, she swiftly broke her neck and went for the Dolores who was sleeping in her bad, she killed her with poison, then proceeded towards the next room where a boy was sleeping, Cyrus simply used a piece of clothes and choke the kid to death, seeing that it was soon morning she left the house and returned to her hideout, she still had 3 days to kill the last one.

Meanwhile in the mansion, Layton slowly woke up, he was instantly alerted to how quiet everything was, as he walked out of his room, Layton was confronted by the bloody sight of Selene she was almost dead but she looked like a celestial fairy as her clothing were torn apart, as he walked closer to check out what happened, his vision was blinded by smoke and he was stabbed into the back, he soon died not knowing how, the next moment he was sitting in the formation as he turned around to look for Selene, he was shocked to see that she was still inside.

"I don't understand didn't you said that it's bad for the clans if they hate us" said Cyrus as she was looking strangely at Selene.

"He won't tell the others!" Said Selene while smiling mischievously.

"What makes you think that?" Asked Cyrus.

"Love" Said Selene.


While they were talking the old man appeared next to them, - "Congratulations for both of you to completing the final test of the 3 great clans, It's such a waste that no one worthy appeared in the Phoenix clan..., you have proven your talents to the 3 Great Clans so according to your achievements I will reward you now," said the old man while smiling at the two little girls.

Soon a Technique appeared inside their heads, [Passive Technique:Runic Inscription] strange symbols started to appear inside Cyrus head one by one, as she was sitting in the formation blood started to drip from her eyes, as she woke up.. she also passed out from intensive pain.

[Congratulation Host for gaining new [Passive Technique:Runic Inscription]]

The next day Cyrus woke up she still head a headache, as she got out of bed, she saw that Helios was inside her room sitting by the table, and was sitting by the table while looking at her with a smile, he took a sip from his tea than said, - "Congratulations little sister for completing the challenge with flying colors, the 3 great clans are happy to witness the birth of 2 new rune masters, but next time could you act less bloody with the other clans? I mean don't make it this obvious." Said Helios while sipping his Tea.

"I will keep in mind elder brother!" Said Cyrus cheerfully.

"Good, the competition was decided to be delayed by a few days until the two of you get better, it will be held in 4 days, spend the time usefully." Said Helios while standing up than he walked out of Cyra room.

System what is this Runic Inscription?

[Host the Runic Inscription is a passive Technique, which in this case granted Host a large amount of knowledge]


[Novice Rune Master] [Unlocked]

[Rune] [Understanding] [Role]

ᚠ [0/100%] [Body Rune has to be inscribed on the body, it will grant the user enchanted Sight]

ᚲ [0/100%] [Fighting Rune has to be inscribed in the air by the using of Essence, [Cage: it will trap your opponent]

ᛜ [0/100%] [Formation Rune has to be inscribed on the ground by the using of Blood, [Shield: Makes a barrier]

ᛊ [0/100%] [Defensive Rune has to be inscribed in the air by the using of Essence, [Skin: Strengthen the skin with essence]

[Rune Master] [Locked]

[Rune] [Understanding] [Role]

ᚢ [0/100%] [Body Rune has to be inscribed on the body, it will grant the user enchanted hearing]

ᚷ [0/100%] [Fighting Rune has to be inscribed in the air by the using of Essence, [Slash: it will send a sharp essence wave]

ᛁ [0/100%] [Formation Rune has to be inscribed on the ground by the using of Blood, [Hallucination: Makes a Dream World]

ᛏ [0/100%] [Defensive Rune has to be inscribed in the air by the using of Essence, [Armor: essence around the body]

ᛚ [0/100%] [Weapon Rune has to be inscribed on the material by the using of Essence, [Vibration: The moment Essence gets poured into the Rune the weapon going to start fast Vibration which increases its sharpness]

[Rune GrandMaster] [Locked]

[Rune] [Understanding] [Role]

ᚦ [0/100%] [Body Rune has to be inscribed on the body, it will grant the user enchanted regeneration]

ᚹ [0/100%] [Fighting Rune has to be inscribed in the air by the using of Essence, [Flash: it will blind your opponent]

ᛇ [0/100%] [Formation Rune has to be inscribed by the using of Blood, [Space:can creat a separate place or can connect 2 places]

ᛒ [0/100%] [Defensive Rune has to be inscribed in the air by the using of Essence, [Wall: wall of essence]

ᛃ [0/100%] [Weapon Rune has to be inscribed on the material by the using of Essence, [Mark: The moment Essence gets poured into the Mark, a link forms between the user and weapon which way the user can move the weapon without holding it]

[Rune Sage] [Locked]

[Rune] [Understanding] [Role]

ᚨ [0/100%] [Body Rune has to be inscribed on the body, it will grant the user enchanted pain tolerance]

ᚺ [0/100%] [Fighting Rune has to be inscribed in the air by the using of Essence, [Pulse: disturbs your opponent]

ᛈ [0/100%] [Formation Rune has to be inscribed on the ground by the using of Blood, [Time:Slows time]

ᛖ [0/100%] [Defensive Rune has to be inscribed in the air by the using of Essence, [Element: makes host resistent towards elements such as fire,ice,wind,Earth,lightning]

ᛞ [0/100%] [Weapon Rune has to be inscribed on the material by the using of Essence, [Wave: Sends out a long ranged wave attack]

[Rune God] [Locked]

[Rune] [Understanding] [Role]

ᚱ [0/100%] [Body Rune has to be inscribed on the body, it will grant the user the ability to fly]

ᚾ [0/100%] [Fighting Rune has to be inscribed in the air by the using of Essence, [Force: can move objects or people]

ᛉ [0/100%] [Formation Rune has to be inscribed on the ground by the using of Blood, [Summon: an Essence copy of your bloodline dragon, it has a fraction of its original strength]

ᛗ [0/100%] [Defensive Rune has to be inscribed in the air by the using of Essence, [immunity: makes host immune to attack for a short period of time]

ᛟ [0/100%] [Weapon Rune has to be inscribed on the material by the using of Essence, [Affinity: Grants the weapon Fire,ice,earth,wind,lightning attack ability]


Im not even surprised that I passed out..