
Killing as always

On the way towards the pack Cyrus was stuck by realization that he need pure essence for the next mutation but he was still short with more than fifty levels to be able to gain any so on his way he just started slaughtering anything moving from stage 1 to 3 at some point he even started eating the plants to gain extra biomass because the Nidhoggs in the Forest had pitifully little BioMass.

The path that Cyrus walked looked like Vulcans were erupting, everything was burning and you couldn't even spot a single living creature in the surroundings.

Cyrus turned back once to see a clear path of death following in his foot steps, to avoid useless trouble he used [burrow tunneling] and continued his way towards the pack, the rest of the day was peaceful since he got bored of killing.. well he was already proud of what he achieve on his way here, apparently eating plants is much more useful than eating creatures here...

[BP:|17.1% -> 27.8% / 100%|] [lvl 48/100] -> [lvl 62/100] [BM: 68 120 700] -> [BM: 92 370 890]

He was getting closer to the pack camp while on the way he met Azin who was also coming back from a job she had to do, though she was surprised that Cyrus finished the job, she heard that the pack leader gave him some super hard mission to do.

"Sooo.. are you going to practice in the evolution ladder?" Asked Azin while curiously looking at Cyrus.

"How can I practice or where?" Ask Cyrus, this evolution ladder clearly made him a bit curious.

"You just need to start traveling towards the Narum Mountains, there the strongest 1000 will be selected and ranked accordingly." Said Azin proudly.

"When is this evolution ladder going to start?" Asked Cyrus while wondering if he should go or avoid the kings and queens for now..

"Actually most of the strong ones left already a few weeks ago, it will start in a month from now, 4 pack leaders and the 50 strongest stage 3 from each pack left with the kings and queens towards the Narum Mountains." Said Azin.

"So our pack stayed?" Asked Cyrus.

"Well most packs stayed there was a tournament to select those who will practice on the ladder, well it also strengthened them, so only us the weaker ones were left home, well at least we are still alive." Said Azin happily, while looking at Cyrus with lovely eyes.

"Well yeah." Said Cyrus while stabbing his tail trough Azin head...

[Congratulation Host for Gaining New Skill:{Deadly Blow: deals 150% of host dmg and if the target still alive it will suffer additional 5% bleeding Dmg}]

It's nice to learn new things.. also I pray that Asura doesn't have an avatar at the pack...

Cyrus first went towards his own pack and killed Awan with [Brutal Smash] than went towards the remaining 60 or so Stage 3 pack members, he was thinking to perfect his new skill on living targets, but he was considering to let at least one live he still had 4 more packs to visit and he had no idea where were they, he regretted killing Azin, now he have to learn a new person name, such a drag.

Does anyone of you know where is the other 4 packs? Asked Cyrus, on second thought there should only be 3 remaining... so he added: "The 3 other packs aside Amma's pack."

"I do" Said Axak with shaking voice.

"Cool" With that said Cyrus used [Deadly Blow] and killed the rest of Asura's pack one by one .

[ Congratulation host for gaining better understanding of the skill:{Deadly Blow:« Precise attacks at the target weak point deals +10% extra dmg»} ]

Cyrus turned towards Axak and said: "Show the way."

[BP:|27.8 -> 35.7% / 100%|] [lvl 62/100] -> [lvl 65/100] [BM: 92 370 890] -> [BM:92 401 000]

The journey towards the other pack camp's was without any serious fights, Cyrus massacred all 3 remains of the packs that were left behind, also he ate the camps that they used, the Giant trees had a lot of useful biomass that he couldn't miss.

[ Congratulation host for gaining better understanding of the skill:{Deadly Blow:« Precise attacks at the target weak point deals +20% extra dmg»} ]

[ Congratulation host for gaining better understanding of the skill:{Deadly Blow:« Precise attacks at the target weak point deals +40% extra dmg»} ]

[ Congratulation host for gaining better understanding of the skill:{Deadly Blow:« Precise attacks at the target weak point deals +80% extra dmg»} ]

[BP:|27.8 -> 59.4% / 100%|] [lvl 65/100] -> [lvl 74/100] [BM: 92 370 890] -> [BM:241 932 110]

[Congratulation Host for Achieving 40% Bloodline Purity]

[Congratulation Host for gaining better understanding of the Unique Skill:{Blood Avatar:« Now the avatar has 1% of host basic stats as his main stat»} ]

With this much biomass I should be safe was thinking Cyrus while laying down on a giant rock that was peaking out of the ground, but suddenly his breathing stopped. He was just looking at the stone like he was someone who saw a ghost...

[Congratulation Host for discovering the Emperor of Alin Forest]

[Name: AWA ] [Tittle: Emperor Of The Alin Forest] [Guardian Of The Alin Forest]

[Hp 1 250 000/1 250 000] [Dmg 170 000 x 1 =170 000] [Attack speed 1] [Armor 700 000] [Peak of Stage 6] [Scale Dragon Turtle Qing]

[125 times bigger than Host] [Luckily for host it's in hibernation]

Well it's time to leave for now... [Accelerate], I should visit Hell Sea, haven't been there long time ago also should check out the hive.

System show me the Hive Stats!

[As You Wish]

[Host there might be a Little Problem]


[Only one is still alive]