

[lvl 20 -> 320 /999] [BM: 3 920 100] -> [BM: 0]

The pink flame spread to his bones, the Flame chamber and Control core became a glow of pink lights, he lost his vision and the ability to fly, also because of the undead state he became emitting a strong Aura of death.

Cyrus walking around realized that he destroyed the whole territory of Zac.. there was literally nothing left, so he decided to head towards the Alin Forest to mount BioMass.. this time he wasn't playing around he just went towards anything living and ate them.

[BM: 0] -> [BM: 570 670 320]

Cyrus spent years with eating without killing so nobody came to kill or hunt him, this time spent in Alin Forest was rather quite, he regained his living form and enjoyed the peaceful life..


Does someone wants to kill me?

[No Host]


[Something is wrong with the temperature]

What do u mean?

[Host spent around 9 years in Alin Forest, in these 9 years the maximum temperature declined by 1 each year, originally the temperature was around 34° C but the current temperature is 25° C which is still slowly decreasing]


[The most logical explanation seems to be Host Final Super Nova]

How? That was a simple destructive skill.

[Destructive Yes, but it was no way simple, [The Final Super nova] vaporized the whole Zac, which in return flew up in the plane outer layers the dust is most likely in one of the outer layers of the plane and reflecting the sunlight that supposed to shine down on Anatar]

So what do I do now?

[First Return to the Hell Sea, or second learn the skill Cold, or third Hibernate.. most creatures will be entering Hibernation when the temperature hits 0]


[Below 0 isn't an ideal temperature for fight, most elements of essence are rendered useless, also in low temperature the creatures take dmg according to stage and with it they lose biomass,]

Oh, what does cold skill do?

[Gives Host the ability to survive even absolute Zero, The planet is going to enter Ice Age in 26 years...]

[Chain Mission [1/6]] [New Mission] [Spend Time in cold req at least -1 ° C] [Time required: 10 years] [Unique Passive Skill:{Cold Dmg Reduction: 10%} Host will be completely adapted to existing in this temperature]

So I have 26 years until the boredom starts?


Cyrus went back and spent his remaining time with eating, also called Lilith and Caitlin to order them and the rest of the larva's to don't leave Hell Sea.. it should be a fine territory to survive an Ice Age..

Should I spawn more larva's for the empire to develop?


Even though the Effects of the ice age are minimal in the hell Sea they will still lose BioMass large population is dangerous]

[24° C] The temperature was constantly dropping, Now Cyrus wasn't the only one who was eating the Forest many Creatures were gorging on BioMass.. to avoid turning undead in the winter... it's not a pleasant thing at all..

[23° C] Giants Started to emerge in the Alin Forest Cyrus actually size was current almost as big as its emperor after eating one third of the Forest Cyrus decided that it's time to find a place to kill time.. [BM: 570 670 320] -> [BM:349 940 098 008]

Cyrus began walking towards the Hell See in a slow phase.. he wasn't capable of flying

[Congratulations Host Your Origin Flame Grade has upgraded Good -> Magical]

[Congratulation Host For Gaining a new Passive Skill:{Pyromania: all of your Attacks has 30% chance to set an enemy on fire}

[Congratulation Host the [Eternal Origin Flame Body] has became stronger from +200% -> +400% all stats]

[Warning Host is running out of pure Essence, soon Host going to burn Biomass to keep the flame alive, the draw back is that it will take at least a 100 times more time]

It's not like I can do much about it..

[13° C] It took him exactly 10 years to reach the peak of Alin Forest, in the distance he could see the lights of the Hell Sea Territory with his current weight, he resembled more of a turtle than an actual Dragon, the Biomass that he currently had was simply to huge, yet he felt it won't be enough, he stopped and laced down, he stayed in the Alin Forest.

[3° C] Slowly another 10 years passed, The plane became a quiet place no roars could be heard,most often creatures already entered Hibernation, From time to time he could see some creatures hurrying towards Alin Forest but that was it, he was barely able to move.

[-1° C] Finally the Ice Age was about to start, Cyrus plan was to wait it out without hibernation and complete his mission, he was simply taking longer naps between the years.

[Host going to enter Crystalization Soon]

I don't want to hibernate!

[It's s not hibernation, The vapor that was originally slowly cooled down after leaving Host body, is currently Crystalizing in an alarming rate, below -50° C it will instantly froze on Host body, which will form into a defensive layers around the Host]

[-10° C] [10 years]

[Congratulations Host for spending 10 years in -1° C] [Reward: Unique Passive Skill:{Cold Dmg Reduction: 10%} Host will be completely adapted to existing in this temperature]

[Chain Mission [2/6]] [New Mission] [Spend Time in cold req at least -100° C] [Time required: 100 years] [Unique Passive Skill:{Cold Dmg Reduction: 30%} Host will be completely adapted to existing in this temperature]

Cyrus wasn't surprised by the time he knew it will take a long time...

[-51° C] [51 years]

The Temperature reached -51° C just a few days ago, Cyrus realized that he started to take Dmg, it wasn't that big of a deal, but he also realized that His BioMass was decreasing By 1 each day, now he knew what effect does the cold had, also he was currently resembling a mountain of Shiny Pink Crystals in the middle of a snow storm..

[-101° C] [101 years] [50x]

Cyrus was in and out of his sleeping but today something weird happened, he was attacked by a low stage 1 Icy Undead, The larva couldn't do much against the constantly regrowing Crystals, Cyrus on the other hand got annoyed pretty fast because of the scratching noise he couldn't sleep.. he found a solution pretty fast.

[Congratulation Host for Gaining a New skill:{Snow Ball: Deals 1% of Host Dmg}]

[lvl 320 -> 321 /999] [BM:349 940 098 008] -> [BM:349 940 061 508]

[-200° C] [200 years]

[Congratulations Host for spending 100 years in -100° C] [Reward: Unique Passive Skill:{Cold Dmg Reduction: 30%} Host will be completely adapted to existing in this temperature]

I have a bad feeling about this.. [lvl 553 -> 554 /999] [BM:349 940 061 508] -> [BM:349 939 870 258]

Why are these things keep coming I already killed millions of stage 2 and 3 creatures..

[Their food supply ran out, and in undead state they are simply mindlessly searching for BioMass]

So they should end soon, oh yes the Hell Sea is safe?

[It should be even if the temperature drops to absolute Zero, the Core regions still way hotter so it won't effect it, also these Icy undead are mindless, there is no way they will get fire affinity by walking into the lava]


[Chain Mission [3/6]] [New Mission] [Spend Time in cold req at least -150° C] [Time required: 1 000 years] [Unique Passive Skill:{Cold Dmg Reduction: 50%} Host will be completely adapted to existing in this temperature]

System How long is an ice age?

[Depends from 2 000 000 years - 300 000 000 years]

So I just need to complete the missions and I will be able to move freely?

[Yes in theory, Host]

[-271° C] [1 200 years]

[Congratulations Host for spending 1000 years in -150° C] [Reward: Unique Passive Skill:{Cold Dmg Reduction: 50%} Host will be completely adapted to existing in this temperature]

[Chain Mission [4/6]] [New Mission] [Spend Time in cold req at least -200° C] [Time required: 10 000 years] [Unique Passive Skill:{Cold Dmg Reduction: 70%} Host will be completely adapted to existing in this temperature]

[BM:349 939 870 258] -> [BM:349 939 286 258]

Time is irrelevant for me but I'm starting to get bored...

[Host can creat Emojis too]

No, but thank you...

[-271° C] [2 870 years]

[Congratulations Host Your Origin Flame Grade has upgraded Magical -> Rare]

[Congratulation Host For Gaining a new Skill:{Flame Wrath: Summons a flaming creature}

[Congratulation Host the [Eternal Origin Flame Body] has became stronger from +400% -> +800% all stats]

[-271° C] [11 200 years] [BM:349 939 286 258] -> [BM:349 931 986 258]

[Congratulations Host for spending 10 000 years in -200° C] [Reward: Unique Passive Skill:{Cold Dmg Reduction: 70%} Host will be completely adapted to existing in this temperature]

[Chain Mission [5/6]] [New Mission] [Spend Time in cold req at least -250° C] [Time required: 100 000 years] [Unique Passive Skill:{Cold Dmg Reduction: 90%} Host will be completely adapted to existing in this temperature]

Cyrus long ago started creating skills and studying mana, he was like an old sage since he had nothing better to do, he built several cities on top of the Crystal mountain, the inhabitants of the City were the Flame Wrath's, his summoned creatures weren't rly effected by the cold, but if mana ran out they died, so he couldn't spawn them endlessly his limit was around 3k.

He created Cities like the Ancient Rome and China, also built some castles to make the Crystal mountain more beautiful, as time went by he even demolished some Cities to build new ones.

The Frozen creatures stopped coming at this point, now only stage 4-5-6 creatures were left alive on Anatar, well Hell Sea population survived because they have natural Biomass reproduction.

[-271° C] [27 400 years]

[Congratulations Host Your Origin Flame Grade has upgraded Rare -> Legendary]

[Congratulation Host For Gaining a new Passive Skill:{Flame Ring: This is the mark of having a Legendary Flame, it appears above Host head at will]

[Congratulation Host the [Eternal Origin Flame Body] has became stronger from +800% -> +1600% all stats]

[-271° C] [111 200 years] [BM:349 931 986 258] -> [BM:349 858 986 258]

[Congratulations Host for spending 100 000 years in -250° C] [Reward: Unique Passive Skill:{Cold Dmg Reduction: 90%} Host will be completely adapted to existing in this temperature]

[Chain Mission [6/6]] [New Mission] [Spend Time in cold req at least -271° C] [Time required: 1 000 000 years] [Unique Passive Skill:{Cold Dmg Reduction: 100%} Host will be completely adapted to existing in this temperature]

[-271° C] [1 111 200 years] [BM:349 858 986 258] -> [BM:349 128 986 258]

[Congratulations Host for spending 1 000 000 years in -271° C] [Reward: Unique Passive Skill:{Cold Dmg Reduction: 100%} Host will be completely adapted to existing in this temperature]

Finaly done.. Said Cyrus and tryed to stand up, but failed, so he ordered Flame Wrath's to destroy the mountain that was on the top of him, so he could move which also failed they couldn't even scratch it.

You said I could move...

[No, I said in theory Host can move]

How do I enter Hell Sea?

[Host should use {accelerate} to change localization]


[Congratulation host moved 1mm]

Your kidding me…

[Host is just to huge the movement speed buff can't help this at all]


Cyrus began his slow walking towards Hell Sea..