
Eternal Emperor of the Ages

When the Kunlun Realm was filled with mystery and glory eight hundred years later, Zhang Ruochen, the only son of one of the nine emperors of the Kunlun Realm, "Emperor Ming", who had a heavenly aura in his body, was killed by his fiancée, Princess Chi Yao, and died. However, eight hundred years later, the Kunlun world has become the era of Queen Chi Yao. Princess Chi Yao, her former childhood friend, has now become an overlord, unifying the Kunlun Realm and establishing the First Central Empire, a supreme powerhouse, ageless and immortal. Zhang Ruochen was reborn and once again faced the reign of Empress Chi Yao. He hated her betrayal and vowed to reclaim the glory and power that belonged to him. In the Kunlun Realm after his rebirth, he embarked on the path of rising to become a legend of a powerful generation. Confronted with the mystery of his birth, he tries to cultivate himself to unlock the "Seal of Divine Martial Arts" in order to pursue stronger power and regain the glory of the past. Under the conspiracy and domination of Queen Chi Yao, he and his companions will unveil the deepest secrets, challenge fate, and fight for the restoration of his family and dignity. In this journey through the light, Zhang Ruochen will explore friendship, betrayal, honor and love, and the emotional entanglements with Empress Chi Yao will become increasingly complex. He will gradually reveal the mystery of eight hundred years ago, pursue peak power, reshape his family's legacy, and ultimately, whether he can reclaim everything he has lost will become a legend throughout the Kunlun realm. "Eternal Emperor of the Ages" is a novel full of adventures, battles, emotions and growth, telling the story of Zhang Ruochen's re-emergence after 800 years. In a world full of mystery and splendor, he will face all kinds of challenges, fight against fate, and ultimately create his own legend.

Genyu_Rambler · Fantasy
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16 Chs

The Absolute Enchantress

"Young Master Zhang, are you only buying this broken sword?"

Qin Ya walked over to Zhang Ruochen, her plump and delicate body almost standing close to him, her body emitting a charming aroma.

Zhang Ruochen gradually came back to his senses from the thoughts of his previous life, and just as he raised his head, he saw a large area of snow-white skin exposed on Qin Ya's chest, which still looked incomparably fragrant even though it was separated by her shirt.

Zhang Ruochen's eyes stared, slightly suffocating as his heart beat furiously, and he immediately pinched his fingertips, forcibly averting his gaze and staring at the sword hanging on the wall.

Fixing his mind, Zhang Ruochen pointed to a treasure blue battle sword and said, "Boss lady, how many ranks of True Martial Treasure Weapons is this sword?"

Qin Ya's eyes once again revealed a few moments of disappointment as she said, "That is a fourth rank True Martial Treasure Weapon named, Flash Soul Sword. There are fourteen inscriptions engraved in the sword body, which are four 'Force System Inscriptions', four 'Ice System Inscriptions', four 'Electricity System Inscriptions', and two ' Light System Inscriptions'. It can be said that it possesses a total of three special attributes, which are Ice System, Electricity System, and Light System."

Generally speaking, inside a first rank True Martial Treasure, there was only one inscription pattern.

Only when the number of inscriptions reaches ten or more can it be considered a fourth rank True Martial Treasure Artifact.

For each additional inscription in a True Martial Treasure Weapon, the power would increase to a different degree. Moreover, depending on the attributes of the inscriptions, the True Martial Treasure Weapon would also exhibit different attributes, suitable for different martial artists.

For example, a martial artist who had opened the Red Flame Divine Martial Seal, whose true qi in his body came with a fiery aura, would be able to utilize the stronger power of the True Martial Treasure Weapon by using a fire-based True Martial Treasure Weapon.

"How much?" Zhang Ruochen asked.

"Thirty thousand silver coins." Qin Ya said.

"Good! Buy it!"

Zhang Ruochen carried the "Flashing Soul Sword" in one hand and the "Sinking Abyss Ancient Sword" in the other, and sprinted towards the outside of the armory as if he was fleeing.

Staying alone with this flavorful boss lady was too dangerous, and Zhang Ruochen couldn't bear it.

Anyway, he had already retrieved the Sinking Abyss Ancient Sword, and casually buying another True Martial Treasure Grade Battle Sword was completely enough for him to use at this stage.

"Escaping quite quickly, huh, in the palm of sister's hand, how can you escape? In the future, there will be fun to be had!" Qin Ya revealed a hint of a charming and playful smile, and her interest in Zhang Ruochen intensified.


As Zhang Ruochen and Qin Ya entered the armory, an elderly shopkeeper of Qingxuan Pavilion, leading a man and a woman, also arrived outside the armory.

The status of that man and woman seemed to be very honorable, and even that one elderly shopkeeper bowed slightly in front of them with a pandering smile.

That one young man was none other than Zhang Ruochen's eighth brother, the eighth prince of the Yunwu County Kingdom, Zhang Ji.

The woman traveling with Zhang Ji was one of the four great young beauties of the Yunwu County Kingdom, the beloved daughter of the Red Cloud Sect's Patriarch, Shan Xiangling.

Shan Xiangling's temperament was outstanding, as sober and elegant as a lily, looking sixteen or seventeen years old, with bright eyes and a delicate figure, she would definitely become the most eye-catching one wherever she went.

The Eighth Prince laughed, ''Mother has instructed, senior sister came to the King City for the first time, and asked me to make sure to take care of her carefully. Qingxuan Pavilion is one of the largest stores in the Martial City, so if senior sister has her eye on any weapon, just let me know."

The eighth prince's mother, Concubine Xiao, was once a disciple of the Red Cloud Sect and was the senior sister of the Red Cloud Sect's Patriarch.

That was why the eighth prince called Shan Xiangling his senior sister.

Shan Xiangling smiled faintly and said, ''Thank you, Your Highness the Eighth Prince! In fact, Xiang Ling came to the King City this time, mainly because she wanted to meet those geniuses and talents in the King City, especially the number one heavenly pride of the Yunwu County Kingdom, His Highness the Seventh Prince. Xiangling has heard of his great name many times and admires him very much, many female disciples of the Red Cloud Sect admire him very much, but it's a pity that it's very difficult to even have a chance to meet him once."

The Eighth Prince said, "If Seventh Brother was in the royal city, this prince would be able to help you fulfill your wish. Unfortunately, senior sister came at a bad time, and seventh brother is not in the royal city."

A few moments of disappointment arose in Shan Xiangling's eyes as she said, "I remember that the Royal Clan's End of Year Examination is an event that is second only to the Sacrificial Ceremony. Could it be that His Highness the Seventh Prince will not be returning as well?"

The Eighth Prince laughed and said, "When Seventh Brother was ten years old, he was the first place winner of the End of Year Examination. Do you think the End of Year Examination still has any value for him to participate in? However, the End of Year Examination is indeed an event that only young disciples under the age of twenty from the royal family and various royal relatives can participate in, and Seventh Brother might come back as well. If senior sister wants to observe this grand event, this prince will definitely get you an entrance slot."

"Then, thank you again, Your Highness the Eighth Prince!" Shan Xiangling laughed.

While the Eighth Prince and Shan Xiangling were talking, the one older shopkeeper walked up to Beanzi and said, "Beanzi, what kind of person went to the armory, and why are the doors of the armory closed?"

Beanzi's expression was a bit odd as he whispered, "It's the boss's wife and a young gentleman."

Hearing this, that one older shopkeeper was also slightly startled, sucked in a breath of cool air, and said to himself, "The boss's wife even ... can't make a mess!"

The Eight Princes and Shan Xiangling naturally also heard the conversation between the older shopkeeper and Bean.

Shan Xiangling asked with some surprise, "Could it be that Qingxuan Pavilion would still do things like killing people and taking their money?"

The eighth prince shook his head and said, "That's not true! It's just that there are a lot of rumors about this Boss Lady, and it's said that that one Boss Lady is so gorgeous that as long as it's a man who sees her, he'll surely fall under her pomegranate skirt."

"There are also rumors that the boss's wife is ruthless and snake-hearted, and many men have died in her hands."

"There are also rumors that that one Boss Lady is actually very slutty and has kept quite a few men. Moreover, she also likes to abuse men, and many men have had their hands chopped off and their eyes gouged out by her."

"Of course, these are just rumors, this prince has not seen that one Boss Lady and does not understand what kind of woman she really is."

After the eighth prince said this, Shan Xiangling didn't have much good feelings towards that one boss lady.

In broad daylight, bringing a man, entering the armory alone, and also closing the door tightly, one didn't need to guess what was going on.

That boss's wife was definitely not a good woman. That one man who was brought into the arsenal by the boss lady also made people feel sick.


The gate of the Arsenal was pushed open, and Zhang Ruochen came out of the gate with two battle swords in his arms in quick steps, and when he saw the Eight Princes standing in the distance, a few surprised looks immediately appeared on his face.

The Eighth Prince was also slightly taken aback when he saw Zhang Ruochen walk out from the gate of the armory, and then his eyes turned very cold and heavy, "Ninth Brother, why are you also in the Qingxuan Pavilion? This is not the place for you to be!"

Hearing the eighth prince address Zhang Ruochen, both Bean and that one older shopkeeper were slightly shocked, this young master Zhang really did come from a great place, he was actually the son of the Yunwu County King.

At the same time, they also let out a long sigh of relief, fortunately, the boss's wife did not lay a hand on him. If something had happened to His Highness the Ninth Prince in Qingxuan Pavilion, I'm afraid that Qingxuan Pavilion would have to close down tomorrow.

Shan Xiangling had also heard something about that one Ninth Prince, who was said to be the only waste within the nine princes who couldn't open the Divine Martial Seal.

She hadn't deliberately inquired about Zhang Ruochen, so she didn't realize that Zhang Ruochen had already opened the Divine Martial Seal half a month ago.

How could such a waste of a prince walk out of the armory?

Could it be that ...

Thinking about what the eighth prince had said earlier, Shan Xiangling's gaze once again stared at Zhang Ruochen, and a few more shades of contempt grew in her eyes.

Zhang Ruochen frowned slightly, looking rather displeased as he said, "Since you are able to come to Qingxuan Pavilion, why can't I come?"

The Eighth Prince sneered and said, "This prince came to Qingxuan Pavilion to purchase weapons, what are you doing here? You can afford to buy True Martial Treasure Grade swords? Where did you get the two swords in your hands?"

Feeling puzzled, Zhang Ruochen nonchalantly said, "You're minding too broadly, aren't you! My swords, even if I picked them up, it doesn't seem to be any of your business?"

"Stop right there!" The Eighth Prince bellowed in a deep voice, saying, "Your cultivation talent is poor, so stay honestly in the palace and don't come out to do something embarrassing, or else this prince will break your legs on behalf of your father."

Zhang Ruochen grew increasingly confused by the words of the Eighth Prince and said in a deep voice, "Do you have that ability?"

Hearing these words, the Eighth Prince was slightly stunned and then burst into laughter.

His palms came together, moving his ten fingers, and he laughed, "Ninth Brother! Today, this prince will let you see what it means to be capable?"

Zhang Ruochen stood upright with a calm gaze as he pinched his five fingers together, the true qi in his body running through the six meridians.

If you want to fight, then let's fight!

"Heh! Your Highness the Eighth Prince, what is this for? This is Qingxuan Pavilion, not the royal palace. His Royal Highness the Ninth Prince is a valued guest of the Qingxuan Pavilion, if anyone dares to strike out at him in the Qingxuan Pavilion, the slave will be in charge of it, oh!" Qin Ya walked out from the armory with a flirtatious smile on her cheeks.

After the eighth prince saw Qin Ya, he also revealed a look of amazement and his heart was slightly shaken.

If it wasn't for the fact that Shan Xiangling was standing beside him, keeping his nerves taut and not daring to do anything out of the ordinary, otherwise, he definitely wouldn't have been able to be as calm as he was right now when he saw a demonic woman like Qin Ya.

The Eighth Prince left his gaze and coldly stared at Zhang Ruochen, saying, "Humph! The face of the royal family has been disgraced by you!"

In the eighth prince's opinion, Zhang Ruochen simply couldn't afford a True Martial Treasure Grade battle sword. He was able to obtain those two swords, and he must have been the gigolo of Qingxuan Pavilion's boss lady.

Using his body to serve the Qingxuan Pavilion's Boss Lady in exchange for resources to cultivate the Martial Dao.

In fact, Shan Xiangling, who was standing at the side, had similar thoughts as the eighth prince.

"Hehe! Both are also the son of the Yunwu County King, why is it that the Seventh Prince is able to become a supreme heavenly pride, while this Ninth Prince is willing to be reduced to a plaything of a loose/slutty woman? One is a dragon in the clouds, while the other is an earthworm in a quagmire!" Shan Xiangling sighed as she stared at Zhang Ruochen and gently shook her head.

Zhang Ruochen didn't even know what the eighth prince was talking about, he himself was walking the talk and didn't bother to talk nonsense with him, holding the two battle swords as he walked towards the outer courtyard of Qingxuan Pavilion.

Qin Ya had become a savant and seemed to see some clues, understanding what was going through the minds of the Eighth Prince and Shan Xiangling!

The corner of her mouth hooked slightly, her eyes revealed a hint of bright color as she called out, ''Your Highness the Ninth Prince, come often in the future! Your slave will definitely treat you well! If you want other cultivation resources, feel free to come and find the slave, oh! Hehe!"