

In a world ravaged by the apocalypse, Lu Zhi is reborn, gifted with the elusive power of [Ancient Insight]. However, her second chance at life also brings forth [Space Manipulation], allowing her to harness the secrets of the cosmos. With her newfound strength, she embarks on a mission to safeguard her family and navigate the treacherous path of survival. As she meets familiar faces from her past life, hope and salvation become tangible, but so does the ever-looming darkness. credits to the original owner of the photo

redragon03 · Sci-fi
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29 Chs

Chapter 21: Selling His Properties

"Well, take your time, Zhizhi. Why don't you go shopping with Grandma and your brother Zinzin for some clothes? Didn't you mention that the weather during the end of times was more severe than usual?" Mother Lu suggested. She had a sense that her daughter was incredibly strong, occasionally emitting an air of mystery and intrigue. She worried about how much power her daughter's body could withstand.

"Yes, Zhizhi. I'll help you pick out outfits that not only look good on you but also provide comfort for movement. And don't forget, I promised to order a suit that's scratch and bite-resistant!" Lu Zinzin chimed in eagerly. He thought, 'Finally, my chance to spend time with my sister! Whahaha.' His smug expression didn't go unnoticed by his other brothers, father, and Shen Lian, who were all eyeing him as if they were about to pounce. 'Seeing their annoyed faces just makes my day.'

Father Lu's frustration was palpable as he grumbled through gritted teeth, "Why should that kid tag along? If his fans spot him, how can my daughter shop in peace? Let me go instead!"

His words were met with eager agreement from the other brothers, who nodded like a line of obedient ducklings. While they wanted to join the outing as well, they didn't dare question their mother's decision, leaving their foolish father to bear the brunt.

As expected...

Mother Lu wasn't having any of it. She retorted, "And what can you do? You can't even pick out your own clothes, let alone choose for your daughter! You stay here and gather funds... Blablabla..." Her words were met with silence from the other family members, who exchanged amused glances.

Then, Lu Zhi burst into a fit of giggles, catching everyone off guard. They all turned to look at her, their eyes sparkling with delight.

"Ahem," Lu Zhi cleared her throat, trying to regain her composure. "I'll go with Mom, Brother Zinzin, and Grandma," she announced, her cheeks slightly flushed.

As everyone was preparing to leave, Shen Lian took the initiative to stop them. He sensed that amidst the warmth and optimism, there were important things that needed to be discussed. "Wait," he said, catching their attention.

Grandma Shen raised an eyebrow suspiciously. "Yes, grandson?" she asked, wondering if he had suddenly decided to join them for the shopping trip.

Shen Lian looked at his grandmother and hesitated for a moment before speaking. "I want to go with Zhizhi...," he began, earning an intense glare from his brothers. He quickly continued, "but first, I need to discuss something with Grandfather."

"Hmm, alright. But is there something you wish to say to us before we go?" Grandma Shen inquired.

"Yes, there is." Shen Lian's expression turned serious as he addressed the family. "I hope none of you will disclose the details of the events from the end of times to the outside world. Even if you were to share such information, it's unlikely that anyone would believe it. This includes not only your relatives and friends but also the general public. By revealing this information, you could inadvertently put Zinzin in danger, increasing the risk of her being targeted for experimentation again."

Lu Zuwa, sensing the gravity of the situation, stood up and patted Shen Lian on the shoulder. "You have our assurance. Zinzin is our daughter, and there's nothing more important to us than her safety."

Shen Lian nodded in acknowledgment and continued. "In truth, you can still indirectly caution your relatives and friends without revealing too much. Encourage them to stock up on food and water, for instance. As for the reasons behind it, as long as Zhizhi's involvement is kept under wraps, you can craft a suitable explanation."

The brothers exchanged glances, contemplating Shen Lian's words. This time, they recognized his genuine concern for their sister's well-being and concurred with his suggestion. After all, safeguarding Lu Zhi's safety was a common goal that united them all.

As everyone went about their tasks and gathered funds, Shen Lian and Grandpa Shen were engaged in a discussion within the confines of the Shen Group headquarters—a wealthy company that had attracted the attention of many. They delved into the intricacies of selling the company and properties, a task that was once considered a precious legacy but now seemed to be treated like a commodity.

Amusement twinkled in Grandpa Shen's eyes as he observed his grandson's demeanor. Shen Lian, who had once been extremely protective of his parents' possessions, was now discussing their sale with an air of practicality. It was a drastic shift from his earlier attachment to these belongings.

However, he paused and asked a pointed question, seeking confirmation. "Are you sure about this decision?"

Shen Lian momentarily snapped out of his thoughts. He had been outlining his plans to his grandfather, but it seemed his mind had drifted. "Huh?" he responded, needing a moment to catch up.

"I asked if you're absolutely certain about this choice. You've always treated the company and properties as if they were your life," Grandpa Shen reiterated, his gaze fixed on Shen Lian.

Shen Lian's mind wandered back to his teenage years, a period shrouded in hazy memories. Some events remained elusive to him, but one thing was clear: the remnants of the company and his wealth from that time were of little value in the post-apocalyptic world. The essentials for survival—food, clothing, a trustworthy team, the power to protect himself, and, above all, Lu Zhi—had become his priorities.

His smile grew brighter as he responded to his grandfather's question, his voice carrying a hint of warmth. "Yes, Grandpa. There's someone even more important to me, someone I want to protect and cherish as my whole world."