

In a world ravaged by the apocalypse, Lu Zhi is reborn, gifted with the elusive power of [Ancient Insight]. However, her second chance at life also brings forth [Space Manipulation], allowing her to harness the secrets of the cosmos. With her newfound strength, she embarks on a mission to safeguard her family and navigate the treacherous path of survival. As she meets familiar faces from her past life, hope and salvation become tangible, but so does the ever-looming darkness. credits to the original owner of the photo

redragon03 · Sci-fi
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29 Chs

Chapter 2: Rebirth


In the cold darkness, a girl stirred, slowly awakening from her slumber. Her eyes flickered with uncertainty as a dim light illuminated her surroundings.

'Where am I? Is this the laboratory? What happened to that man?' Her mind raced with questions, the memories of her previous life still fresh in her consciousness.


A sound echoed through the room, jolting her senses. Instinctively, she prepared to wield her powers.

'What? A mutant mouse?' Her surprise was palpable. In a world overrun by the apocalypse, ordinary animals were a rare sight.

Squeaks. Squeaks.

The sounds grew louder and closer, and she focused on identifying the source of the noise.

'It's not a mutant mouse... it's just an ordinary one.' The revelation left her bewildered. For in this desolate world, encountering a mere common creature was nothing short of a miracle.

'So, what does this mean?' She pondered, trying to decipher the significance of this peculiar event.


The sudden commotion outside the room drew her attention. A voice resonated through the walls, revealing a shocking truth.

"Bastard! You failed to inform me that it was the young miss of the Lu family you intended to kidnap! Now the whole City K is on high alert, and we're trapped within its confines!"

Her heart raced as she recognized the voice, clear as day, just as it had been three months before the apocalypse. The memory of that fateful day resurfaced, the reason she had been separated from her family when the world fell into chaos.

With trembling hands, she examined her soft, unblemished skin, as if it never once experience any harsh condition, realizing that somehow, she had been given a second chance at life. A chance to rewrite her fate.

"That man... It's him," she murmured, the gravity of the situation sinking in. He was the one who had brought her here, to this new existence.

"I asked him to end my life, to free me from my suffering," she thought aloud, her emotions swirling. But instead, he had returned her to the beginning, allowing her to be reborn once more.

"This life... I offer it to you willingly, whenever, wherever, however you desire," she declared with a bittersweet smile, tears glistening in her eyes.

In this inexplicable turn of events, she found herself standing at the crossroads of her destiny. A chance to reclaim her family and rewrite the tragic narrative of her past.

As the echoes of her laughter filled the room, a newfound determination filled her heart. She would seize this opportunity to rewrite her story, to protect her loved ones, and to confront the man who held her heart captive.

"This rebirth, this second chance... I will not squander it. I will forge a new path and face whatever challenges come my way," she vowed.

Her eyes sparkled with newfound purpose, and with each step she took towards the door, she embraced the uncertainty that lay ahead. In the darkness, a radiant light of hope began to bloom, illuminating the path she had chosen.

With courage and resilience, the girl emerged from the shadows of her past, ready to embrace the future with a heart full of determination and the resolve to be free once and for all.

In a tall, towering buildings few kilometers away from her.

Within the confines of a dimly lit room, the morning sunlight filtered through the windows, casting flickering shadows on the smooth, dark hair of a man. His half-naked form revealed a sculpted physique that stirred desire, but what captivated the most were the traces of a tears in the corner his narrowed phoenix-like eyes that was filled confusion in his eyes.

'I...' His mind whirled, trying to make sense of what had transpired. He scanned his surroundings, attempting to find any clues to the puzzle that lay before him.

Abruptly, he sat up, his heart pounding with trepidation, and rushed towards the window.

'What is happening?!' he questioned aloud, his voice tinged with both urgency and confusion.

Outside the window, the city teemed with life—a bustling metropolis filled with people, not zombies, going about their daily routines. The cityscape stood undamaged, untouched by the ravages of the apocalypse.

'Was it all just a dream?' he wondered, a mix of relief and disbelief washing over him.

"But that girl..." His thoughts drifted to the enigmatic girl with her warm and tender touch. The memory of her lingered, vivid and palpable, even in this newfound reality.

"What happened to her?!" His voice was filled with panic as he remembered his last memory with her— where she was holding his hand weakly in her heart, begging him to end her.

As he looked down at his own hands, he could still feel the lingering softness that had been so unique in the desolate end of times.