

In a world ravaged by the apocalypse, Lu Zhi is reborn, gifted with the elusive power of [Ancient Insight]. However, her second chance at life also brings forth [Space Manipulation], allowing her to harness the secrets of the cosmos. With her newfound strength, she embarks on a mission to safeguard her family and navigate the treacherous path of survival. As she meets familiar faces from her past life, hope and salvation become tangible, but so does the ever-looming darkness. credits to the original owner of the photo

redragon03 · Sci-fi
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29 Chs

Chapter 19: Eat

Lu Zhi's lip twitched in response to Shen Lian's playful suggestion. She took a moment to compose herself before replying with a touch of humor, "No need for that. If you bought all the malls, how would anyone else manage to find food? And you know you can't stop everyone from trying to secure supplies during the Eternal Eclipse, right?"

"[Master, you do have your soul container. Why not let him buy everything and store it there?]" Little Zhizhi's voice chimed in with an inquiry.

"No, Zhizhi. Greediness can lead to unnecessary trouble, especially with this soul container of mine," Lu Zhi explained patiently.

"[Ah, yes, and it would attract attention if everything suddenly disappeared from the malls]," her inner voice added.

"Hmm," Lu Zhi hummed thoughtfully. 'It would indeed raise suspicions, especially for those who bought those malls,' she mused.

"You really are kind-hearted, my Zhizhi," Shen Lian gazed at her with soft eyes, admiration evident in his expression. Her experiences hadn't tainted her morals. He pulled her into a gentle embrace and pressed a tender kiss to her forehead, his smile radiant.

After indulging in their shared affection for a while, he heard her voice again, her tone sweetly melodic. "Lian~"

He responded, still holding her close, "Hmm?"

"Let's go downstairs now. My... my brothers might be looking for me, and I have something to show everyone," she stammered, her words a bit jumbled in her eagerness.

"Alright, but first, you have to teach me how to do that telepathic communication you used yesterday," Shen Lian requested earnestly. He had been pondering various methods since the previous night, even though sleep eluded him. Thankfully, as a second-level superpower, a week without sleep didn't pose much of a challenge.

"Huh?" Lu Zhi started, looking at his face with surprise before breaking into a smile. "Were you really thinking about it all night?"

Shen Lian's face and ears reddened. "Don't tease me," he replied, his tone slightly embarrassed. He met her gaze, his expression turning serious. "I just want to be able to talk to you no matter where I am. And, of course, in case of unexpected events, I want to know if you're safe."

Lu Zhi's eyes softened, and then without warning, she lowered her head and planted a gentle kiss on his forehead. At the same time, she activated her ability [pyramid of knowledge], projecting the information directly into his mind. This connection could occur through eye contact, touch, or even focused intent, allowing the recipient to experience the knowledge firsthand. In this instance, she chose the method of a kiss, causing her cheeks to flush.

Shen Lian stood there, dumbfounded, his mind racing to catch up with the unexpected gesture. It took a moment for him to register what had happened, and by then, she had already pulled away and fled the scene.

As he watched her retreating figure, a foolish grin spread across Shen Lian's face. "So cute," he mumbled to himself, his heart feeling lighter than ever before.

When Lu Zhi descended to the kitchen, the alluring aroma captured her attention, momentarily erasing her shyness. She dashed over, her smile betraying her excitement, and watched the bustling scene unfold before her. Lost in the spectacle, she failed to notice when Shen Lian sidled up next to her, his gaze locked onto her smiling face.

Eventually, the men took notice of their arrival. "Daughter, come and taste what your father cooked for you," Father Lu beckoned.

"No, sister! Taste mine first!" The five brothers squabbled, vying for her attention.

Amidst their good-natured bickering, Shen Lian approached her, carrying a bowl of wheat noodles, crispy dough sticks, and soybean milk. He helped her settle at the table, his eyes fixed on her. "Eat," he said softly, taking a seat opposite her, his watchful gaze never leaving her.

"SHEN LIAN!" A cacophony of voices erupted, shattering the morning tranquility. Yet, the person in question remained unfazed, seated calmly beside her.

Lu Zian, undeterred, claimed his spot by her side and handed her a bowl of tofu pudding he had prepared. "Here. Didn't you say you were hungry? Eat," he said with a mixture of seriousness and anticipation.

The other brothers joined in, presenting their dishes with heartfelt expressions, all intent on ensuring their sister and daughter enjoyed their creations. Lu Zhi's lips twitched involuntarily, but her eyes gleamed with delight as she began to savor each dish. "Thank you, everyone. I promise I'll finish every last bite. It's so delicious!"

The men beamed with satisfaction, their efforts well-rewarded.

"But... where is mother and grandma?" Lu Zhi's brow furrowed as she realized their absence. 'Were they still asleep?'

"Ah, granddaughter, no need to worry about them. They were so excited when they woke up, already compiling a list of items we need to buy."

After they finished eating and reveled in watching her enjoy her meal, they headed to the living room to start discussing their shopping plans. However, upon entering the room, they overheard Mother Lu and Grandma Shen's conversation.