

In a world ravaged by the apocalypse, Lu Zhi is reborn, gifted with the elusive power of [Ancient Insight]. However, her second chance at life also brings forth [Space Manipulation], allowing her to harness the secrets of the cosmos. With her newfound strength, she embarks on a mission to safeguard her family and navigate the treacherous path of survival. As she meets familiar faces from her past life, hope and salvation become tangible, but so does the ever-looming darkness. credits to the original owner of the photo

redragon03 · Sci-fi
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29 Chs

Chapter 11: Back to Her Family

A wide, warm, and cozy living room adorned with photo frames showcasing pictures of a happy family and various awards from different achievements. The room exuded a sense of warmth and love, but at this moment, a dark cloud of worry and anxiety hung over the people sitting within.

Six men with distinct temperaments and extraordinary looks were engaged in a heated argument, while a depressed yet gentle-looking woman stared at the investigation report about the whereabouts of their beloved baby sister and daughter.

"Should I go to the Capital now and demand help from the country? If they can't find my sister, I'll never do research again!" Lu Ziyi, the usual silent second brother of Lu Zhi, voiced his frustration aloud.

"Maybe I should post on my official account again to remind my fans to keep an eye out for her?" Lu Zinzin, the third brother, chimed in, his fingers gripping his long hair in order to calm himself.

"If I ever catch those bastards who kidnapped my sister, I'll torture them to death!" the hot-blooded Lu Zao, the fourth brother, exclaimed through clenched teeth, his anger palpable.

"It might be Han Jia's fault from the Han Family! How can there be so many coincidences? Elder Brother, you should have told my sister the true nature of that two-faced woman! If my sister wasn't so kind-hearted, she might have been influenced by that deceitful girl!" Lu Zhuli, the fifth brother, lashed out at his elder brother with a raised voice.

"Lu Zhuli! And what do you want to say to her? That her friend doesn't truly care for her and only wants to ruin her?! Do you really think she would distance herself from that Han girl?!" Lu Zian retorted with a dark expression and a cold voice. He had been feeling anxious since ShenLian's revelation, and sleep had eluded him.

"Enough, all of you!" A calm and powerful voice cut through the tension, belonging to Lu Zuwa, the father of Lu Zhi. His composed exterior masked the turmoil he felt inside since the day his daughter had gone missing. He feared he might lose her forever.

"Hah." He sighed and addressed his eldest son. "Zian, has Shen Lian contacted you?"

"Yeah, did Shen Lian say anything? What did he mean when he said he wanted to tell us something? Is it about your sister?" Shen An, a powerful woman and doctor, spoke with a trembling voice. She did not look powerful at all, as she had been searching for her daughter for a whole week.

"Mom, please try to calm down. He said he'd inform me first if he found her, and I have no idea what he wants to talk to us about; even grandfather and grandmother don't know," Lu Zian replied softly, trying to reassure his mother.

Silence enveloped the living room, filled with family members struggling to keep their emotions in check. Suddenly, the sound of footsteps echoed through the room, followed by a burst of excitement.

"Master, Madam, and young masters, the young miss... the young miss is back!"

The door swung open abruptly, and a thunderous mix of excitement and relief filled the air.

"Lu Zhi is back!"

At that moment, the dark clouds that had hung over the family lifted, and a glimmer of hope shone through. The family rushed to the door, their hearts pounding with anticipation and fear, unsure of what they would find. And there, standing in the doorway, was Shen Lian, holding a slightly dirty girl with long, white hair in his arms.

Earlier, when Lu Zhi was using her powers, she noticed her hair and eyes slowly turning white and silver, just like in her previous life in the laboratory. She was shocked, but she understood why. Throughout the relentless experiments, she endured immense physical and emotional trauma. The constant strain and pain triggered a subconscious defense mechanism, allowing her to draw on her latent powers more effectively. As she channeled her powers to survive the experiments, her hair began to turn white, a physical manifestation of her subconscious control over her abilities.

But this aspect didn't prevent Shen Lian from recognizing her.

"You... Shen Lian... Where is my sis..." Lu Zao asked urgently and unsure, but he stopped in the middle when he saw the girl's face in ShenLian's arms.

"Give me my daughter!" Father Lu raised his arm to take his daughter away hurriedly, but he was ignored by Shen Lian, who moved slightly to avoid his reaching hands.

"No... don't wake her up. She's tired," Shen Lian reasoned in a soft voice.

Father Lu was dumbfounded. He didn't understand why this great Buddha was acting like this.

"You... Shen Lian, why didn't you call me when you found her first?" Lu Zian questioned in a cold voice as he looked at the man holding his sister suspiciously.

"Shut up, all of you! Can't you see your sister is sleeping, and you're still outside?! If my daughter becomes sick because of all your bickering, I'll hold each of you responsible," Mother Lu scolded in a suppressed voice, soft but cold as ice.

The siblings finally stopped and moved to enter the house, still looking at their sister in Shen Lian's arms with a mix of worry and irritation because of Shen Lian's actions.

In silence, Lu Zhi stirred and slowly opened her eyes. The entire family stopped in their tracks, looking at her intently. They saw her silver eyes open wide, suddenly watering and turning red as she gazed at them. This sight startled and flustered them because they had never seen her like this.

"Hic hic, father, mother, brothers... I'm back." 'You're all back. I missed you so much.' She smiled and reached out to hug them but stopped herself, realizing that she hadn't changed her clothes in a week. She blushed and pulled her hands back. She didn't even notice the arms that were still holding her.

"Ehem! Let me wash up first, Dad, Mom, Brothers," she said, not daring to look them in the eyes. Her words immediately melted the hearts of her parents and brothers. But when they saw the man who still hadn't let her go, their faces turned dark as the bottom of a pot.

Only then did Lu Zhi realize that she was still in the arms of a man, being carried just like a princess. When she turned to look at him more carefully, she stiffened.

'It was really him!' She looked at him intently, just as he was looking at her, which made her brothers and father grit their teeth and their veins bulge with anger.