
Eternal Death

A sudden spiritual awakening flipped Theo's ordinary life upside down, stripping away his worldly desires and propelling him to search for the true purpose of human life. Just when he reached a conclusion, death came knocking at his door. However, that ending became the beginning of a new journey as Theo found himself transmigrated into his own unfinished novel. Regardless of all, and keeping only one goal in his mind, Theo embarked on a quest to break free from the eternal cycle of life and death, unaware of what destiny has in store for him.

Vikar · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Chosen by Goddess (02)

[Temple inside the monastery]

After got done with the prayer, everyone felt the change in their surrounding. The sound of golden bells was heard and wind started raising inside the temple, which caused the branches of sacred tree to swing weakly behind the goddess statue. Scared, all the spirits who were seated on the branches, ran away vanishing in the air.

' What is going on ?'

Thought Val while covering his face against the wind pressure. He stood separately on far right side from his family, while the family members stood 15 steps away in front of goddess statue.

'Wait . . . this is ?'

Val also found that situation strange as he glanced around the temple, but then he got reminded of the similar atmosphere which he mentioned in the novel.

' This is same as when I described about him '

Theo remembered writing about the main protagonist in his novel. His heartbeat started racing when he realized what was happening there and his gaze instinctively shifted toward his elder brother, who stood as confused beside Zion and behind his father Asvaldur who had a very thin smile on his face beside Eira.


Several priests and deacons gasped in surprise when a sudden golden ray of light passed through the dome and landed on Zelos which made him float under its golden radiance. Surprised by the sudden event, everyone backed away from Zelos, who had his eyes closed and his body free in the air.

creak . . creak

A sudden creaking sound was heard which made everyone's attention shifted toward its source. With widen eyes, Val saw the statue of goddess Hiera unfolded her wings and a pair of two large 6ft long wings stretched out, her eyes were glowing in same golden radiance while her face became expressionless.

Upon seeing the goddess's statue move, everyone knelt down hurriedly and Val also followed suit. Then, the blue flower crystal which was rested between the both palm of goddess statue, started emitting a golden light. After which, blue wisteria leaves left the sacred tree and started revolving around Zelos. Soon, his whole levitating body got covered in a sphere of leaves.


A golden light flashed inside the sphere which released a wave of vibrational force. Priests and deacons fell back from their kneeling position when got hit by the strong force and soon, everything went back to normal.

Wind died down, golden bells stopped ringing while the golden ray retracted back between the clouds, the statue of Goddess and the blue crystal also went back to their original form.

The floating sphere of wisteria leaves which the only one was left, faded into golden embers. Val, who also fell back on his butt, watched with awe toward a 7ft tall godly being, who emerged from the fading golden embers and slowly reaching the floor.


[ Vicar means proxy of God ]

As mentioned before, the seed of divinity was not only a divinity reservoir, as it allowed seed bearers to use divinity, it also allowed seed bearers to access their true divine form, a form of god which reflected the features of their ancestor gods. ( it will be referred as God Mode)

' Seed bearers are more like Demigods, because the only divine part they have is the divinity seed which is unlike the Gods, who were born as complete divine beings. '

Val reminded himself as he got back on his feet and stood in his place watching Zelos in his God Form .

Zelos, which was 5'11ft in his Mortal Form transformed into a 7ft God. His beauty was divine and his body looked similar to a Greek God with eyes glowing in green and his long brown hair which grew past his shoulders. His lower body clothed in a traditional Chinese looking overlong blue skirt and his upper body was unclothed, due to which several golden markings in the shape of magic circles and runes were seen on his right hand.

' Those markings are black in mortal form but in God Mode, it changes into bright golden color which is the representation of Godhood. '

Val observed the markings on Zelos. Those markings were not because of God's blessings but were artificially carved into his skin, those were inscribed utility magic.

- " Goddess has chosen his grace the first as Vicar "

- " It was a sacred message from the Goddess herself "

- " Goddess has chosen his grace the first for the trial "

- " We are blessed with his grace the first."

- " His grace the first will challenge the sacred trial of Vicar "

All deacons and priests knelt again and cried out of happiness, they expressed their joy for Zelos. After all, Zelos was the ideal candidate for the next supreme leader position and everyone prayed for it as well. It was the message from the Goddess Hiera herself that, Zelos was proven himself for the Supreme Leader position and she approved him for the sacred trial of Vicar. The cry of happiness echoed in the monastery and soon it spread in whole Kelnar.

- " Next Vicar has chosen"

Vicar . . Vicar . . Vicar . . Vicar . .

Whole Kelnar was shouting in unison as the echos were felt under everyone's feet inside the temple. Asvaldur and Eira was smiling happily and Zion was frozen in his place awestruck by Zelos's God Mode.


A thick white steam released from Zelos's body which soon covered him whole and then he transformed back to his Mortal Form. Seen Zelos came back to his original state, Asvaldur followed by Eira and Zion approached him.

'His breathing is rough, his divinity reservoir must be close to depletion. That means, he can maintain his God Mode for 4.2 min. Well, it's better than the average time limit which is 3 min.'

Val observed Zelos breathing wearily after the steam got clear. God Mode had its limitations, it was maintained by continuous consumption of divinity from the divinity seed. Hence, the time limit of God Mode was dependent on the capacity of divinity reservoir.

Deacons brought a robe for Zelos to wear while he was surrounded by the family as Asvaldur was talking to him about something grabbing his shoulder seemingly happy with the events. Val was still in his place, refused to move. Zelos then led to the main balcony of monastery by Asvaldur and others.

Val also followed them after impelled by Ana. Whole Kelnar was visible from the balcony, all citizens were out on the streets and gathered in front of the monastery in millions.

Vicar . . . Vicar . . . His grace the first . . .

Everyone started shouting again when they saw Zelos coming up on the balcony with Asvaldur and the others. Asvaldur raised his hand and everyone became silent on his signal.

- " The sacred message has been given, Zelos is chosen for the sacred trial of Vicar and he shall challenge the trial after 3 months. In this joyous occasion, I hereby announce the start of pre-investiture festival which will last for 5 days " . . Clap

Said Asvaldur and at his one clap, a wave of white light was released which traveled all the way to the city walls. As the light passed through the city, it decorated and cleaned every streets, every houses got decorated with flowers and repainted with brighter colors while the crimson flower petals kept raining on whole Kelnar.

Everyone started shouting again in the end.

Whoa . . Vicar . . Vicar . . May goddess bless the divine family . .

'Ha . . . Give me a break!'

Thought Val, exhausted by thechain of events. It was only been 7hrs that he had experienced his death and then transmigration, body possession, magic, demigod, then he witnessed a sacred message given by an Aurora herself and now this, a terrifying level of magic with a range covering the whole city but not even worth mentioning for Asvaldur.

' Everyone in lower realm thinks that the God Mode is a privilege given only to the divine blood, which is half the truth. The whole truth is, every seed bearer has a divine form but it was put under restriction by their ancestor god and only allowed by Aurora to their divine blood. '

Thought Val while watching citizens with indifferent eyes. Gods put a restriction on the divine form of their seeds because they wanted them to live in peace by avoiding greed for power, that was why they took their Godhood. Divine blood was allowed because their blood couldn't be restricted and also because they were responsible for the protection of everyone in lower realm.

' Well, one year later the restriction will be removed for all seed bearers and the situation will get much worse for seedless people including me.'

Val had already left everyone and now walking back to his room while thinking about the event which will take place after a year. He was not aware of the gaze which was watching his back with a confused look as he left.


Val came back to his room and flopped over to bed for some sleep. Although, he left without giving his congratulation to Zelos but he knew he would have been ignored anyway.

'He must've been given the time period of 3 months from the Goddess'

Thought Val while laying on the bed. Zelos was given the message directly into his head but the situation was a bit dramatic because it was an Aurora who made the contact. He was granted 3 months to prepare himself before challenging the sacred trial of Vicar.

'Sigh . . It'll get more crowded because of the festival now, but at the same time nobody will pay much attention to me.'

Pre-investiture festival was held to celebrate the Goddess chosen Vicar for the trial. It was consisted of many rituals and entertainment activities. Kelnar would get more crowded when everyone receive the news of festival.

Val entered in his sleep. After few hours, his whole body suddenly jolted in sleep and he felt an huge eye watching him above his body with killing intent. Val shot up from the bed and instinctively moved to face the door of his room. He had a bad premonition.

And as to prove his intuition correct, doors were opened and Ana entered the room.

' What is it now ? '

thought Val while slightly furrowing as he saw Ana walked toward him anxiously. She kept on fidgeting before informing him

- "Your grace, the great mother is asking for your presence."

- "Now ?"

- "Yes"

- "Where ?"

- "In the great mother's chamber"

' Sigh . . . the last time Val went to her room was 10 years ago and almost got killed.'

Thought Theo recalling the memories of Val from 10 years ago.

- "Let's go then."

Val answered to Ana with indifference and she fixed his hairs and clothes before leaving the room. Ana was following Val anxiously, she also remembered what happened 10 years ago with him and now that she got more close to Val, she didn't want him to suffer just because he was born without a seed.

- "Don't worry deaconess Kail. "

Said Val with an expressionless face and Ana just nodded to him still feeling afraid. Soon, they reached in front of Eira's room. One of the two veiled priests who stood outside the door, went in to inform Eira.

Upon granted the permission, Val entered the room alone and saw his mother standing close to the window while gazing outside. He moved toward her taking few steps -

- "Mother, I'm here on your ca-"


Boom . . .

Next [ Chapter 008 - 10 years ago ]