
Eternal Cultivation: Fear and Faith

“Hearken ye, for it speaketh, it sings of a destined slave set aflame, one that could not escape, consumed and ever changed by the clutches of a great silence. A deathless death with a deformed rebirth.” Enter a realm of supernatural intrigue and treacherous alliances, where 100 demonic cultivators vie for dominance in a deadly contest. But as dark forces, both eldritch and divine, cast their shadows upon the battlefield, the lines between friend and foe grow increasingly blurred. In this twisted dance of power and treachery, the fate of worlds hangs in the balance. Will Feng Zhiming defy the odds and emerge as the Gu demon, or will he become but a pawn in a cosmic game beyond his control? This is the story of one man's battle against fate itself in a clash of demons and destinies. "Beware, my everfragile sheep, beware of the Great )#(#I)$()" Updates: Daily for the first month after that it will depend on the demand. Authors note: I just wanted to try to incorporate lovecraftian/soulsborne elements into a Xianxia and see how it would turn out. I'm working hard to make it stand out as unique and original.

DaoistB48M2Z · Fantasy
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54 Chs

Chapter 34: Arrogance and Virtue

The Hiding Demon Sect wasn't anything special, just a small sect located in an even smaller forest beside the great desert of the wildlands.

Qin Hao walked towards the gate which was unguarded and merely pushed it open himself.

"An envoy of the HEAVENLY DIVINE DEMON SECT has arrived!" he shouted at the gates.

In the main hall of the Hiding Demon sect, three old men sat together drinking some alcohol.

The sect leader, Tian Yu, and the two elders Bu and Lu.

"A mere envoy wants us to greet him at the door." Elder Bu spoke.

"Let him wait, he'll come up here eventually." Elder Lu added.

Tian Yu merely sat and continued to drink.

A crowd began to form as almost two minutes passed, Qin Hao was beginning to get nervous and spoke to Feng Zhiming.

"Senior brother it seems the higher ups of the sect are busy, should I take you to the main hall?" he could only ask with a conflicted expression.

Some people in the crowd began to whisper to each other.

"This is all an Envoy is worth, the leader couldn't care less."

"That woman beside him is so beautiful, I wonder how much she costs."

"Privileged young master." another whispered, contempt obvious in his eyes.

Anissa began to walk forward but Feng Zhiming gestured for her to stop.

Feng Zhiming waved his hand dismissively, he had an idea of how to deal with this blatant disrespect.

He looked at the three disciples who were staring at him as if he was a jester performing for them while making those comments, he gestured for them to come over.

They awkwardly walked over, all at the foundation establishment, a glint of fear in their eyes.

"Do your elders not teach you respect?" he said while slowly raising his right hand.



Before the first disciple could reply he had been launched across the sect straight to the main hall.


The sound of the disciple smashing into the building was heard across the sect.

"Sorr-" the second disciple tried to apologize but met the same fate.



"It was not our inte-" the third one tried to reason but failed to see that Feng Zhiming wasn't in the mood to make conversation.



Three disciples for the three old men who had disrespected him.

"Anyone else who has a staring problem should be prepared to lose their eyes." he said as he glanced at the crowd with murderous eyes, it dispersed quite quickly at that point.

He no longer had time to play games, the Assembly had made it apparent that they wanted the creature dead at all costs. It was beyond mere desire for entertainment, he could guess that this creature was driving the assembly to desperation.

One thing was clear to Feng Zhiming, the creature was no demon beast, it was something else, something that was worth more to the Assembly than anything else right now.

Qin Hao was in awe of Feng Zhiming's methods, this was how a man should be.

"Get going now," he told Qin Hao and Zhu Li.

They did as they were told and made themselves scarce.

Anissa approved of the method, it was common knowledge that a demonic cultivator who was a pushover was destined to be a stepping stone for someone.

Thus to not end up as a stepping stone one had to make it clear that anyone who tried to step on them would suffer a grim fate.

Feng Zhiming put his hands behind his back as he saw three figures flying over from the hall.

The two old elders were nothing special, the leader however wore an eyepatch, a rare choice of fashion for cultivators.

The two elders landed and had an ugly expression on their faces, their robes were actually bloody from the disciples that had died from colliding with them.

"YOU DARE?! Even if you are from the Heavenly Divine Demon sect you can't go around murdering our disciples." Elder Bu spat out, still a little tipsy from the alcohol he had been drinking.

"Indeed! There is a limit to arrogance, youngster."

Feng Zhiming merely smirked and spat on the ground, near their feet.

The elders were prepared to attack, how dare he disrespect them?

Tian Yu held out his arm in front of the two elders before cupping his hands towards Feng Zhiming.

"Little friend, may we ask who has sent the envoy this time."

Feng Zhiming frowned slightly.

"I have been directly ordered by the second elder."

He held out a token, this was the only item the second elder had granted him before leaving, for situations just like this.

Tian Yu seemed to contemplate for a moment before nodding.

"Please come and have a seat in the main hall, we can discuss this in private."

Feng Zhiming and Anissa flew over to the main hall, it had three gaping holes in it but it was the main hall nonetheless.

Feng Zhiming walked into the main hall without being ushered in and sat on the seat meant for the sect leader.


The two elders were furious but Tian Yu calmed them down.

"How can we serve the second elder?" he asked while standing before Feng Zhiming.

Feng Zhiming leaned back into the big chair, almost a throne, and replied with a smirk.

"You can serve me, by going to battle."