
Eternal Conquest : The Endless Pursuit of Immortality and Death

Freedom, was it, he longed for, for years after years, but was grabbed by hands of those he didn't knew. Leverage, an organization , that trained kids into a weapon of their will, Vivek was one of them. Born an orphan and raised by this organization, that shadowed itself with a name of a top tech tier institution, Vivek from age of six was put under training to become one of it's subject. Mentally rent asunder, physically morphed into a weapon and emotionally disabled, Vivek became the most lethal weapon Leverage had ever created, that goes by the name of the slaughter king. But , spending twenty years in the mess, he found solace in love and a mission , a last mission, was bestowed upon him to grant his freedom. But later, his loved one and his only child was slaughtered by the whims of Leverage infront of his own eyes. He did took revenge against those act, by slaying the head of Leverage, whom he considered father like, but was left alone in the world, no longer he wanted love or anything, his sole desire was just freedom and so he shot himself, only to be reincarnated somewhere, else. A place where power reigns supreme and a single can battle through the heaven and earth alone , Vivek stood at the ridge, with a new name Zhen, with only the desire of freedom, Freedom from the cycle of this life and death, freedom from the guilt of not being strong enough to protect he held dear. Hence his goal became stoic in his mind, immortality, yet in his heart somewhere linked the sole desire to meet those he held dear, be it in after life, his heart was obsessed with what others will find crazy, - Death.

Vasudeva_AY · Eastern
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16 Chs

The perceived greatness faded, revealing the truth: mere trash in the eyes of many.

Author : Vasudeva_AY

Elder Bi smiled towards Li Bai and patted his shoulder approvingly.

"Next, Xiao Li Bai," Elder Zhong announced.

Li Bai stepped forward confidently and sat on the lotus, soon followed by the petals beginning to light up. After counting, Elder Zhong declared, "Xiao Li Bai, 62 petals lit, second grade talent."

"Another second-grade talent from the Li family," gasped the youths, impressed by the display of talent. Li Bai returned after being checked by Elder Zhong.

Another wave of congratulations came towards Elder Bi, who received them with clasped hands and a smirk on his face.

"Two second-grade talents right from the start, this year promises great talent," remarked Elder Chi.

"Indeed, with such additions to our clan's power, regaining dominance shouldn't be difficult," Elder Mei commented with satisfaction.

The clan leader stood silently, his expression calm as he observed the proceedings. Internally, he felt a mixture of happiness for the progress these youths would bring to the clan and tension regarding his family's future. While he knew his elder son was capable of becoming the next clan leader without issue, he also foresaw the significant challenge posed by Zhen, blessed by the supreme Orbis. It was widely believed that one blessed with the supreme Orbis would possess remarkable talent.

Apart from the elders, the major families, and the clan leader, nobody knew about Zhen's blessing with the supreme Orbis. The fact that Zhen possessed the potential to nurture the supreme Orbis remained a closely guarded secret.

"Xiao Li Win," Elder Zhong announced.

"Eight petals lit, no talent to awaken as a Yodha," Elder Zhong declared.

"Xiao Li Yuan"..... "Nine petals lit, no talent to awaken."

The awakening of Li family's main branch concluded, with only seven youths able to awaken. Among them, the twins possessed second-grade talent, while the rest had third-grade talent.

Zhen belonged to the side family branch, so his awakening would occur after the Lei family's main branch awakening.

"Next, Xiao Lei Hao Tian," Elder Zhong announced.

Hao Tian stepped forward, outwardly appearing confident in his golden brown robe, but inwardly feeling a nervousness akin to an earthquake.

Hao Tian assumed a meditative posture on the lotus as his body began to levitate. Strands of spirit energy flowed from the spirit stone to Hao Tian's forehead, and soon the petals began to light up.

The clan leader folded his arms, his grip tightening on his elbow, a sign of nervousness toward his child.

The youths counted in unison, "7...8....23...56...77...88. 88!" Mouths agape, they witnessed the very first, first-grade talent.

A smile graced the elders' faces. Elder Zhong, with a laugh, declared, "Xiao Lei Hao Tian, bestowed with a first-grade talent."

Hao Tian listened to the words, feeling a burst of confidence welling up inside him. "A first-grade talent," he murmured, his head held high in pride, his gaze meeting his father's to gauge his reaction.

The clan leader nodded towards Hao Tian, satisfied with the result. After being checked by Elder Zhong, Hao Tian returned to his place, his cheeks flushed with happiness and newfound confidence.

"The Lei family is blessed again with a first-grade talent," Elder Mei remarked, clasping his hands in congratulation.

"Like the elder, so is the younger," Elder Chi added, echoing the sentiment of the Chi faction as they congratulated the clan leader.

Elder Bi, though slightly taken aback, maintained his composure as he congratulated the clan leader. Their eyes met, silently conveying what was in their hearts, their unspoken understanding evident.

Zhen observed every scene up to this point, noting the expressions people wore and deciphering what lay beneath. His keen observational skills, honed through the rigorous training of Leverage, allowed him to understand that people were the greatest weapon one could possess.

"A first-grade talent, beware Yang clan, no more subduing will work against us with those two first-grade talents of yours," Elder Chi declared boldly in the open area.

After the awakening of the main family branch of the Lei family, 8 youths were awakened, with Hao Tian possessing a first-grade talent and the rest with third-grade talents.

"Now, from the side family branch of the Li family, Xiao Li Zhen, step forward," Elder Zhong announced.

As the name was called, everyone's eyes were fixed on the figure approaching the lake, adorned with a crescent moon insignia on his forehead.

"The blessed one, a first-grade for sure," commented a youth, prompting hope to flicker in the elders' eyes for the future of the clan. However, many youths bore expressions of envy towards Zhen.

Zhen settled onto the lotus, and strands of energy moved towards his forehead. After a few moments, twenty-one petals were lit, and Zhen stopped absorbing as he opened his eyes.

"21 petals, a fourth-grade talent. Fine. I do not have a problem, until and unless I can awaken. But with this talent, ranking up will be quite difficult," Zhen thought to himself as he observed his surroundings, his face maintaining a stoic composure.

Contrary to Zhen's calm demeanor, the elders were left speechless, especially Elder Bi, whose expression mirrored that of a child who had dropped his ice cream on the ground. Other elders wore expressions of bewilderment, questioning how someone blessed by the gods could possess such a seemingly pathetic talent.

The youths, initially in disbelief, quickly adapted to the revelation. 

"Child prodigy, blessed by the gods, it was all rumor," remarked a kid with a chuckle.

"After all, he is the son of a lowlife. What can you expect from him?" added another.

In a swift turn of events, those who once chased after Zhen for a glimpse or a word now shifted their attitudes, while those who harbored envy towards him now wore expressions of relief and satisfaction.

Elder Zhong quickly approached Zhen as he stepped out of the lake, placing his hand on Zhen's chest to check his channels and vital signs. Despite expecting some sort of reaction, Elder Zhong found Zhen's calm demeanor unsettling. Most children in Zhen's position, raised from birth as a prodigy, would struggle to accept such a setback. However, Zhen remained composed, as if the outcome didn't concern him but someone else entirely.

"Only a mere fourth grade talent, how can this be?" Elder Zhong thought as he looked at Zhen.

After confirming Zhen's physical condition, Elder Zhong made the announcement: "Xiao Li Zhen, 21 petals lit, fourth-grade talent."

The elders and clan leader awaited Elder Zhong's assessment in silence. Disbelief colored their eyes, but no one voiced their thoughts. Each of them harbored personal aspirations, but ultimately, they all desired the resurgence of the Xiao Clan. Zhen, blessed by the supreme Orbis, represented a chance to restore the clan's former glory. However, with a fourth-grade talent, the path forward appeared more challenging than anticipated.

The clan leader remained silent, unsettled by Zhen's stoic demeanor at such a crucial moment. His lack of reaction mirrored the uncertainty shared by the others.

Meanwhile, Zhen returned to his position seemingly unperturbed by the revelation. In contrast, Elder Bi appeared visibly shaken, his countenance weathered by disappointment. His own sons, the twin Li brothers, both demonstrated second-grade talents, while the Lei brothers each exhibited first-grade talents, with the elder brother achieving a perfect score of 90. Elder Bi had pinned his hopes of reclaiming the clan leader's faction on Zhen, the bearer of the supreme Orbis, akin to the clan's founder. Even a second-grade talent from Zhen would have sufficed to rival the two first graders. However, fate had delivered a harsh verdict — Zhen possessed only a fourth-grade talent, the lowest of the low.

As the ceremony progressed, the youths from various families underwent the awakening process, each revealing their respective talents:

"Mei family, Mei Aiko, sixty-two petals, second-grade talent"; "Chi faction, Mo Chi, fifty-nine petals, second-grade talent"

"Mei family, Zai Mei, forty-two petals, third-grade talent"; "Chi faction, Chi Yuan, thirty-nine petals, third-grade talent"

The Xiao clan indeed witnessed an abundance of talent this year, culminating in one first-grade talent, four second-grade talents, and thirty-eight third-grade talents. However, among them stood Li Zhen, the sole possessor of a fourth-grade talent. This distinction made Zhen stand out, albeit not in the manner Elder Bi had hoped for. Out of the eighty-eight youths who partook in the awakening, only forty-four were able to awaken, leaving the rest relegated to the status of low life, condemning their future generations as well.

As the reality sunk in, the light and vitality in the eyes of these youths dimmed. They came face to face with the harsh truth of their society, realizing their fate , subject to the whims and injustices of those deemed superior.

For these kids will be like cattle, they can be killed in public, forced to do the labor and could be abused be it physically or mentally, by these Yodhas , but in the end no will have a problem with it, for this is the society they lived in.

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