
ETERNAL BOND:Angel and Wolf chronicles

"Ahhhhhh So……….,sorry," he muttered, feeling so foolish while trying to find his way back on his feet. Celeste laughed out loud, her eyes twinkling with amusement. "Don't worry about it," she said, grinning. "We're both in this together, right?" …… After the death of her parents, Celeste Kael an angel, was led to the most prestigious and powerful school “Enchanted High” in the supernatural world with the aim to uncover the secrets behind the death of her parents. What she didn't expect was the whole new world that was waiting for her to unlock a version of herself that never existed. Uriah Magnus, a werewolf, the son of one of the six elders that built up Enchanted High was also enrolled into the school to develop his abilities and make a name just like his fathers Celeste and Uriah met unexpected supernatural beings at Enchanted High, causing tension as they learned about themselves and their powers in the process of them discovering a new world.

Tripple_Tee · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Chapter 1: Inferno: AWAKENING VISION

The sky was ablaze with fire, and the ground shook beneath their feet. The demon had come, and he was bringing destruction with him. Werewolves, angels, and vampires were all fighting together, their powers combining to try to stop the demon from destroying everything in his path.

The werewolves were transforming, their muscles bulging and their teeth growing into sharp fangs. They charged at the demon, their claws slashing through the air. The angels were flying overhead, their wings beating furiously as they rained down holy fire upon the demon. The vampires were using their speed and agility to dart in and out of the demon's path, trying to find a weakness.

The battle was intense, and it seemed like the demon was winning. But then, something strange happened. Uriah and Celeste who had been watching the battle suddenly found themselves in the middle of it. They were fighting alongside the supernatural beings, their own powers suddenly awakened.

Uriah was a werewolf, and he felt the power coursing through his veins as he transformed. He charged at the demon, his claws tearing into its flesh.

Celeste was an angel, and she felt the warmth of the holy fire as she flew overhead. She rained down fire upon the demon, her eyes flashing with determination. They charged at the demon, their powers combining to create a blinding explosion of light and sound.

And then, just as suddenly as it had begun, the battle was over. The demon was gone, and the supernatural beings were standing around them, looking at the two humans in shock. Uriah and Celeste looked at each other, realizing that they had just shared the same dream. Or had it been a nightmare?

As Uriah and Celeste stared at each other in amazement, they suddenly heard a low growl coming from outside the classroom. They both froze, their hearts pounding in their chests. The growl grew louder, and they could hear the sound of claws scraping against the tile floor.

Without warning, the door to the classroom burst open, and a massive Werewolf charged into the room. It was snarling and snapping its jaws, its eyes glowing with a fierce light. Celeste and Uriah scrambled to their feet, their hearts racing with fear.

The werewolf lunged at them, its claws slashing through the air. They dodged out of the way, but the werewolf was relentless. It chased them around the room, its jaws snapping dangerously close to their heels.

As Celeste and Uriah scrambled to escape the werewolf, they bumped into each other, sending them both tumbling to the ground. They landed in a heap, their bodies tangled together.

Celeste looked up Uriah, her eyes flashing with anger. "Get out of my sight, you dummy!" she shouted, pushing him away forcefully.

Uriah stumbled to his feet, his face red with embarrassment. "Ahhhhhh So...….,sorry," he muttered, feeling so foolish while trying to find his way back on his feet.

Celeste laughed out loud, her eyes twinkling with amusement. "Don't worry about it," she said, grinning. "We're both in this together, right?"

He nodded in agreement, feeling a sense of camaraderie with the female. They took off running again, their feet pounding against the tile floor. They could hear the werewolf chasing them, its growls echoing through the empty hallways.

As they ran, their eyes darted around, searching for any sign of safety. Their hearts were beating so fast that they could feel them in their chest. Suddenly, they stumbled across a janitor's closet. Without thinking, they ducked inside, closing the door behind them.

As they caught their breath, they took in their surroundings. The closet was small and cramped, with cleaning supplies scattered haphazardly around the room. They were panting and sweating, their clothes sticking to their skin.

The adrenaline was still coursing through their veins, and they knew that they couldn't stay in the closet for long. They had to keep moving, had to find a way out of the building before it was too late.

But for a moment, they allowed themselves to catch their breath. They leaned against the wall, their eyes closed as they tried to calm their racing heartbeats. They knew that they couldn't stay in the closet forever, but for now, it was a moment of respite in the midst of chaos.

As they stood there, they couldn't help but wonder how they had gotten into this situation. They had never imagined that their day would end up like this. They had been going about their business, minding their own business when suddenly everything had gone wrong.

Celeste looked at the eyes of Uriah, her eyes sparkling with humor. "Well, this is awkward," she said, grinning.

He laughed, feeling a sense of relief. "Yeah, tell me about it," he said, grinning back.

They sat there in silence for a moment, listening to the sounds of the werewolf growling outside. But then, without warning, the door to the janitor's closet burst open, and the werewolf charged inside.

They both scrambled to their feet, their hearts racing with fear. They dodged out of the way, narrowly avoiding the werewolf's snapping jaws.

But then, just when they thought they were done for, the werewolf suddenly stopped in its tracks. It sniffed the air, its eyes flickering with recognition. And then, without warning, it turned and charged out of the room.

Suddenly they were both left standing in the empty janitor's closet, their bodies trembling with adrenaline.

"What just happened? That was insane!" She said.

"I have no idea. I've never seen anything like that before."he replied

They looked at each other in shock. They had just narrowly escaped a terrifying fate. But now, they had more questions than answers. They asked themselves, 'What had just happened? Why had we been targeted by such a fearsome creature? And where has the creature possibly gone to?' They were both trying to make sense of what had just happened and were feeling so overwhelmed as they started at each other continuously....