
Eternal Ascensions

A change is on the horizon, threatening the balance set in place by the Primordials. — The Plane of Ishva’al, a world of untold mysteries and wonders, is ruled by the Four Great Lineages, each lead by Royal Bloodlines of unparalleled majesty and power. Adonis, a humble servant of the Aksal Lineage is seeking the very zenith of the Heavens as his ambitions burn deep and his gaze is set upon the throne that lies atop it all. Yet, he finds himself cursed and shunned by his very own kin as all blades are turned toward him and he is trialed for a crime he did not commit. Unwilling to resign himself to the schemes and dictates of fate, he escapes the clutches of his jailers and is ushered into the violence and ruthlessness of Ishva’al, forced to fend for himself in a place where survival is the only law. With nascent dreams and aspirations, he sets on the Forsaken path of Ascendants but this all comes crashing down as the world crumbles and an apocalyptic event begins. The Planar Awakenings. *** Join the discord: https://discord.gg/zbqqvxMwpS

Orclion · Fantasy
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131 Chs


Normally, for the average human to be able to produce those hundred kilograms of force, they'd need to be under the effect of adrenaline, in good health, in the right position and even then, this application of force would most likely only be for an instant.

Well, Adonis would be able to constantly remain in that state whether it be physically, mentally or spiritually. It was as if at all times, he embodied as much potential as he had. With this ability, he would always have access to hundred percent of his capabilities at all times but this was only the tip of the iceberg.

As stated, [Prime] was an application of perfection. This also meant that if Adonis learnt the basics of anything, using [Prime] he'd immediately reach perfect mastery, regardless of what it was.

This was how he'd managed to outskill the high level guard when they had been previously fighting.

This also explained why he'd been able to run so fast for so long as the guards chased after him or even why he was able to stand when Master Aryel had freed him, after all, it was to be remembered that he'd been hanging for three years already. His legs should've been dead and yet, he'd landed on his feet as if it was nothing.

It was also important to note that though the ability was an application of perfection, it didn't turn Adonis into the perfect being because objectively, such an entity didn't and would never exist.

It made him the current most flawless version he could be. If he lost an arm, then he'd immediately adapt and become the best version of himself he could be within such a state.

'So, I have four Gifts. One passive and three active. Of those active, two are simple and one is relatively complex. [Layer] will be the most useful in battle while [Order] has a near endless amount of possible applications.'

'I need to find out what the limits of Gifts are and if they work against normal people the same way they do against Elemental warriors.'

In Ishva'al, while it was true that everyone awakened Gifts, this wasn't what decided one's status and true power.

The deciding factor was one's Cultivation level along the Elemental path and currently, as a being even below a Tier Zero warrior, Adonis was as low as he could be on the social ladder.

'Now that I think about it, those warriors I killed were all at the very least tier sixes…how the hell did I even manage to kill them..?'

The carriage suddenly stopped.

"We're here. Come, I'll present you to the group."


Sat around a grand bonfire, a group of adventurers calmly went about their duties.

They all wore white robes embroiled in golden designs of dragons and tigers as they seemed to be part of the same force.

Some conversed, some ate, some sparred, some healed while some others were tending to their various carriages, all in all, the mood was jovial and the atmosphere light under the appeasing azure rays of the moon that hung above.

Suddenly, their ears perked as they all immediately stood to attention.

"The young master is coming."

Not long after, a grand white carriage made its way out of the foliage of leaves and branches and reached the camp, parking next to the other carriages.

The door opened and the trio, Saleh, Rylo and Adonis, made their way out.

"At ease." Offhandedly said Saleh and the warriors all nodded before they returned to their tasks.

Despite this, a tall bulky bald man still walked toward them with a smile plastered on his face.

"Ah, elder! I'm glad you managed to make your way back safely. After we heard the sounds of explosions in the distance, we got worried and sent a scout team. I'll be calling them back." He said as he shook hands with Rylo and bowed to Saleh.

He looked at Adonis with a perplexed gaze.

"This is…?"

It was to be noted that in such a camp, Adonis stood out like a sore thumb.

Though he'd been given these same white robes they all wore by Saleh, his long mane-like black hair and his deep bloody pupils made him immediately catch their attention.

This wasn't even to mention the nasty scars that littered his body, managing to still be visible on his hands and neck despite the fact that he wore robes.

"Him? Oh, there's no need to worry. He's an acquaintance of mine that we met on the road. He'll be staying with us for a bit." Said Saleh.

"While we're on the subject, I want you to heal him up. The boy's a skeleton. I managed to heal his surface level injuries but it's not enough. Fully heal him. I told Marlo to fetch some herbs for you so you can concoct what you need."

Seeing their supreme elder be so protective of  a child left him feeling shocked but the bald man knew not to overstep his bounds as he simply nodded.

"After that, introduce him to young ones. I'll be going off to sleep now." 

Immediately after that, Saleh vanished leaving Rylo to shake his head at his grandmother's antics.

"Alright, take good care of him uncle Jormu. I'll be going out for a bit."


And with this, Rylo, too, vanished.

Jormu looked at Adonis with a smile.

"Greetings, young man. As you've heard, my name is Jormu but you can call me Elder Jo."

"Let's get you fixed up."


"Oh, my apologies, I forgot to ask, would you like to shower first then I start your treatment or the opposite?"

"The opposite."

Elder Jo nodded and alongside Adonis, walked into one of the many tents set around the grand bonfire.

Inside, was a well lit space with a singular beg along with everything a healer would need to take care of their patients.

"Please take your upper robes off and sit on the bed please, I'll be there in a moment."

And that's exactly what Adonis did.

After a while, Elder Jo had fully suited up with his gloves, medical tunic and mask.

"Let's see."

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