

Set me free,

set me free from the darkness,

that's lives inside of me.

Take my hand, and lead me back

into the light. I search for someone

who is strong enough to handle me.

Be there for me, in my darkest hours.

Together we can be a team, if I found you.

I will be the tree, and you are my roots.

You feed and support me, so that I can

be who I wanted to be. You give me back

my trust and hope and you are giving me

self confidence.

In autumn I will lose my leaves.

and you help me to let go of them.

You remind me, that there's always

a new beginning. at the spring i get

new leaves and I will be the flowery tree

again. It's you that I totally trusted, and

you belong to me. I don't have to live in

fear, that you will leave me someday.

Because I know that your love for me

is so strong, you giving me the courage

to move on, just knowing that you be

there for me, When I have problems,

you know what's living inside of me.

I am the tree and you where my roots.

You will feed me with your love,

water, and your genuine interest in me.

I want you, only you, for the rest of my life.

You are my world. You are my roots and I'm

the tree and we are meant to be.