
Essence of Templates: A SI Harry Potter x MCU fic

(DROPPED)(DROPPED)(DROPPED)(DROPPED)(DROPPED) - A Man dies and finds himself in the void. He wanders through the black abyss until suddenly finding himself inside a shop. A Unique Magical Shop. In there, he meets an Old Man that gives him an Essence all the while waving the influence of the Great Writer away from abusing them. And, after his eyes open in this new World, he'll grab at his chance at a new life and abuse it. - Hey, Author here. This story will be semi-serious/comedy, as I tend to write while I am in high emotions. So, expect either neutral chaps or chaps filled with anger or sadness. I also have ADHD, meaning I'll probably be juggling this fic with others that I'll be writing. First time posting here on Webnovel, btw. You can find more of my stuff on FF.net under the name of Leffyet. Also, also, the MC is bisexual but only into Femboys. He'll bang girls & femboys only. I don't do muscly men. - Cover Art was done and edited by MegaMacho (Go check out his fics, great author) Elf Man was done by Marcela Freira Tintagel Castle background was done by Karine Villette I own nothing except my OCs and Ideas. All credit goes to their respective owners. -

Ludwig_The_Mad · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 2


( - Timeskip - )

1986, December 1st.

As the first day of Winter arrives, a single ray of sunlight passes through a glass window and the thin curtains behind it. The ray of sunlight illuminates the room inside and soon shines directly into the eye of a sleeping boy.

His eyes twitch for a few seconds before they open reluctantly. Glaring at his window, he sighed before getting up and walking towards his bathroom.

'I swear I ought to get thicker curtains. If only the Matron bought me normal curtains, I wouldn't mind.' Maxi thinks as he starts brushing his teeth before he shivers as he remembers the last time he asked for thicker curtains. 'Where did she find green, purple, pink, and red curtains? That ugly abomination shouldn't exist. I'm glad she didn't question it when it suddenly disappeared.' Shaking his head, he finishes brushing his teeth before he stares at his own hair. 'Huh, the dots are already appearing. I'm glad everyone just accepted the excuse that I am dyeing my hair as the explanation for the different hair colors.' Humming, he combs his hair before grabbing his ears with a frown as he stares at them intently.

'Did they grow? A half-inch, I think? Hah, at this rate I'll have long ears by the time I'm 11! I thought I could just fake being human until I was an adult but it seems my soul's changing my body faster than I thought. Maybe I'll be a half-High Eladrin in my 11th year?' Maxi thinks before sighing.

Moving away from the bathroom, he started stretching in the middle of his room. After a few minutes of doing so, he started doing the famous workout routine of a certain baldy.

100 push-ups, 100 sit-ups, 100 squats, and a 10-kilometer run. Though he couldn't do the last, unless he decides to run around the orphanage, though he already trains his cardio and breath with a few exercises he remembered googling in his past life.

'Hah… I miss the internet. 1986's internet is soooooo sloooow. And that is not to mention completely different from 2023. No Youtube, no Google, and no sites where I can watch pirated movies. Or… Well, the good movies. There are very few movies that I like that are from the 80s. Hmmph, great, now I want to watch Alien!' Maxi thinks in the middle of his workout, but as he does so, an idea pops into his mind. 'Wait a minute… Could I profit from this? I mean, I know a lot of movies that won't be developed in another 10-20 years alongside a lot of animes. Couldn't I use this to make some cash? Either making my own films, writing the screenplay, or even selling the idea to someone… Alright. Gringotts should allow me to do all of these things, or find people to do these things… Oh gods I can use Magic as Special Effects! Hell, I could use magic to make movies all by myself! Transfiguration to make the scenes, Charms for effects, and a few transfigured puppets and it would come out great! Perfect for doing the dangerous scenes that would normally require a stunt double, but in this case, I could just use a transfiguration puppet to play the scene!' And as his mind starts turning out new ideas on how to incorporate magic into film making he could only complain that he couldn't stop his workout routine to go and write these things down.

'Hah, it's times like these that I wish I could cast Mage Hands or Unseen Servant…' As he finishes the thought, as if to make fun of him, he feels his Wizardry Magic flow through his body before it leaves. Although wanting to stop his workout, he could only power through it as he splitted his focus.

And as he does so, he can feel a humanoid magical shape take form. His magic condensed, and as it did so, he felt a connection. He instantly recognized what spell he did, and he could only sigh at his god's damned magic. This would be the fourth time that this has happened.

Checking his System, he saw the spell there. Unseen Servant, and like a servant, was patiently waiting for his orders. Not wasting time, or thinking too much about it, he commanded it to grab a blank book in one of his dressers and write his ideas.

An hour passes, and by the end of it, he finished his workout. His servant had dispelled, as it only lasts for an hour, and grabbing the book that it was writing on he could only nod satisfied at its calligraphy and well-written notes. All of it was in elvish, something he does to prevent anyone from trying to read his books.

Elvish was an extremely complicated, elegant, and intricate language with very, very complicated grammar structures. Someone that isn't familiar with the language would be unable to even pronounce a single word correctly as Elvish is a fluid language with subtle intonations and as he said previously very complicated grammar.

Most of the kids, teens, and basically anyone he caught trying to read his notes always said it just looked like a bunch of scribbles. Or as one of the teens that was studying Arabic of all languages, commented it looked like a mix of all Balkan languages, germanic languages, Arabic languages, and a completely new alphabet. Of course, the moron couldn't read a single thing and walked out confused as he never saw a language like that anywhere before. He even jokingly commented it was an Alien language.

It made him extremely pleased that his language was indecipherable. Mostly due to it not having any relations or common things with the languages on Earth. And, well, it was indeed an ''alien language'' as it doesn't exist on Earth. Or well, he assumes it doesn't. After all, there are apparently elves in Harry Potter.

Even if he despises them and finds them to be extremely mislabelled. After all, House-Elves aren't Elves but ugly halflings or gnomes. He refuses to call them Elves or have anything to do with them. Of course, he won't mistreat the poor halflings, he might even try to restore them to be true Elves. Or make them less ugly.

After all, Elves are beings of beauty and grace! Not short ugly servants!

Stretching again, Maxi moved to his bathroom and took a quick bath. Afterward, he walked down to the kitchen with a book in hand. It was a simple herbology book that he picked to learn about plants.

Funnily enough, in his previous life, he wanted to study mushrooms. Mycology was the study of mushrooms and fungi if he remembers correctly. And learning about plants might help him with his druidic magic. That, or he'll just suddenly have his druidic magic dried out as it performs a random spell that he didn't know.

It became a rare thing to happen. Every time he experimented or had an idea, one of his sources of mana would react and cast a spell. For example, his Sorcerous Source had suddenly directed his magical blood into the tips of his finger, and with an instinctive snap of his fingers, a small flame appeared on them.

It was the first ''spell'' he managed to cast with his sorcerous magic. Though it wasn't really a spell, or cantrip and more like pure magical manifestation. It kind of reminded him of the Devil's Kiss or the Incinerate! Plasmid and Vigor. That day, he also discovered his veins became more obvious, and even softly glowed when he cast magic. Depending on the spell, it would glow the common color associated with that element.

For example, his fire fingers magic that he did, made his veins glow a soft crimson red.

He then spent a lot of days, and a few weeks, experimenting and casting spells. Most of them had obvious colors, like water spells being blue, wind spells being green, and earthen spells being goldish brown. Though a few types of magic had the same color.

Necrotic energy glowed the same green as the wind spells. Healing spells glowed the same goldish brown that earthen spells do, and ice and lightning-type spells glowed blue.

Though a type of magic that he didn't expect the color of, was that of Illusion magic. It glowed a purple color, and he assumed any Psychic spells might glow the same color. He remembers fondly the first time he managed to do an illusion spell, as he managed to cast a minor illusion.

It wasn't anything grand, as he only made the illusion of a cat. But it was who the cat was, that made him remember it fondly. It was his son, literally as he raised him, and was with him from the moment he was born. He was, he thinks, a lynx point Siamese cat. Or well, that was the breed that looked the most like him.

He loved him dearly with all his being. His name was Pequeno, for when he was still a little kitten he was, so, so preciously small. And although not smaller than any of his brothers or sisters, he was his favorite cat of all the others that his family-owned. Though he was a man-whore, as he allowed anyone to pet him.

He was envious of the people he spent time with. He's his son! He should spend all of his time with me!

It was a great surprise when he used to wake up with him curled between his legs. Or when he picked him to sleep with and actually stayed with him.

But then… He vanished.

He doesn't know what happened to him. His family always told him something different whenever he asked, saying he was run over, run away, or someone picked him up.

Just thinking about him, and remembering him made his eyes watery. And as such, when his illusion was that of his little baby boy, Pequeno, he might've teared up a bit. Both in nostalgia, and surprise.

After all, Minor Illusions only allowed objects to be created. Or so he thought.

He might've spent an entire week doing nothing more than practicing this single spell. Every time, he managed to create different things, though he noticed he couldn't create anything bigger than a 5-foot cube. The image couldn't create sound, light, smell, or any other sensory effect.

The sound creation was easy to understand. It allowed him to make any sound he could think of. To be truthful, he might've used this spell to prank the annoying kids in the orphanage by making them hear ghost sounds and footsteps. It was extremely amusing, as they spent an entire week extremely tired as they couldn't sleep well due to the constant nightmares.

Did he regret doing such a thing? No, he didn't. He actually enjoyed seeing them suffer.

A minor perk of being a sadist. And it is funny as fuck to see children suffer. Annoying brats, all of them if you asked him.

''Mornin, Maxi. Reading early again? Do you do anything else in the morning? I swear I haven't seen you do anything different no matter the day.'' A voice called out to him, and he could only sigh before he responded back in kind.

''It is called having a schedule. Not that you would know what that is. After all, you couldn't keep one even if it depended on your life, Rose.'' Maxi sarcastically said.

Rose only tsked in response before she moved toward the kitchen. With a small smile at his victory, he could only shake his head.

Rose is a 13-year-old girl that became an orphan a year ago. Ever since she arrived in the orphanage, she has been an absolutely insufferable brat. She was a spoiled kid and was constantly bickering with anyone that talked to her.

He became her ''target'' due to his weird hair, pointed ears, and him being the prettiest boy in the entire orphanage. Or so say the matron and the female workers in the orphanage. Though he doesn't really care about her.

She's as dumb as a pair of rocks, and has an extreme, ''I'll do it myself'' personality. He is unsure if that's the famous ''rebellious'' phase of being a teenager or whatever, but he sincerely does not care or bothers with her. After all, he only has to deal with her in the mornings and the evenings as they eat their breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

And rarely whenever they go to the park. Though she's more of a stay-at-home kid, and very rarely does he see her outside.

''Food's ready!'' The matron suddenly called from the kitchen.

Closing his book, and putting it inside his coat, he quickly grabbed a plate and utensils. Seeing what they would have for breakfast, made Maxi break out with a big smile as they were his favorite.

German Waffles.

They consisted of square waffles usually with whipped cream and berries on top. Sometimes it would be cherry cream, strawberries, or another sweet thing. The matron usually also gives them a few bowls filled with strawberries and blueberries to eat.

''Don't forget to eat your own meal, Maxi! I didn't make it so you can eat all the breakfast I made.'' The matron laughed as he saw him staring and he could only roll his eyes before he grabbed his special meal.

His special meal wasn't anything special.

His special breakfast was grilled chicken breast, eggs, and brown rice. A big cup of milk, and a bowl of nuts ranging from walnuts, cashews, and peanuts. All of which would give him enough proteins, calcium, and healthy fibers from eating all of it. Then all he needed to do was exercise, and he would develop nice and healthy muscles, and boost his testosterone so he'll grow taller and be less androgynous.

He can confidently say that his plan has worked, or, well, half of it is. He's grown a few inches ever since he started exercising, and choosing what he'll eat. But he still looks androgynous. No matter what he does, his face doesn't seem to move away from the ''feminine androgynous'' look to be completely ''neutral androgynous''. Though thankfully, he hasn't become more feminine.

'Hah, I should focus on my magic more instead of having to worry about my appearance. I mean, I could've ended up looking like Astolfo of all people! *Shivers*, I wouldn't be able to live if I had pink hair even if I was a High Eladrin' Maxi thought as he ate his breakfast.


It was the middle of the night. Maxi was in his bedroom, sitting on his bed meditating. Lately, he has felt he was close to making progress in his Occlumency. He's been trying to access his mind or inner mind, or whatever the appropriate term was, and he has had little success.

He is unsure of why that is the case, after all, his Trance should've helped him to access his inner mind much quicker and easier than any normal human.

But that was exactly the problem. He wasn't a complete High Eladrin, but a human that is slowly turning into a High Eladrin. It meant that his mind was, even if only minusculely, changing to be into that of a High Eladrin. But tonight, he felt his… inner self? His mind? He felt something reach a sense of balance, of connection, of completion.

And so, he sat on his bed. His eyes closed, emptying his mind, and his emotions, and disconnected from the outside world as he tried to access his inner mind. His progress was as slow as a snail, he felt as if he was navigating a raging storm. A storm so strong that it was as if it was a gigantic tornado, constantly surrounding his mind, buffeting it with the deadly sound of the wind howling, of it trying to tear his skin, his muscles, his bones, of his body.

But he sat at the eye of the storm. Cuts and bruises decorating his body, his mind, and his spirit. There was an emotion inside of him, a connection of four sources, and the line of insanity and sanity that he dwindled and played with. That line, constantly changing, constantly switching sides, yet not staying in the other for even a microsecond.

His sources were battling with themselves. Grand elementals of magic fighting against an army of undead, filled with organized warriors, archers, trebuchets, and catapults. A gargantuan fire dragon breathed fire against a sea of treants as they fought back as the earth itself launched projectiles into the air, only for it to bounce uselessly against the crimson scales of the gargantuan dragon. Yet in the middle of it all, they all fought against each other, trying to reach him as he was protected by the gigantic tornado. Trapped in the middle of it.

It was a blood bath. A blood bath to decide who would get to him, who would empower him, of who would help him.

A crack formed. His glazed eyes became clear as he processed what he just heard.

Help him? Help him? HELP HIM?!?

They are his! They are HIS MAGIC!

And so, with burning hatred, the gigantic tornado dissipated as it blew against the four forces. All of them were stunned by the attack, but instead of trying to reach the center of it, as they were trying before. They ran.

For a being of hatred, chaos, and ever-fluctuating emotions were freed. And as he was freed, the four sources could only buckle to the ground.

The massive army of undead kneeled to their new lord.

The gargantuan fire dragon was brought down from the sky, and it could only reluctantly bow to its new master.

The army of treants and the shifting earth beneath them kneeled willingly to their new lord.

But the elementals? They fought, they cast spells, curses, hexes, and jinxes. Only for it to have no effect as he looked at them with contempt.

''You are MY magic! Mine to use! Mine to Command! Mine to Control! Now kneel before your lord!!'' He shouted to the elementals, a voice so loud, so powerful, that they could only kneel shivering in fear.

And as the four sources kneeled to their new lord, everything was bathed in a white glow. A blinding light that blinded all that saw it, but as he opened his eyes he was stunned at what he saw.

A magnificent, gargantuan tree of white wood. Countless little stars, and small little orbs.

And as he touched one of those orbs floating around, he realized they were his memories. He realized.

He realized it!

This is his inner mind!

He succeeded!

A smile adorned his lips, as he admired the beauty of his mind. And to test the control of his mind palace, he called all of the orbs to his location. And as he saw multiple colored orbs start drifting toward him, he could only grin.

With a wave of his hand, from the ground rose a bunker. Walking into it, he imagined all kinds of magical protection, security features, and questions that only he could answer as he started building his inner mind fortress. Or in this case, his inner bunker.

Squadrons of undead, abominations, drakes, hydras, and Waffen-SS appeared as they patrolled his mind. Ready to fight, capture, or kill anyone that invades his mind. Cameras, wards, and even the rules inside were changed and added.

Gravity removed, your sense of direction, of dimensions. Senses were completely removed, dulled, or entirely new ones added. Corridors twisted as they swirled, changed directions, or simply weren't real.

And as he edit, added, and imagined his inner bunker a trail of orbs followed him to the depths. Hours, to maybe even days had passed as he perfected his defenses and expanded his bunker.

Adding warriors, defenders, and decoys, false memories, and as a final touch he imagined his brain and covered it with a thin ethereal psionic barrier as another layer of protection.

Satisfied with his current mind bunker, he could finally move on to the thing he wanted to do, and one of the reasons he was trying to learn Occlumency.

Organize his memories.

He did this by copying from a certain fanfic he remembers reading.

Conjuring a vacuum cleaner, he sucked all the memory orbs before he created a USB port in the vacuum cleaner. Creating a USB to house the memories, he quickly added a few imaginary wards, spells, and a few codes into it before he moved all of his memories to the inside of it.

Conjuring a state-of-the-art computer, he quickly put the USB and then spent a few grueling hours organizing his memories into various folders. He titled all of them as accurately as he could, and all of them had a minimum of 10 folders inside of the folders as he archived everything, and anything in his memories and organized them. And as he finished doing so, he felt he could finally leave as he couldn't think of anything else to add, or do in his mind bunker.

Exiting his inner world, he could only lethargically notice the first rays of sunlight peeking through his window before he completely blacked out.

He would only awake hours after, with a splitting headache but satisfied with his new almost photographic memory.

1986, December 2nd.

Maxi woke up with a splitting headache. An extremely painful one, to the point he couldn't think straight. Slowly rising from his bed, massaging his temples all the while, he could only vaguely remember why he suddenly has a headache.

And that's when he completely, and perfectly remembers what happened. He winces at the vivid memory, but flexing his new control over his mind, it became less vivid and bearable.

With a wry smile, he let out a satisfied sigh.

'I did it.' He thought before he started giggling at his success.

'It took me six years and twelve months. But I can finally lay rest to the worry of someone fucking with my mind… Or… Well, to not worry about having it mind-raped without my knowledge. At least now I can possibly counterattack any Legilimens, or at least show them fake memories.' With a small grunt of effort, he gets up from bed and starts his daily routine.

A few hours pass as he completes his daily routine, before he decides to see how much progress he has made into turning into a High Eladrin.

'Essence.' With a simple thought of his system, it appeared and as he analyzed it he was surprised at the changes.


[ Name: Maxi Heikecrux Siegmund ]

Race: Human ( 36.2% High Eladrin )

Age: 6 Years Old. Soul Age: 24 (Teenager)

Character Template: Venti (Genshin Impact) ( 67% Assimilated )

Traits: Fey Ancestry, Fey Step, Eladrin Seasons, Darkvision, Parseltongue, Keen Senses, Trance, Ambidextrous, Polyglot

Skills: Swordsmanship, Bowsmanship.

(HP Magic) Witcher Spells: Lumos, Accio, Alohomora

Occlumency Level: 1

Legilimens: -0

Druid Cantrips & Spells



Mold Earth

Shape Water

1st Lvl Spells:

Animal Friendship

Speak with Animals

Good Berry

Purify Food & Drink

Sorceror Cantrips & Spells


Fire Bolt

Control Flames

Green-Flame Blade

Minor Illusion

1st Lvl Spells:

Absorb Elements

Burning Hands

Magic Missile

Disguise Self

Wizard Cantrips & Spells


Chill Touch


Toll the Dead


1st Lvl Spells:

Detect Magic

False Life

Cause Fear



Protection from Evil and Good

Unseen Servant


Besides a large number of spells, of which only Unseen Servant was new, Maxi was shocked at the level of progress he made.

For six years, it had only slowly increased by small percentages. Micro, really. So this sudden boost from the previous 1.8% to 36.2% was alarming. Alarmingly so, for he is unsure of how this will affect him. It speeding it up, is beneficial, but also detrimental.

If this happened when he entered the wizarding world he could simply explain it to be a crazy side effect of a potion, or spell. But if he turns into a High Eladrin while still being in the muggle world… It could result in… Unpleasant things.

Maxi can already picture how it would turn out if he was discovered to be non-human. Different from those delusional fools that think that the government would be nice to him, and allow him to live his life, he doesn't doubt he would be kidnapped and experimented upon to learn anything and everything about him. Though, to be completely honest, Maxi doubts any Muggle, or even Wizard could deal with a High Eladrin.

He could already feel the changes, most of which he assumes to be the common troupe of elves. Flexibility, agility, dexterity, and a variety of other words to describe how fast, and nimble elves naturally are. Though he feels… More powerful instead of flexible. Don't get him wrong, he feels his eyesight suddenly improved to be thrice better than any Muggle, or Wizard. Flexible like rubber. And he could feel the sheer agility in his fingers, and the absurd reflexes. But he also feels his muscles hardening, compressing, and becoming more efficient.

Funnily enough, he can only picture an Eldar from Warhammer 40K as he feels these changes occurring. An Eldar was in every way, shape, or form, superior to a human. Be it in strength, agility, constitution, or intelligence. Everything.

In simple terms, he felt he became slightly superhuman. Or above humans. Beyond Peak Human, but not truly Super.

Which granted him a sense of superiority, and safety. After all, he doesn't doubt he could outrun any human, or escape from them. After all, magic is a very hard thing to deal with. Especially when you could step into the feywild to escape.

Fey Step allowed him to teleport short distances by traveling temporarily into the Feywild.

Of which he doubts there could be anything that could prevent him from escaping if he ever found himself captured by anyone. That's also not taking into account all the spells & cantrips he knows. Most of them probably have no counter to it as they work on completely different magic than any spells in the Harry Potter franchise. Though, he is unsure if his theory is true.

He is somewhat sure that most of his spells could easily kill any Wizard or Witch. Even if they protect themselves, his spells have shown to be stronger than any spell he remembered seeing in the movies. He doesn't think a Protego charm could tank a first-level spell. Though, this is all theoretical. After all, he doesn't have anything to experiment with to determine the strength of his spells, nor does he even know how the charm works.

Who knows, maybe all of his spells are weak compared to any Harry Potter spell. But he'll only learn if his theory is true when he turns eleven. Something far away for now.

'I hate that I have to wait to turn eleven. But I have no clue if I could get any magic books early on. Especially since I have no money or even a way into the Wizarding World… Wait… Maybe… I could use a House-Elf. But how do I get one? Maybe if I copy what that character did in that fanfic, it could work?' Maxi thinks before he shakes his head. 'No. I'll leave this for another time. I'll check my body first, then think about how to get access to the Wizarding World. Though considering I am in Germany, I won't be able to access any of the shops shown in the movies. After all, it was all set in Britain, and not in Germany. I just hope Gringotts is international, and not only a British bank.' Maxi thinks as he moves towards his bathroom.

Getting into his bathroom, closing and locking the door, he stares at himself in the mirror and he is once again shocked before he curses loudly at his changes.

His ears became obviously longer and pointier. Exactly like those of an elf. Though this time, he can't simply say it's a weird quirk of his as it is too unnatural to be a birth defect. Or something along those lines.

His face and whole body gained a faint ethereal beauty. Something all elves are famous for, but for him, it only annoyed him as he is now sure he can't get rid of his ''androgynous feminine'' looks. His entire well-developed body, or well, as developed a six-year-old could be, became thinner and slender. If before you could tell he had developing muscles, he now looks as if he hasn't exercised in his entire life. Thankfully, he didn't develop a belly, but he could tell he now looked like a thin soft boy instead of a sturdy young lad.

Though the biggest changes are his hair and skin color.

He was quite pale, but now his skin took a slight unnatural blue hue. His hair became a shade lighter than black, a silver gray. It only missed glitter in it and it would add to the whole ethereal beauty he now has.

Though another thing he noticed is that he gained a few inches. And looking at his eyes, they shifted into a strong, almost glowing, purple color.

'That's it. I can't live with Muggles anymore. I am clearly inhuman, and I doubt I could come up with some fake story or explanation to explain my changes… *Sigh*, I'll have to get to the Wizarding World. Now, what did he say again?' Maxi loudly sighs before shaking his head.

''If there are any house-elves that haven't bonded with a family yet. I am interested in becoming your master!'' He said out loud, and after waiting for a couple of moments for any kind of response he surprisingly got one back.


''M-Maja is willing to serve a M-M-Master!''
